[Po4a-devel] Re: po4a et BibTeX

Nicolas François nicolas.francois at centraliens.net
Wed Aug 30 20:11:47 UTC 2006

Hello Jean-Yves,

Moving the discussion to the po4a mailing list, so that I can announce the
new BibTeX module.

On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 11:39:58PM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:
> j'ai fais chier le mainteneur actuel de po4a, et il l'a fait. Y'a un proto
> dans le CVS du projet, et le mieux serait que tu passes nous voir un soir
> sur le canal #po4a du serveur irc.oftc.net. Nicolas (nekral) n'est pas tres
> dispo de jour car il bosse, mais les soirs, c'est différent.
> Comme ca, on pourra discuter de ce qui existe déjà, et de ce que tu
> souhaites vraiment avoir.

The module basically works (attached, the PO and the generated file when
the PO is not translated, for a bibliography given by Martin:

First there are some questions about the validity of the module.

*  Something like:
   | title = {foo bar ... baz},

   Could generate:
   | title = {foo bar ...
   | ... baz},

   Is it still valid, or should I ensure that it stay in one line?

*  Same question for:
   | title = "foo bar ... baz",
   | title = foo bar ... baz,

*  What does:
   | month = {3-8} # apr,
   means? Is it a comment?
   Is it the same for the next line?
   | month = apr # "4",

There is also some possible future improvements:
* Mark some fields as not translatable (e.g. the 'key' field, 'page' in
  some languages, 'ISBN' and 'ISSN', etc.)
* Add an input or output character translation table (e.g. to avoid stuff
  like {\'e} in the PO's msgid, or to allow users to use accentuated
  characters in the PO's msgstr while still generating escaped chars

Kind Regards,
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