[Python-apps-commits] r3139 - in packages/sabnzbdplus/trunk/debian (sabnzbdplus.1)

jcfp-guest at users.alioth.debian.org jcfp-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Jun 20 17:03:15 UTC 2009

    Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009 @ 17:03:11
  Author: jcfp-guest
Revision: 3139

Updated man page


Modified: packages/sabnzbdplus/trunk/debian/sabnzbdplus.1
--- packages/sabnzbdplus/trunk/debian/sabnzbdplus.1	2009-06-20 15:14:06 UTC (rev 3138)
+++ packages/sabnzbdplus/trunk/debian/sabnzbdplus.1	2009-06-20 17:03:11 UTC (rev 3139)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\" Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 by JCF Ploemen <linux at jp.pp.ru>.
+.\" Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by JCF Ploemen <linux at jp.pp.ru>.
 .\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 .\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 .\" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 .\" Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-.TH SABNZBDPLUS 1 "February 2009" "Version 0.4.6"
+.TH SABNZBDPLUS 1 "June 2009" "Version 0.4.x"
 sabnzbdplus \- a web\-based binary newsgrabber with nzb support.
@@ -24,66 +23,67 @@
 sabnzbdplus [\-f <configfile>] [[...other options]]
-SABnzbd+ is a web\-based binary newsgrabber written in python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It takes one or more nzb files as input and from there on does all the work, including fetching files, checking file integrity, and unpacking. Configuration can be done via the web interface or in the configuration file.
+SABnzbd+ is a web\-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It takes one or more nzb files as input and from there on does all the work, including fetching files, checking file integrity, and unpacking. Configuration can be done via the web interface or in the configuration file.
 Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, newzbin integration, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications, and custom post\-processing scripts.
 To run the program execute \fBsabnzbdplus\fR, then point your favorite web browser to \fBhttp://<host>:<port>/sabnzbd\fR. The host and port settings default to localhost and 8080, respectively.
-New nzb files may be added for download either by putting them in the dirscan directory, or by adding them via the web interface.
+New nzb files may be queued for download by putting them in the watched directory, adding them via the web interface, or from rss feeds.
-\fB\-h  \-\-help\fR
-show list of options
-\fB\-f  \-\-config\-file\fR
-location of config file
-\fB\-s  \-\-server\fR
-server:port to listen on
-\fB\-t  \-\-templates\fR
-templates directory
-\fB\-l  \-\-logging\fR
-log level (0 for least, 2 for most)
-\fB\-w  \-\-weblogging\fR
-cherrypy (built-in web\-server) logging (0 for off, 1 for on)
-\fB\-b  \-\-browser\fR
-automatically launch browser (0 for off, 1 for on)
-\fB\-d  \-\-daemon\fR
-fork daemon process (run the program in the background)
-permissions for newly created files (format: o=rwx,g=rwx)
-discard web\-port timeout
-\fB\-v  \-\-version\fR
-show version
-\fB\-c  \-\-clean\fR
-remove queue, cache and logs
-\fB\-p  \-\-pause\fR
-start paused
+.IP "\-h  \-\-help"
+Show a list of options
+.IP "\-f  \-\-config\-file <filename>"
+Location of the configuration file
+.IP "\-s  \-\-server <host:port>"
+Hostname or ip address and port to listen on
+.IP "\-t  \-\-templates <template>"
+Primary interface templates
+.IP "\-2  \-\-template2 <template>"
+Secondary templates, available at http://<host>:<port>/sabnzbd/m
+.IP "\-l  \-\-logging <0..2>"
+Log level (0 for least, 2 for most)
+.IP "\-w  \-\-weblogging <0..1>"
+Cherrypy (built\-in web\-server) logging (0 for off, 1 for on)
+.IP "\-b  \-\-browser <0..1>"
+Automatically launch browser (0 for off, 1 for on)
+.IP "\-d  \-\-daemon"
+Fork daemon process (run the program in the background)
+.IP "\-\-permissions <mode>"
+Permissions for newly created files
+.IP "\-\-force"
+Discard web\-port timeout
+.IP "\-v  \-\-version"
+Show version
+.IP "\-c  \-\-clean"
+Remove queue, cache and logs
+.IP "\-p  \-\-pause"
+Start paused
-The program stores its internal administration under \fB~/.sabnzbd/\fR. The default location for downloaded files is \fB~/downloads/\fR.
+.I ~/.sabnzbd/
+Default location for the program's configuration file and internal administration
+.I ~/downloads/
+Default location for downloaded files
+.I /etc/default/sabnzbdplus
+Configuration file for the init.d script
-SABnzbd is Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by The SABnzbd\-Team <team at sabnzbd.org>. See /usr/share/doc/sabnzbdplus/copyright for details.
+Since version 0.4.9, an apikey is required to interact with the program via its API interface, as a safeguard against possible cross\-site request forgery attacks. This apikey is randomly generated and available in the "Config > General" section of the web interface. Log messages such as "error: Session Key Required" indicate the apikey is missing in requests made by some third party script or utility.
 This man page was written by JCF Ploemen <linux at jp.pp.ru> and is licensed under the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
 Project wiki with extensive user documentation: http://sabnzbd.wikidot.com
 SABnzbd+ homepage and support forums: http://sabnzbd.org

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