[Popcon-developers] Bug#414865: popularity-contest: A script to filter requested/recommended/suggested packages

Christophe Lohr Christophe.Lohr at telecom-bretagne.eu
Fri May 8 13:38:51 UTC 2009


Bill Allombert a écrit :
> 2) you do not remove dependency from other OLD packages recursively.
This third version accepts a list of packets to exclude (option -e).
These packets are considered as not installed on the system (ignore
dependency clamed by these packets, and remove them from the list of
<old> packets).
It allows us to simulate the fact that these packets are removed by the
The idea is to be called recursively, but in an interactive way (with
the administrator) by a higher level tool (to develop), just like
orphaner recursively calls deborphan.

I hope this proposal goes in the right directions (?).

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