[Po4a-devel] XML: prevent some attributes from being translated

Nicolas François nicolas.francois at centraliens.net
Wed Feb 25 00:05:55 UTC 2009


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 03:19:59PM +0100, poy at 123gen.com wrote:
>> To hide attributes of tags, but keeping the tag's content inline, another
>> option could be added.
>> It could change <tag attributes=...> to <tag id=#>.
>> This could be used to avoid typos to be introduced in attributes if they
>> are known to be untranslatable, and to reduce the amount of data that need
>> to be translated.
> yes this sounds great. i don't really care if <a>s are changed into 
> <link>s or not; it actually makes more sense to just keep them as <a>s.

Let's talk about the user interface now.

What the option should look like?

It seems to me that this would be useful for inline tags only.

I would propose to use another modifier before the tag. For example:

(A for "no attributes")


(f for foldable)

You seems to also want an option to specify that all attributes of inline
tags should be folded.

I propose to add an 'a' or 'A' (or 'f' or 'F') to defaulttranslateoption

Do you have other ideas?

Best Regards,

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