[py3porters-devel] [needs-port] dput: full low-level unit test suite completed

Ben Finney ben+debian at benfinney.id.au
Mon Aug 31 02:51:07 UTC 2015

Ben Finney <ben+debian at benfinney.id.au> writes:

> You'll be welcome to [use the test suite], I'm releasing it all under
> GPLv3-or-later. […]

If anyone is interested in working with me to make an independent Python
library of some of the helper functionality I've built to test ‘dput’, I
think a lot of it can be generalised for other packages.

> My immediate need was to have a suite of low-level assertions covering
> as much of the existing code as I can get, that can guard against
> breakage when I migrate this entire code base to Python 3.

This is now online at a forked repository, hosted at NotABug

The code idiom improvements and full unit test suite are now merged into
the ‘master’ branch.

I'm continuing to work on the ‘packaging-upgrade’ branch so the Debian
package will build with modern tools, and then on to the ‘python3’ branch.
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 \                            “Holy knit one purl two, Batman!” —Robin |
  `\                                                                   |
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Ben Finney

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