[Popcon-commits] cvs commit to popularity-contest by pere

pere at cvs.alioth.debian.org pere at cvs.alioth.debian.org
Thu Aug 4 08:58:23 UTC 2005

Update of /cvsroot/popcon/popularity-contest
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv15680

Modified Files:
Log Message:
   [Petter Reinholdtsen]
   * Add variable mirrorbase to popanal.py, to make it easier to set up
     a new server.
   * Remove listing email as the transport method in the package
     description, and make the description independend of the method
     used.  This reflect the new HTTP transport support.
   * Update the FAQ to better reflect the support for HTTP submissions.

Index: FAQ
RCS file: /cvsroot/popcon/popularity-contest/FAQ,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- FAQ	3 Jul 2005 10:41:06 -0000	1.9
+++ FAQ	4 Aug 2005 08:58:21 -0000	1.10
@@ -12,15 +12,16 @@
 Q) What are the privacy consideration for popularity-contest ?
 A) Each popularity-contest host is identified by a random 128bit uuid
-   (MY_HOSTID in /etc/popularity-contest.conf). This uuid is used to track
-   submission issued by the same host. It should be kept secret.  The reports
-   are sent by email to the popcon server.  The server automatically extract
-   the report from the email and store it in a database for a maximum of 20
-   days or until the host send a new report. This database is readable only by
-   Debian Developers.  The emails are readable only by the server admins.
+   (MY_HOSTID in /etc/popularity-contest.conf). This uuid is used to
+   track submission issued by the same host. It should be kept secret.
+   The reports are sent by email or HTTP to the popcon server.  The
+   server automatically extract the report from the email or HTTP and
+   store it in a database for a maximum of 20 days or until the host
+   send a new report. This database is readable only by Debian
+   Developers.  The emails are readable only by the server admins.
    Every day, the server compute a summary and post it on
-   <http://popcon.debian.org/all-popcon-results.txt.gz>. This summary is a
-   merge of all the submissions and does not include uuids.
+   <http://popcon.debian.org/all-popcon-results.txt.gz>. This summary
+   is a merge of all the submissions and does not include uuids.
    Known weakness of the system:
@@ -40,13 +41,15 @@
 Q) My submissions bounce with 
    550 [PERMFAIL] popcon.debian.org requires valid sender domain.
-A) popularity-contest send the report as root but the email address of the root
-   user was not configured properly. With exim, you can add an entry for root
-   in /etc/email-addresses with a suitable address.
+A) when submitting using email, popularity-contest send the report as
+   root but the email address of the root user was not configured
+   properly.  With exim, you can add an entry for root in
+   /etc/email-addresses with a suitable address.
-   A better fix would be to change popcon.debian.org to not reject emails with
-   invalid sender domain in the first place, but it is out of our reach for the
-   time being.
+   A better fix would be to change popcon.debian.org to not reject
+   emails with invalid sender domain in the first place, but it is out
+   of our reach for the time being.  A third possibility is to enable
+   HTTP submissions to bypass the restrictions of email.
 Q) /usr is mounted with 'noatime'.
@@ -79,7 +82,9 @@
 Q) My system are unable to send email out to the Internet.  How can I
-An alternative is to use the new experimental http submission support.
-This can be enabled using this command:
+Since version 1.30 of popularity-contest, it is possible to use HTTP
+as the transport protocol.  This is the default for new installations,
+but need to be manually enabled for old installations.  To enable it,
+run this commmand as root:
   dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest

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