[Python-apps-commits] r6185 - in packages/cython/trunk/debian (9 files)

yoh at users.alioth.debian.org yoh at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Oct 10 00:37:43 UTC 2010

    Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010 @ 00:37:38
  Author: yoh
Revision: 6185

NF: fetch and/or update upstream changelogs from Wiki


Modified: packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelog	2010-10-10 00:36:11 UTC (rev 6184)
+++ packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelog	2010-10-10 00:37:38 UTC (rev 6185)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
   * New upstream release
   * debian/control: added myself to Uploaders
+  * debian/rules: fetch upstream ReleaseNotes to serve a changelog
  -- Yaroslav Halchenko <debian at onerussian.com>  Sun, 26 Sep 2010 14:28:34 -0400

Added: packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseHistory
--- packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseHistory	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseHistory	2010-10-10 00:37:38 UTC (rev 6185)
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+Fetched from http://wiki.cython.org/ReleaseHistory on Wed Sep 29 11:06:57 EDT 2010
+There seems to be no list of releases available on the web. These are collected from the mailing list. It is not complete, but is probably already useful so that people can see if it worth upgrading to the latest version. The current release is always linked to from the main site, old releases can be found at http://cython.org/release/.
+ * ( [[ReleaseNotes-0.13]] )
+ * [[ReleaseNotes-0.12.1]]
+ * [[ReleaseNotes-0.12]]
+ * [[ReleaseNotes-0.11.2]]
+= 0.10 =
+Date: 2008-11-09
+There are lots of new features, most notably pure python compatible  
+syntax for cython declarations, improved buffer support, better  
+Python 3.0 support, and some major re-factoring of temporary  
+allocation and code generation. There are also many bug fixes and  
+= =
+Date: 2008-08-19
+The largest addition was Dag  
+Seljebotn's buffer support which is amazing. Kudos to him for all his  
+hard work (and to Enthought/Google for funding him this summer). Part  
+of this effort involved moving to a pipeline/transformation based  
+compilation system, which has allowed for many other nice features  
+(e.g. long if statements get translated into c switch statements if  
+Another big inclusion is Paul Prescod's pyximport. Now one can simply  
+start up Python and type
+import pyximport; pyximport.install()
+import foo
+which will compile foo.pyx for you. We would like to be able to  
+(optionally) specify all options via directives in the files  
+themselves, which would make this even more useful.
+There are numerous fixes and improvements by Stefan Behnel, Dag  
+Seljebotn, and Robert Bradshaw that are not listed here. Among them  
+are better support for Py3, unicode, C++, literals, testing  
+framework, etc. We also merged patches by Jim Kleckner, Hoyt Koepke,  
+Marcus Bitzl, Kirill Smelkov, and Carl Witty.
+= 0.9.8 =
+Date: 2008-06-13
+ * everything that was done in Pyrex 0.9.8.x that wasn't in Cython already
+ * faster compilation
+ * more optimisations
+ * stricter warnings about potential coding problems (e.g. when using nogil)
+ * support for Python 2.6
+ * __future__ imports for unicode literals
+Due to very recent changes in the Python code base, this release does not yet
+compile code for Python 3.0beta1, but it's well prepared so that when 3.0beta1
+finally comes out, we can provide a quick update to make your code compile
+with anything from Python 2.3 to 3.0.
+= =
+Date: 2008-05-02
+Cython is out. This is mostly a bugfix release, however  
+there are several other improvements, notably:
+ * Source code encoding support (PEP 263) and UTF-8 default source encoding (PEP 3120) (Stefan Behnel)
+ * New command line option -w to change the working directory when running Cython (Gary Furnish)
+ * L.append(x) now optimized if L a (runtime) list (Robert Bradshaw)
+ * Cdef variables may be declared python builtin types (CEP 507), though there is much more potential for optimization (Robert Bradshaw)
+ * Enums declared "public" will get exported to the (python-accessible) module namespace (Robert Bradshaw)
+ * Correct special float values (Christian Heimes/Stefan Behnel)
+= =
+Date: 2008-04-05
+ * C++ exception handling (Felix Wu)
+ * (optional) C line numbers in Errors (Gary Furnish)
+ * some circular cimports (Gary Furnish)
+ * (experimental) parse tree transforms (Dag Seljebotn)
+ * struct member functions automatically coerced to function pointers (for easier C++ wrapping)
+ * no unneeded incref on function arguments
+ * allow single-character ascii literals to be used as ints (no need for c'x' notation)
+ * better support for using arrays as pointers
+There are also several bugfixes and pre-Py3K changes due to Robert  
+Bradshaw, Stefan Behnel, Jum Kleckner, and Chris Perkins. The  
+compiler and package repositories have been merged, and while all  
+history has been preserved it is a completely new repository now.
+= =
+Date: 2008-02-14 04:42:01 
+The most significant change is more flexible c(p)def functions and  
+overriding. Specifically, c(p)def functions can now:
+ * have optional arguments (which may grow)
+ * be defined in the module scope
+ * are always cimport-able if defined in the .pxd (i.e. "api" by default)
+ * declare narrower return types than the superclass
+ * cpdef can override cdef
+There are also better conversions (<type?> does a type-checked cast,  
+<int>x does the right thing), and numerous optimizations (especially  
+with regard to python function tuple unpacking) and bugfixes, and a  
+much expanded testing framework.
+For more details, see the end of http://wiki.cython.org/DifferencesFromPyrex and the changelog at http://hg.cython.org/
+= =
+Date: 2007-12-29
+The only significant changes are more correct overflow handling (e.g.  
+on assignment to a short, etc.) and automatic conversion "for i in  
+range(n)" to "for i from 0 <= i < n". There are also a couple of  
+smaller bug fixes.
+= =
+Date: 2007-11-01
+The primary feature of this release is merging in the changes/ 
+bugfixed of Pyrex There are numerous other bugfixes  
+(including several memory leak and refcount fixes) and rdef has been  
+renamed to cpdef (its final name).
+= =
+Date: 2007-10-11
+ * GIL handling code
+ * support of keyword-only arguments
+ * Class-level executable bodies for cdef classes, including a working classmethod()
+ * RichCmp instead of Cmp for <, <=, ==, ... operators (for consistency with interpreted python)
+ * interned integer constants
+ * several bug fixes (of which there is some overlap with the recent Pyrex release) and optimizations.
+There is also a new experimental type of function, rdef (formerly  
+cdef overridable, but the syntax is still up for debate), which is a  
+cdef function which is callable from python (via an auto-generated  
+def function) and can be overriden in pure-python subclasses.

