[py3porters-devel] Bug#782762: python-qrcode: Please add python3 package

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Thu May 21 05:00:20 UTC 2015

Le jeudi 21 mai 2015, 14:10:15 Stuart Prescott a écrit :
> * make a "qr" package that depends on python3-qr and ships only the 
> /usr/bin/qr [1]. This separate package doesn't actually solve the upgrade 
> problem though... to provide an upgrade path, we'd be making a Replaces on the 
> python-qr package and there would also need to be a link to cause apt to 
> install the new package.

> That link would mean that installing a Python 2 
> package caused Python 3 to be installed which is clearly wrong.

Why not ? Whoe doesn't have Python3 at this point  (stretch)

The reverse (Python 3 stuff that pulls Python 2 depedencies)
is a bigger problem, like Pyflakes that depends on both.



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