[py3porters-devel] [Piuparts-devel] [Needs Port] piuparts.debian.org

Johannes ichhabekeineemail at gmx.net
Sun Apr 19 15:10:43 UTC 2015

Is there any place where it's coordinated who is working on which 
project? Maybe a Wiki or better some kind like a company on github?


On 19.04.2015 14:42, Bernhard Janetzki wrote:
>> On 19 Apr 2015, at 14:30, Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org> wrote:
>> With tox you can test agains multiple python versions. You define the
>>> versions you want to test agains in a file called “tox.ini". Instead of
>>> calling “nosetests" you call the command “tox” which, in our case, calls
>>> nosetests with py34 and py27.
>> cool! Looking forward to the patch :)
>>> https://github.com/ierror/piuparts/blob/develop/tox.ini
>> because I only see aa6e5865 in that branch, and that had "WIP" in the commit
>> message, so I didnt consider it. Please do send a specific patch for this
>> feature.
>>> I think to start with a new py3 branch on your side is the way to go.
>> well, please just do it. Start from a fresh develop branch…
> Do i need to create a patchfile and send it to the list or should i send specific commits you can merge?
> Thank you for guiding me, the dev process here is new to me :)
> --
> kid: 99C3C059
> fpr: 90E7 F356 3F9D 6595 616F  9068 DE13 283B 99C3 C059
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