Added: packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.11.2
--- packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.11.2	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.11.2	2010-10-10 00:37:38 UTC (rev 6185)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Fetched from http://wiki.cython.org/ReleaseNotes-0.11.2 on Wed Sep 29 11:06:58 EDT 2010
+= Cython 0.11.2 =
+ * Release date: May 20th 2009
+I'm happy to announce the release of Cython 0.11.2.
+New features:
+ * There's now native complex floating point support! C99 complex will be used if complex.h is included, otherwise explicit complex arithmetic working on all C compilers is used. [Robert Bradshaw]
+    cdef double complex a = 1 + 0.3j
+    cdef np.ndarray[np.complex128_t, ndim=2] arr = \
+        np.zeros(10, np.complex128)
+ * Cython can now generate a main()-method for embedding of the Python interpreter into an executable (see #289) [Robert Bradshaw]
+ * @wraparound directive (another way to disable arr[idx] for negative idx) [Dag Sverre Seljebotn]
+ * Correct support for NumPy record dtypes with different alignments, and "cdef packed struct" support [Dag Sverre Seljebotn]
+ * @callspec directive, allowing custom calling convention macros [Lisandro Dalcin]
+ * Bug fixes and smaller improvements. For the full list, see [1].
+== Contributors to this release ==
+ * Stefan Behnel
+ * Robert Bradshaw
+ * Lisandro Dalcin
+ * Dag Sverre Seljebotn
+Thanks also to everybody who's helping us out in our discussions on the 
+mailing list.
+[1] http://trac.cython.org/cython_trac/query?group=component&milestone=0.11.2&resolution=fixed
+-- Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Added: packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.12
--- packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.12	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.12	2010-10-10 00:37:38 UTC (rev 6185)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Fetched from http://wiki.cython.org/ReleaseNotes-0.12 on Wed Sep 29 11:06:57 EDT 2010
+= Cython 0.12 =
+Release date: November 23 2009
+Tarball: http://cython.org/release/Cython-0.12.tar.gz
+Milestone: http://trac.cython.org/cython_trac/query?group=component&milestone=0.12
+== New features ==
+ * Type inference with the infer_types directive
+ * Seamless C++ complex support
+ * Fast extension type instantiation using the normal Python meme obj = MyType.__new__(MyType)
+ * Improved support for Py3.1
+ * Cython now runs under Python 3.x using the 2to3 tool
+ * unittest support for doctests in Cython modules
+ * Optimised handling of C strings (char*): for c in cstring[2:50] and cstring.decode()
+ * Looping over c pointers: for i in intptr[:50]. 
+ * Many other optimisation, e.g. enumerate() loops, parallel swap assignments (a,b = b,a), and unicode.encode()
+ * More complete numpy.pxd
+ * pyximport improvements
+ * cython_freeze improvements
+ * Many bug fixes
+There has also been a lot of work behind the scenes to improve temp handling, streamline writing optimizations, and cleanup code in general. 
+== Semantic Changes ==
+This revision to introduces some backwards incompatible changes to more closely align Cython with the Python language. They are
+ * Division involving negative C integers now follow Python semantics rather than C semantics. Division by zero also now raises a Python exception. See enhancements/division This has been optional for several releases, and is now the default. It can be disabled on a per-function or per-file basis, or from the command line (see [[enhancements/compilerdirectives]])
+ * Unmarked strings are now of type str in both Python 2.x (becoming byte strings) and Python 3.x (becoming unicode strings). Byte strings may be marked as b"..." and unicode strings as u"..." no matter what the runtime environment. See enhancements/stringliterals
+ * The boolean expressions x or y and x and y return either x or y just like in Python, even when x and y are c types. This means that the types must be compatible. Previously x and y were coerced into truth values first, and either 1 or 0 was returned. 
+== Contributors to this release ==
+ * Peter Alexander
+ * Stefan Behnel
+ * Robert Bradshaw
+ * David Cournapeau
+ * Lisandro Dalcin
+ * Mark Lodato
+ * Sturla Molden
+ * Holger Rapp
+ * Dag Sverre Seljebotn
+Thanks also to everybody who's helping us out in our discussions on the 
+mailing list.

