No subject

Fri Feb 29 13:31:58 UTC 2008

aren't correct for your machine. The names of the mixer elements are
different for each machine, and sometimes they change between two
kernel versions :(

Look at what mixer elements you do have with alsamixergui for
instance, and change the values for volume, speakers and headphones in
the audio section of pommed.conf.

Theory of operation is as follows:
 - headphones and speakers are only used to mute sound
 - volume is only used to alter the sound volume

This means you can set speakers and headphones to whatever level you
like in the mixer and pommed won't touch that. Instead, by adjusting
the volume element (usually called Master or PCM) it adjusts, at the
same time, the volume for both headphones and speakers AND the volume
is altered on both elements in a similar way.

As the volume setting on speakers and headphones can vary a bit
(usually lower on headphones, obviously), it's really better as a 10%
increase in volume will actually feel like a 10% increase on both
elements. You won't have to adjust the volume when switching from
speakers to headphones and your ears won't explode because you forgot
to lower the volume before plugging the headphones :)

> how can i get things more verbose to find out problems?

pommed -d will show you some more messages. If you only want the
startup messages, be ready to hit Ctrl + C because it'll start
scrolling fast once pommed is running :)

Also, for the MBA, be sure to have pommed 1.16.


Julien BLACHE                                   <> 
<jb at>                                  GPG KeyID 0xF5D65169

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