[Pommed-devel] Support for Macbook 5,2

Julien BLACHE jb at jblache.org
Sun May 10 11:24:31 UTC 2009

Alejandro Valenzuela Roca <rocaa at student.chalmers.se> wrote:


> Hello, I wrote in the pommed alioth wishlist about support for Macbook 5,2:
> https://alioth.debian.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=311645&group_id=31066&atid=412714

Ah, once again I did not get a mail from the tracker.

> Is there anything else I might try/contribute to get it working?

No, it looks like you've done everything that needed to be done. The
LCD backlight not working can be caused by the last nVidia drivers if
you have them installed. It's been reported already, but I haven't
heard of a solution for that yet.

What variation of the MacBook is this? Is it the white MacBook or the
MacBook with the keyboard backlight, or just the new regular Aluminium


Julien BLACHE                                   <http://www.jblache.org> 
<jb at jblache.org>                                  GPG KeyID 0xF5D65169

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