Added: packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.12.1
--- packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.12.1	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.12.1	2010-10-10 00:37:38 UTC (rev 6185)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Fetched from http://wiki.cython.org/ReleaseNotes-0.12.1 on Wed Sep 29 11:06:57 EDT 2010
+= Cython 0.12.1 =
+ * Release date: February 2, 2010
+ * Download: http://cython.org/release/Cython-0.12.1.tar.gz http://cython.org/release/Cython-0.12.1.zip
+I'm happy to announce the release of Cython 0.12.1. 
+== New Features ==
+ * Type inference improvements.
+   There have been several bug fixes and improvements to the type inferencer. 
+   Notably, there is now a "safe" mode enabled by  setting the infer_types directive to None.
+   (The None here refers to the "default" mode, which will be the default in 0.13.) This safe mode limits inference to 
+   Python object types and C doubles, which should speed up execution without affecting any semantics such as integer overflow behavior like infer_types=True might. There is also an infer_types.verbose option which allows one to see what types are inferred. 
+ * The boundscheck directive works for lists and tuples as well as buffers.
+ * len(s) and s.decode("encoding") are efficiently supported for char* s. 
+ * Cython's INLINE macro has been renamed to CYTHON_INLINE to reduce conflict and has better support for the MSVC compiler on Windows. It is no longer clobbered if externally defined. 
+ * Revision history is now omitted from the source package, resulting in a 85% size reduction. Running make repo will download the history and turn the directory into a complete Mercurial working repository. 
+ * Cython modules don't need to be recompiled when the size of an external type grows. (A warning, rather than an error, is produced.) This should be helpful for binary distributions relying on NumPy. 
+Several other bugs and minor improvements have been made. This release should be fully backwards compatible with 0.12.
+== Contributors to this release ==
+ * Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
+ * Stefan Behnel
+ * Robert Bradshaw
+ * Lisandro Dalcin
+ * Julien Danjou
+ * Mark Lodato
+ * Dag Sverre Seljebotn
+Thanks also to the many who've submitted feedback and contributed to discussions on the mailing list.

