[Po4a-devel][asgeirf@redhat.com: [Translation-i18n] ANNOUNCE: XLIFF Tools project]

Martin Quinson martin.quinson@imag.fr
Fri, 4 Feb 2005 15:44:22 +0100

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----- Forwarded message from Asgeir Frimannsson <asgeirf@redhat.com> -----

=46rom: Asgeir Frimannsson <asgeirf@redhat.com>
User-Agent: KMail/1.7.1
To: xdg@freedesktop.org, fedora-trans-list@redhat.com, kde-i18n-doc@kde.org,
	gnome-i18n@gnome.org, translation-i18n@lists.sourceforge.net,
	kbabel@kde.org, gtranslator-list@gnome.org,
Subject: [Translation-i18n] ANNOUNCE: XLIFF Tools project
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 07:40:59 +1000

Announcing Freedesktop.org's XLIFF Tools Project.

XLIFF (XML Localisation Interchange File Format) [1] is an open XML standar=
for exchange of localisable data. XLIFF has many features that other=20
localisation formats (such as Gettext PO) is lacking, including support for=
binary data formats, workflow support and inclusion of translation=20
suggestions from e.g. TMX [2] based translation memories.=20

The XLIFF Tools project aims to implement support for XLIFF in open source=
localisation workflows. Specifically, this project aims to:
 - Develop XLIFF filters for common open source file formats (e.g.
Gettext PO, Docbook, .desktop files, Glade/Qt UI dialogs)
 - Implement and improve XLIFF support in open source localisation tools
 - Implement tools to support XLIFF-based localisation in open source
development processes.

The first phase of this project will be focusing on the Gettext PO file=20
format. As a first step, guidelines will be defined on how to represent PO =
XLIFF. This guide will be submitted to the XLIFF Technical Committee for=20
review and possible inclusion as the XLIFF 1.1 PO File Representation Guide=

The first set of tools being developed are filters to convert between PO an=
XLIFF, based on the XLIFF PO representation guide:=20
 - po2xliff: Convert a PO file to XLIFF
 - xliff2po: Convert a XLIFF file back to PO
 - xliffinit: Initialize a XLIFF file for a specific locale
 - xliffmerge: Merge translated XLIFF file with newly created XLIFF templat=
(similar to msgmerge for PO)

For more information and to get involved, visit the project web-site=20
[http://xliff-tools.freedesktop.org] and subscribe to the mailing list=20

[1] http://www.xliff.org/
[2] http://www.lisa.org/tmx/
[3] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200410/msg00009.html

Asgeir Frimannsson <asgeirf@redhat.com>

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