[Po4a-devel] Forcing a string to be translated

josx josx at interorganic.com.ar
Tue Jul 29 13:27:14 UTC 2008

El Friday 25 July 2008 19:51:55 Nicolas François escribió:
> Hi,
> You can either add
>  -o inline="<img>"
> or
>  --o attributes "<img>src"
> options.
> The first will cause images to appear inline in text paragraph (and the
> image's source will be translated as part of the paragraph).
> In the second case, image are (this is also the default behavior)
> considered as a block separator, but the src attribute of the img tags
> will be extracted and translator will have to translate them (then they
> can choose to image.jpg to image-fr.jpg).
> Depending on the file, using the first or the second will give a better
> result.
> Best Regards,

Thanks a lot
I will use the second  option.

Di Biase José Luis
Blog --> [http://www.joseluisdibiase.com.ar]
"viaja hasta tu ideal, sembra tu flor, labra tu libertad, rega tu voz
cerra tus ojos que sobra lugar en idilia para los dos"

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