[Po4a-devel] [po4a-Bugs][314919] Fix a couple of bugs in asciidoc module

po4a-bugs at alioth.debian.org po4a-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Mon Mar 27 15:56:18 UTC 2017

po4a-Bugs item #314919 was changed at 27/03/2017 17:56 by Martin Quinson
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Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Alexander Golubev (fat-zer-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Fix a couple of bugs in asciidoc module 
Category: None
Group: None
>Resolution: Fixed

Initial Comment:
Here is a fix of couple of bugs: 

The first one was recently mentioned on the mail list: https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/po4a-devel/2015-January/002287.html
And Can be triggered by the last part of the test in the patch
Block image macro without alt text: 

The second one is about missing translations for image Alt text in statements like next: 
image::foo.png["Block image with external title"]

The rest part of the test-case just ensures that the patch doesn't break neighboring stuff like asciidoc's styles.


>Comment By: Martin Quinson (mquinson)
Date: 27/03/2017 17:56

This is fixed in f90ae3b68a89bae2f76627beb4b5cad204703678. Thanks for the patch, and sorry for the delay.


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