[py3porters-devel] [Piuparts-devel] [Needs Port] piuparts.debian.org

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Sun Apr 19 12:54:47 UTC 2015


On Sonntag, 19. April 2015, Bernhard Janetzki wrote:
> Do i need to create a patchfile and send it to the list or should i send
> specific commits you can merge? Thank you for guiding me, the dev process
> here is new to me :)

In a way the answer is "whatever you + me prefer". Sending patches is fine, 
but as I think you'll send more than one patch, I suggest you provide patches 
via git branches.

So do:

git branch -d develop # to delete your current develop branch
git checkout origin/develop # "origin" here is the main repo on alioth
git branch bernhard/tox
git checkout bernhard/tox
git commit -m "some useful msg"
git push $your_git_repo bernhard/tox # push the branch to your repo

then tell me.

Either I will then merge/cherry-pick your changes or ask you to rework it a 

To update your branch against develop (after there were changes there...):

git fetch origin # again, assuming this is the alioth repo
git rebase origin/master # to rebase your commits agaist those changes
git push $your_git_repo bernhard/tox # push the branch to your repo

Actually the really important thing is to create isolated patches I can 

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