[Popcon-developers] The number of etch installations is rocketing...

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Fri May 18 23:16:58 UTC 2007

[Alexander Schmehl]
> Cool... And not long ago we had the 30 000 IIRC?  Maybe we should
> prepare an announcement for -news when 50'000 is reached?  When
> could we expect that to happen?

[Petter Reinholdtsen]
> It will happen this week, I believe.  We are now at 49525 and
> increases by about 100 a day.  Do you want to prepare an announcement?

Sending again, as the address used was wrong the first time.  Now the
debian popcon is at 49965, and I expect it to reach 50000 tomorrow.

Petter Reinholdtsen

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