[py3porters-devel] [Needs Audit] Debian Infra Depends

Paul Tagliamonte paultag at opensource.org
Fri Apr 17 17:55:25 UTC 2015

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 10:41:09AM -0400, Paul Tagliamonte wrote:
> Heyya!
> So, here's a massive list of all the d.o services maintained by the DSA
> - it lists the Depends for a bunch of services. We should go through to
>   find what python-* modules are unported and start hacking away :)
> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/mirror/debian.org.git/tree/debian/control
> I'm back at work, but I can try to start working out scripts to generate
> the tree tonight :)

I had one quick second to hack something up:

    https://pault.ag/stuff/porter.py  <-- made with

If someone minds turning that into a CSV sheet too, that'd be legit,
along with any Python 2 modules that are depended on. 

This will show all dependencies for each metapackage in JSON, in a
format we can roughly read. We should get all the unique python-*
packages we need, along with (perhaps) a count, and if there's a Py3k

Anything unported would be a great starting place!

Beware, I forgot to make a top level directory. Unpack this in a new
directory. Sorry :)


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