[Po4a-devel] Alioth is closing, po4a needs a new home very soon

Martin Quinson martin.quinson at ens-rennes.fr
Thu Feb 8 21:06:28 UTC 2018

On Thu, Feb 08, 2018 at 09:17:06AM +0100, Marco Ciampa wrote:
> I _want_ to help, (in my _very_ limited capabilities, please be patience)
> so please add me to whatever list of things to do and to assign you are
> compiling...
> You already fixed something ... now the Italian translation of the site
> is shown correctly (and I do no know why)!

If you are looking for something to translate, you should fetch the po
file of https://github.com/mquinson/po4a-website update it, and return
it either as a PR or directly per private email to me.

If you are looking for something to code in Perl, some of the bugs are
probably easier to fix (#65, #72 or #73 maybe). I seem to remember
that #17 requires shell programming instead of Perl.

#7 needs some example files on which we could test the listed feature.

You could also go to the translation groups (eg, debian-l10n-it if
that's their name) and see if you could help them to fully use po4a.
I've no idea of how they handle translations, but maybe they would use
someone with some po4a know-how to write the config files and
everything. Also, you could try to convince them to take benefit of
weblate or some other similar infrastructure.

Finally, do not hesitate to report all issue that you could see as an
issue on GitHub. Bug reports are really really really helpful. You
will see issues that we don't see, and you need to tell us. Even a
typo or a borken link on the webpage should be reported.

If you know how to program in python, you could try to come up with a
prototype of po4a reimplementation. I'm getting the feeling that Perl
is not the right choice anymore. But the prototype may be difficult
because we use the regular expressions so much. Scala would probably
be easier, but I would not say that Scala is a much wiser choice here.
I dunno what Scala will become in the next decade (which may be the
last decade for Perl).

Bye, Mt.

Il n'y a pas de recherche appliquée, mais des applications de la recherche.
  -- Louis Pasteur
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