[Popcon-developers] Bug#414865: popularity-contest: A script to filter requested/recommended/suggested packages

Christophe Lohr Christophe.Lohr at telecom-bretagne.eu
Wed May 13 08:10:17 UTC 2009

Carsten Hey a écrit :
> As said in my other mail, I also think that this should be done this
> way.  If you are not interested in writing a wrapper after I implemented
> the necessary parts in deborphan I could also implement everything
> needed in deborphan and orphaner, which would make this wrapper
> needlessly.  I would be happy with both options.
  Please find in attachment a first draft of such a wrapper.
Is it what you mean?

> Do you agree to publish the parts of your fork of orphaner where you are the
> copyright holder under the conditions of the above-mentioned MIT license?
Sure, no problem. I agree.

> To show the size of all installed packages you could use debsize[1],
> which requires dctrl-tools to be installed.  If this does not match the
> disk usage on your system using du -s * | sort -n recursively might help
> to find old cruft.
I think it's not necessary to retrive the exact disk usage on the system.
Sorting by "Installed-Size" is enough: it helps administrator to
prioritize packets to remove first.

Maybe popularit-contest has statistics on the average profile of a
system (mean number of installed packages, percentage of <OLD> packets,
percentage of non-purged packets, etc.)
I have no idea about the state a mean system, but I see what is on my own.
On my system, popcon-largest-unused reports 967 <OLD> packets!
According to my script popcon-nodependency, 475 of them are orphaned...
That's why I think it is interesting to provide some help to prioritize
packets to consider first... ;-)

orphaner sorts packets by name. It is interesting to quickly find a
packet which we know the name.
However I wonder if orphan could not provide advanced features (in a
sub-menu) such as: search a packet in the list, select all to on, select
all to off, reverse the selection, etc. But it will become very
complicated! ;-)


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