[Popcon-developers] move of popcon.d.o to a new machine

Martin Zobel-Helas zobel at debian.org
Sun Jun 7 22:14:44 UTC 2009


as gluck.debian.org needs to move out of the HP labs in Fort Collins, we
want to move all it's services first to new debian.org machines.

The machine where it will move to is senfl.debian.org, located at MIT.
Could on of you please coordinate with DSA to move this service to the
new host. We surely can do that without you, but we can't assure you
that the service is running properly afterwards, as we don't know it as
good as you do.

Just keep debian-admin@ in Cc, so all DSA poeple stay in the loop.

 Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel at debian.org>  | Debian System Administrator
 Debian & GNU/Linux Developer           |           Debian Listmaster
 Public key http://zobel.ftbfs.de/5d64f870.asc   -   KeyID: 5D64 F870
 GPG Fingerprint:  5DB3 1301 375A A50F 07E7  302F 493E FB8E 5D64 F870

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