Added: packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.13
--- packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.13	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/ReleaseNotes-0.13	2010-10-10 00:37:38 UTC (rev 6185)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Fetched from http://wiki.cython.org/ReleaseNotes-0.13 on Wed Sep 29 11:06:57 EDT 2010
+= Cython 0.13 =
+ * Release date: August 25, 2010
+ * Download: http://cython.org/release/Cython-0.13.tar.gz http://cython.org/release/Cython-0.13.zip
+The Cython project is happy to announce the release of Cython 0.13.
+This release sets another milestone on the path towards Python compatibility and brings major new features and improvements for the usability of the Cython language.
+== New Features ==
+ * Closures are fully supported for Python functions. Cython supports inner functions and lambda expressions. Generators and generator expressions are __not__ supported in this release.
+ * Proper C++ support. Cython knows about C++ classes, templates and overloaded function signatures, so that Cython code can interact with them in a straight forward way.
+ * Type inference is enabled by default for safe C types (e.g. double, bint, C++ classes) and known extension types. This reduces the need for explicit type declarations and can improve the performance of untyped code in some cases. There is also a verbose compile mode for testing the impact on user code.
+ * Cython's for-in-loop can iterate over C arrays and sliced pointers. The type of the loop variable will be inferred automatically in this case.
+ * The Py_UNICODE integer type for Unicode code points is fully supported, including for-loops and 'in' tests on unicode strings. It coerces from and to single character unicode strings. Note that untyped for-loop variables will automatically be inferred as Py_UNICODE when iterating over a unicode string. In most cases, this will be much more efficient than yielding sliced string objects, but can also have a negative performance impact when the variable is used in a Python context multiple times, so that it needs to coerce to a unicode string object more than once. If this happens, typing the loop variable as unicode or object will help.
+ * The built-in functions any(), all(), sum(), list(), set() and dict() are inlined as plain `for` loops when called on generator expressions. Note that generator expressions are not generally supported apart from this feature. Also, tuple(genexpr) is not currently supported - use tuple([listcomp]) instead.
+ * More shipped standard library declarations. The python_* and stdlib/stdio .pxd files have been deprecated in favor of clib.* and cpython[.*] and may get removed in a future release.
+== Python compatibility ==
+ * Pure Python mode no longer disallows non-Python keywords like 'cdef', 'include' or 'cimport'. It also no longer recognises syntax extensions like the for-from loop.
+ * Parsing has improved for Python 3 syntax in Python code, although not all features are correctly supported. The missing Python 3 features are being worked on for the next release.
+ * from __future__ import print_function is supported in Python 2.6 and later. Note that there is currently no emulation for earlier Python versions, so code that uses print() with this future import will require at least Python 2.6.
+ * New compiler directive language_level (valid values: 2 or 3) with corresponding command line options -2 and -3 requests source code compatibility with Python 2.x or Python 3.x respectively. Language level 3 currently enforces unicode literals for unprefixed string literals, enables the print function (requires Python 2.6 or later) and keeps loop variables in list comprehensions from leaking.
+ * Loop variables in set/dict comprehensions no longer leak into the surrounding scope (following Python 2.7). List comprehensions are unchanged in language level 2.
+ * print >> stream
+== Incompatible changes ==
+ * The availability of type inference by default means that Cython will also infer the type of pointers on assignments. Previously, code like this
+ cdef char* s = ...
+ untyped_variable = s
+ would convert the char* to a Python bytes string and assign that. This is no longer the case and no coercion will happen in the example above. The correct way of doing this is through an explicit cast or by typing the target variable, i.e.
+ cdef char* s = ...
+ untyped_variable1 = <bytes>s
+ untyped_variable2 = <object>s
+ cdef object py_object = s
+ cdef bytes  bytes_string = s
+ * `bool` is no longer a valid type name by default. The problem is that it's not clear whether `bool` should refer to the Python type or the C++ type, and expecting one and finding the other has already led to several hard-to-find bugs. Both types are available for importing: you can use `from cpython cimport bool` for the Python `bool` type, and `from libcpp cimport bool` for the C++ type. `bool` is still a valid object by default, so one can still write `bool(x)`. 
+== Contributors ==
+Many people contributed to this release, including:
+ * David Barnett
+ * Stefan Behnel
+ * Chuck Blake
+ * Robert Bradshaw
+ * Craig Citro
+ * Bryan Cole
+ * Lisandro Dalcin
+ * Eric Firing
+ * Danilo Freitas
+ * Christoph Gohlke
+ * Dag Sverre Seljebotn
+ * Kurt Smith
+ * Erik Tollerud
+ * Carl Witty

