[Po4a-devel]Release, and other considerations

Nicolas François nicolas.francois@centraliens.net
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 00:06:12 +0100


Here is a status update of the TeX related modules.

On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 10:00:47PM +0100, Nicolas François wrote:
> Short version: some small things to commit, I can probably be ready in =
> or two weeks.

I still think it's feasible for the end of this week-end.

> Long version:
> Here is what is mostly lacking to TeX* modules:
>   - Documentation
>     (I'm probably the only one who can use them)
>     I may manage to add a minimal documentation and propose support on =
>     list
>     => This should not stop/delay a release

I've documented some parts. More documentation is probably needed, but it
should be sufficient for stating working with the LaTeX module.

>   - tabular environment
>     It may change users PO in later versions.
>     I've failed my first try. It may require a design change of the
>     parser. => This should not stop/delay a release (but may change
>     its releasable state;)

Not done, won't be done in a short period of time.

>   - Tests
>     A release could provide these tests. => This should not stop/dela=
y a
>     relese
>   - Known bug, not fixed, which may require a design change:
>     % in verbatim environment are handled as comments
>     (this is triggered by Python)
>     => This should not stop/delay a release (it could be documented)

It was more nasty than expected. I decided to fix it now.
I will commit tomorrow.

Another big patch will be committed: I'm using generic commands for most
of the LaTeX module commands. Since I'm using it since 2 week without
problem, I think it is OK.

> I may have done an error by committing the PythonDoc module: it is
> probably a pure LaTeX module (this only permits to avoid some "% po4a:"
> lines)

Yes, this module should not be released (I'm thinking about removing it).

> There is another design issue: I assumed that commands are always follo=
> by optional arguments and then by mandatory arguments. This is wrong: s=
> are followed by arguments between parenthesis (e.g. dashbox); some have
> optional arguments preceded by mandatory arguments (e.g. newcommand,
> savebox). I have an idea on how to fix this, but this will change the w=
> user provide "generic" commands (this should not produce any PO diff).

Maybe this will be for 0.21

Others points related to the release:
  - The french translation need to be updated
    (I nobody has time to do this, maybe we can plan a 0.20.1)
  - Jordi raised an issue with the man module
  - taking translations from Rosetta

I still believe the TeX and LaTeX could be released with 0.20, but would
like another opinion (there's probably more bugs than in the NewsDebian or
Xml modules).

By the way, if you have any pointer to another book written in LaTeX, I'm

Kind Regards,