[py3porters-devel] [Piuparts-devel] switch from dpkg --get-selections to dpkg-query -W

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Sat May 16 14:57:43 UTC 2015


Andreas, sorry for the delay in merging these, I was a.) busy and b.) unsure 
how to deal with the fact that merging these makes the python3 branch not 
apply cleanly anymore.

Bernhard, can you please rebase the python3 branch on the current develop 
branch? Given the master-slave setup then still works, I'll be happy to merge 
the python3 branch into develop than and deploy that to piuparts.d.o.

On Dienstag, 5. Mai 2015, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Andreas Beckmann (6):
>       p: factor out an apt_get_install method
>       p: use apt_get_install() to remove + install packages at the same
> time p: prepare for tracking versions of installed packages
>       p: use dpkg-query -W instead of dpkg --get-selections
>       p: support pre-multiarch dpkg-query as well
>       p: restore the package versions from the reference chroot

On Montag, 4. Mai 2015, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Andreas Beckmann (3):
>       p-s: reload section config earlier
>       p-s: handle tarball-only sections
>       p.conf: switch to separate tarball sections

All picked, pushed to develop and deployed. Thanks for the patches!

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