[py3porters-devel] [Needs Port] dput-ng

Barry Warsaw barry at debian.org
Thu May 7 18:29:01 UTC 2015

On May 07, 2015, at 12:08 AM, Daniele Tricoli wrote:

>So, to recap, I see the following scenarios:
>1) build only Python 3 version;
>2) build both Python 2 and Python 3 (including scripts):
>   In this case, should I have to put dcut3, dirt3, dput3
>   inside dput-ng package and make it depends on both
>   Python 2 and Python 3?
>3) build python-dput and python3-dput packages but ship only
>   Python 3 version of dcut, dirt and dput inside dput-ng
>   package.
>I'm for scenario 1: it seems the right thing to do. I really don't like
>scripts ending with '3', but if we have to ship both versions (Python 2 and
>Python 3) I don't see any other possible option compared to scenario 2.
>Scenario 3 seems not useful since python-dput dependants is only dput-ng.

The general principle should be that leaf applications need only be shipped
for Python 3, but libraries can ship with support for both Python 2 and Python

It's fine of course if upstream, the application continues to work for Python
2, and you can use tox to verify this, but in the archive, there's very little
need to ship both a Python 2 and 3 shebanged script.

There are a few exception, where the script has to work for one Python or the
other, e.g. pip.  But these should be rare and IMHO, it's better if they were
invoked with `$python -m script`.  That's not as convenient for people though

(And yeah, I also dislike foo and foo3 versions of things. ;)

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