[Python-apps-commits] r7003 - in packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk (26 files)
arnau at users.alioth.debian.org
arnau at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Apr 29 06:59:22 UTC 2011
Date: Friday, April 29, 2011 @ 06:59:20
Author: arnau
Revision: 7003
[svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications (1.0~20110420+1.git67c5b39-1) to trunk
Property changes on: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian
Added: mergeWithUpstream
+ 1
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/README.Debian
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/README.Debian (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/README.Debian 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Bridge configuration
+Before using slapformat commands, you must set up a bridge network
+interface. On that bridge, you must set up at least an IPv6 global address,
+even if it is only a localhost one.
+On Debian systems, this is commonly done in ``/etc/network/interfaces''
+Note that if you declare any interfaces as part of the bridge (when you want
+your instances to be available not only on localhost), you should remove them
+from the configuration file.
+Here is an example of a bridge with static IPv4 address and private IPv6
+address and with eth0 device:
+auto br0
+iface br0 inet static
+ address ADDRESS
+ netmask NETMASK
+ gateway GATEWAY
+ bridge_ports eth0
+iface br0 inet6 static
+ address fd00::1
+ netmask 64
+You can have a look at bridge-utils-interfaces(5) and interfaces(5) manpages
+for further details.
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/changelog (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/changelog 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+slapos.tool.format (1.0~20110420+1.git67c5b39-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial upload. Closes: #624315.
+ -- Arnaud Fontaine <arnau at debian.org> Tue, 26 Apr 2011 14:25:28 +0900
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/clean
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/clean (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/clean 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/compat
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/compat (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/compat 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/conf/slapos.cfg
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/conf/slapos.cfg (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/conf/slapos.cfg 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+software_root = /var/lib/slapos/software
+instance_root = /var/lib/slapos/instance
+master_url =
+computer_id = abeautifulbutuniquename
+pidfile = /var/run/slapgrid.pid
+logfile = /var/log/slapos/slapgrid.log
+supervisord-socket = /var/run/slapgrid-supervisord.sock
+#key_file = /etc/slapos/ssl/slapos.key
+#cert_file = /etc/slapos/ssl/slapos.crt
+#certificate_repository_path = /var/cache/slapos/certificates
+computer_xml = /var/lib/slapos/computer.xml
+log_file = /var/log/slapos/slapformat.log
+partition_amount = 10
+ipv4_local_network =
+bridge_name = slapbr0
+tap_base_name = slaptap
+partition_base_name = slappart
+user_base_name = slapuser
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/config
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/config (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/config 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+set -e
+. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
+if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
+ MASTER_URL="`sed -ne 's#^\s*master_url[^=]*=\s*\(.*\)$#\1#p' \"$CONFIG_FILE\"`"
+ COMPUTER_ID="`sed -ne 's#^\s*computer_id[^=]*=\s*\(.*\)$#\1#p' \"$CONFIG_FILE\"`"
+ PARTITION_AMOUNT="`sed -ne 's#^\s*partition_amount[^=]*=\s*\(.*\)$#\1#p' \"$CONFIG_FILE\"`"
+ IPV4_LOCAL_NETWORK="`sed -ne 's#^\s*ipv4_local_network_id[^=]*=\s*\(.*\)$#\1#p' \"$CONFIG_FILE\"`"
+if [ -n "$MASTER_URL" ]; then
+ db_set slapformat/master_url "$MASTER_URL"
+ db_input medium slapformat/master_url || true
+ db_input high slapformat/master_url || true
+db_go || true
+db_get slapformat/master_url
+( echo "$RET" | grep -q "^https://" ) && db_input high slapformat/master_url_with_ssl_note || true
+if [ -n "$COMPUTER_ID" ]; then
+ db_set slapformat/computer_id "$COMPUTER_ID"
+ db_input medium slapformat/computer_id || true
+ db_input high slapformat/computer_id || true
+if [ -n "$PARTITION_AMOUNT" ]; then
+ db_set slapformat/partition_amount "$PARTITION_AMOUNT"
+ db_input medium slapformat/partition_amount || true
+ db_input high slapformat/partition_amount || true
+if [ -n "$IPV4_LOCAL_NETWORK" ]; then
+ db_set slapformat/ipv4_local_network "$IP4_LOCAL_NETWORK"
+ db_input medium slapformat/ipv4_local_network || true
+ db_input high slapformat/ipv4_local_network || true
+db_input high slapformat/bridge_note || true
+db_go || true
+exit 0
Property changes on: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/config
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/control (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/control 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Source: slapos.tool.format
+Maintainer: Arnaud Fontaine <arnau at debian.org>
+Section: net
+Priority: optional
+Build-Depends: python-setuptools (>= 0.6b3),
+ python (>= 2.6.6-3~),
+ debhelper (>= 7.4.3)
+Build-Depends-Indep: po-debconf
+Standards-Version: 3.9.2
+X-Python-Version: 2.6
+Homepage: http://www.slapos.org
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/python-apps/packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/python-apps/packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/
+Package: slapformat
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${misc:Depends},
+ ${python:Depends},
+ bridge-utils,
+ uml-utilities
+Breaks: ${python:Breaks}
+Conflicts: python-zc.buildout
+Description: Prepare a client for deploying a SaaS system with SLAPos
+ Slapformat is supposed to be ran before Slapgrid in order to prepare
+ a SLAPos client. At the end a report is generated and information are
+ sent to configured SlapOS server.