Added: packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/skip
--- packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/skip	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/cython/trunk/debian/changelogs/skip	2010-10-10 00:37:38 UTC (rev 6185)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Enter here upstream versions which should not have changelogs fetched, e.g.

Modified: packages/cython/trunk/debian/rules
--- packages/cython/trunk/debian/rules	2010-10-10 00:36:11 UTC (rev 6184)
+++ packages/cython/trunk/debian/rules	2010-10-10 00:37:38 UTC (rev 6185)
@@ -3,10 +3,18 @@
+#  Apparently WGET agent is not favored by upstream's MoinMoin
+WGET_AGENT_STRING="Lynx/2.8.8dev.4 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 GNUTLS/2.8.6"
+WGET=wget -q --user-agent=$(WGET_AGENT_STRING)
+# Directory where to store upstream changelogs
 include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
 include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk
+install/cython:: assure-changelogs
 	dh_installman debian/cython.1
@@ -28,7 +36,33 @@
 	mkdir -p debian/cython-dbg/usr/share/doc
 	ln -s cython debian/cython-dbg/usr/share/doc/cython-dbg
+# To fetch and update upstream Changelogs
+# Notes:
+#  SED is used to do minor de-wikification to make text readable
+	mkdir -p $(CHANGELOGS)
+	: # Fetching ReleaseHistory and other available ReleaseNotes
+	@release_notes=`$(WGET) -O- '$(WIKI_URL)/ReleaseHistory?action=raw' | sed -n -e '1,/^=/p' | grep ReleaseNotes | sed -e 's/.*\[\([^]]*\)\].*/\1/g'`; \
+	for rnotes in ReleaseHistory $$release_notes; do \
+		rnotes_url=$(WIKI_URL)/$$rnotes; \
+		echo "Fetching $$rnotes_url"; \
+		{ \
+		 echo -e "Fetched from $$rnotes_url on `date`\n"; \
+		 $(WGET) -O- "$$rnotes_url?action=raw" \
+		 | sed -e 's,\({{{\|}}}\),,g' -e 's,\[\[\([^]]*\)|[^]]*\]\],\1,g'; \
+		} >| $(CHANGELOGS)/$$rnotes; \
+	 done
+# Assure presence of a changelog for current upstream release
+	@: "Assure present upstream changelog file"
+	@if [ ! -e $(CHANGELOGS)/ReleaseNotes-"$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION)" ] && ! grep -q '^$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION)$$' $(CHANGELOGS)/skip ; then \
+		echo >&2 "E: ReleaseNotes for $(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION) are missing from $(CHANGELOGS)"; \
+		echo >&2 "I: Run 'debian/rules get-changelogs' or add version into $(CHANGELOGS)/skip"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi
 	rm -f Cython/Compiler/Lexicon.pickle Cython/*/*.c
 	: # Just prune build entirely
@@ -37,3 +71,8 @@
 # Install directly into package directory (despite multiple packages
 # due to having cython-dbg)
 DEB_DESTDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/cython
+DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_cython = $(CHANGELOGS)/ReleaseNotes*
+# CDBS causes the puke and Yarik have no time to figure it out
+# DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_cython-dbg = --link-doc=cython

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