[Po4a-devel] Preparation of the next po4a 0.31 release

Nicolas François nicolas.francois at centraliens.net
Fri Apr 27 22:43:12 UTC 2007


I intend to release po4a next weekend (6th of May).

I don't expect any string change until then.
If you need more time to update the translations, just let me know. I can
change the date, or plan a dot-release afterwards.

Here are the current status of the translations:

Translations of the binaries:
af:    22t 11f 126u
ar:     1t     158u
ca:   147t  5f   7u
cs:    11t 15f 133u
de:    51t 21f  87u
eo:    24t  2f 133u
es:   147t  5f   7u
eu:    11t  2f 146u
fr:   151t  1f   7u
he:     3t  1f 155u
it:   137t 13f   9u
ku:     4t  1f 154u
nb:    51t 17f  91u
nl:    12t  2f 145u
pl:   155t       4u
pt_BR: 20t  6f 133u
pt:    10t  2f 147u
ru:   147t  5f   7u
sl:     6t  8f 145u
sv:   134t  8f  17u
uk:     4t  6f 149u

You can find the PO files in:

Translations of the man pages:
ca:  844t 95f 182u
es:  844t 95f 182u
fr: 1103t  3f  15u
it:  293t 88f 740u
pl: 1105t  2f  14u

You can find the PO files in:

The major changes for this release are:

** Dependencies

  po4a-updatepo: msgmerge is called with the --previous switch.
                 Hence, po4a depends on gettext 0.16.
                 You can remove this switch in po4a and po4a-updatepo if
                 this version is not available on your system.

** Bug fixes

  general: Don't hang when running in background with redirected stdout.
           Thanks to Jim Meyering.

** New features

  general: po4a now uses timestamps to avoid re-generating a translation
           if no changes are expected: if a translation is more recent
           than its associated PO, master document, addenda or
           configuration file, then there is no need to update it. For the
           documents which do not pass the translation threshold, a
           --stamp option was added to tell po4a to create files with a
           .po4a-stamp extension (you can also create them manually).
           This can save a lot of time when po4a knows that the
           translation will not be generated because there were no changes
           since the last po4a run.

  general: Beginning of a C extension. This provides speedup. Testers are

  po4a: New options: --msgid-bugs-address and --copyright-holder.

  po4a: Add new tag: [options] to set global options (i.e. for every
        documents in the configuration file).

  po4a: Update translations based on modification times. Use timestamp to
        avoid retrying generate uncompleted translations.

  man: New 'unknown_macros' option to specify the behavior of po4a with
       unknown groff macros.

  man: Reset the configuration between two runs. This permits to define
       different options for different files in a config file with the
       opt:"..." parameters.

Kind Regards,

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