+ .
+ SLAPos provides support for deploying a SaaS system.
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/copyright
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/copyright (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/copyright 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+This package was debianized by Arnaud Fontaine <arnau at debian.org> on
+Tue, 26 Apr 2011 14:25:28 +0900.
+This package was debianized from the Git repository available there:
+Upstream author:
+ Vifib SARL <info at slapos.org>
+ Copyright 2010-2011, Vifib SARL and Contributors.
+ WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+ programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all
+ potential consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and
+ bugs End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with
+ commercial guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a
+ Free Software Service Company
+ This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+In a Debian system the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+v3 can be found in the file `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'.
+The Debian packaging is (C) 2011, Arnaud Fontaine <arnau at debian.org>
+and is licensed under the same license as upstream source code.
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/cron.d
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/cron.d (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/cron.d 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+0 0 * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapformat
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/dirs
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/dirs (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/dirs 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/docs
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/docs (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/docs 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/examples
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/examples (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/examples 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/patches/series (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/patches/series 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/patches/system_configuration_file_by_default.patch
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/patches/system_configuration_file_by_default.patch (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/patches/system_configuration_file_by_default.patch 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Author: Arnaud Fontaine <arnau at debian.org>
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Description: Fallback on system configuration file by default
+ Script expects the configuration file as its first argument, but as
+ the configuration file options are set up through debconf, fallback
+ on /etc/slapos/slapos.cfg generated upon package installation.
+--- a/src/slapos/tool/format/__init__.py 2011-04-21 01:31:03.000000000 +0900
++++ b/src/slapos/tool/format/__init__.py 2011-04-28 13:14:05.858418978 +0900
+@@ -738,8 +738,10 @@
+ """
+ (options, args) = self.parse_args()
+ if len(args) != 1:
+- self.error("Incorrect number of arguments")
+- return options, args[0]
++ configuration_file = "/etc/slapos/slapos.cfg"
++ else:
++ configuration_file = args[0]
++ return options, configuration_file
+ def run(config):
+ try:
+@@ -876,7 +878,11 @@
+ def main():
+ "Run default configuration."
+- usage = "usage: %s [options] CONFIGURATION_FILE" % sys.argv[0]
++ usage = """usage: %s [options] CONFIGURATION_FILE
++If CONFIGURATION_FILE is not given explicitly, it fallbacks on
++""" % sys.argv[0]
+ try:
+ # Parse arguments
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/po/POTFILES.in
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/po/POTFILES.in (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/po/POTFILES.in 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[type: gettext/rfc822deb] templates
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/po/templates.pot
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/po/templates.pot (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/po/templates.pot 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: slapos.tool.format at packages.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-28 13:44+0900\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:1001
+msgid "The HTTP or HTTPS URL where the master node can be reached:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:2001
+msgid "Note about HTTPS master URL"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"As you entered an HTTPS URL for the master node, you *must* put the "
+"corresponding key and certificate respectively in /etc/slapos/ssl/slapos.key "
+"and /etc/slapos/ssl/slapos.crt."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:2001
+msgid "Also, make sure that the key is only readable by root user!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:3001
+msgid "ID to uniquely identifies this computer on the master:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:4001
+msgid "The number of partition available on this computer:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"A Computer Partition (CP) is an instance of a Software Release (SR). You can "
+"now define how many instances will be available on this computer."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"Note that the Software Releases will be stored in /var/lib/slapos/software/, "
+"whereas the Computer Partition will be stored in /var/lib/slapos/instance/."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:5001
+msgid "Local IPv4 network to be used for Computer Partitions:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"Each Computer Partition (CP) must a local IPv4 took from the network given "
+"here in CIDR notation."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:6001
+msgid "Note about network configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:6001
+msgid ""
+"Before actually using slapformat script, you *must* set up a bridge that "
+"will be used by the Computer Partitions and IPv6 must be enabled (in most "
+"cases, it is already enabled by default though)."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../templates:6001
+msgid ""
+"You can find examples of setting it up in /usr/share/doc/slapformat/README."
