[Po4a-devel]Re: [Po4a-commits] po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a TeX.pm,1.5,1.6

Nicolas François nicolas.francois@centraliens.net
Sun, 9 Jan 2005 20:59:26 +0100


On Sat, Jan 08, 2005 at 10:10:51PM +0100, Martin Quinson wrote:
> Waa, that's impressive! What are your plan for the future? Did you reach a
> releasable state, or do you what to improve furter your code? We're on your
> order on this one ;) Could you please update the changelog?

Thanks for all your compliments.

I don't think the TeX module is releasable now. I would first like to test
it (translate one chapter of the book, do a gettextization with an old
translation of a Python Documentation section). I would also like to
release a LaTeX module, which should include some default customization
(include common commands in the right categories, add a tabular
environment, ...)

Here is a TODO list:
  * tabular environment (has to be done in LaTeX)
  * more "% po4a :" capabilities (e.g. a method for 
  * parsing '% po4a :' lines in the tex file (in parse)
  * a category for the commands that can be translated separately when
    they are at the beginning or end of a buffer
Known issues:
  * all FIXME in the source
  * empty lines in a command argument
  * handling of '\ ' (it works, but is not done correctly)
    BTW, thank to Juan Rafael for his answer on this subject
  * an issue with the TOC of Nicolas' book (this is probably a minor issue)

I've got a LaTeX module locally. I need to clean it (remove all commands
peculiar to Nicolas' book, and add "% po4a: " lines instead).

Then, the tabular environment, and the last TODO point may be needed (they
both introduce important change in the PO file). After this, the POs
should be stable enough and the TeX module would probably be releasable
(if it was usable during tests).
