[Popcon-developers] Re: Ubuntu popularity contest package?

LaMont Jones lamont@ubuntu.com
Mon, 7 Mar 2005 16:06:00 -0700

I was the most recent uploader of the package, yes, but I haven't really
had that much to do with it.  Thom May (cc'ed) was the one who wrote the
http submission patch.

I have filed bug #7288 in Ubuntu's bugzilla
(https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=7288), and Thom tells me
that he'll be working on cleaning up the debian.org homepage references.

To answer your immediate questions:
1) popcon.ubuntu.com is the correct site, but it currently has issues.
   Thom hopes to correct those this week sometime, AFAIK.

2) Since ubuntu never asks whether to turn on popcon during the install,
   and doesn't default to participating (due to privacy issues), there
   are extremely few hosts actually participating.