+msgstr ""
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/postinst
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/postinst (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/postinst 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+set -e
+. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
+if [ ! -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
+ echo "# Never edit this file by hand as it has been automatically generated by
+# debconf. You can change the settings at any time by running:
+# ``dpkg-reconfigure -pmedium slapformat''" > /etc/slapos/slapos.cfg
+ cat < /usr/share/doc/slapformat/examples/slapos.cfg >> /etc/slapos/slapos.cfg
+db_get slapformat/master_url
+WITH_HTTPS=$(echo "$MASTER_URL" | grep -q "^https://" && echo true || echo false)
+db_get slapformat/computer_id
+sed -e "s#^\s*master_url\s*=.*#master_url = $MASTER_URL#" \
+ -e "s#^\s*computer_id\s*=.*#computer_id = $COMPUTER_ID#" \
+# Handle HTTPS URLs by just commenting/uncommenting the relevant lines
+if $WITH_HTTPS; then
+ sed -i 's/^\s*#\+\s*\(key_file\|cert_file\|certificate_repository_path\)/\1/' \
+ sed -i 's/^\s*[^#]*\s*\(key_file\|cert_file\|certificate_repository_path\)/#\1/' \
+db_get slapformat/partition_amount
+db_get slapformat/ipv4_local_network
+sed -e "s#^\s*partition_amount\s*=.*#partition_amount = $PARTITION_AMOUNT#" \
+ -e "s#^\s*ipv4_local_network\s*=.*#ipv4_local_network = $IPV4_LOCAL_NETWORK#" \
+exit 0
Property changes on: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/postinst
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/postrm
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/postrm (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/postrm 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+ purge)
+ if [ -d "$CONFIG_DIR" ]; then
+ rm -f "$CONFIG_DIR"/slapos.cfg
+ test -d /etc/slapos/ssl/ && rm -rf /etc/slapos/ssl/
+ [ $(ls "$CONFIG_DIR" | wc -l) -eq 0 ] && rmdir "$CONFIG_DIR"
+ fi
+ test -d /var/cache/slapos/certificates/ && \
+ rm -rf /var/cache/slapos/certificates
+ if [ -d "/var/log/slapos" ]; then
+ test -f /var/log/slapos/slapformat.log && rm -f /var/log/slapos/slapformat.log
+ [ $(ls /var/log/slapos/ | wc -l) -eq 0 ] && rmdir /var/log/slapos/
+ fi
+ if [ -d "/var/lib/slapos" ]; then
+ rm -rf /var/lib/slapos/
+ fi
+ ;;
+exit 0
Property changes on: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/postrm
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/rules
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/rules (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/rules 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+ dh $@ --with python2
+ python setup.py install --root=debian/slapformat --install-layout=deb \
+ --install-scripts=/usr/sbin/
+# Generate the upstream tarball from upstream Git (adapted from
+# http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi/Svn_get-orig-source for Git)
+PACKAGE := slapos.tool.format
+SRC_VERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | \
+ sed -ne 's/^Version: \([^-]\+\)-.*/\1/p')
+GIT_VERSION := $(shell echo $(SRC_VERSION) | \
+ sed -ne 's/.*git\([a-z0-9]\+\)/\1/p')
+TARBALL = $(PACKAGE)_$(SRC_VERSION).orig.tar.gz
+ rm -rf get-orig-source $(TARBALL)
+ git clone http://git.gitorious.org/slapos/slapos-core.git \
+ get-orig-source/
+ cd get-orig-source/$(PACKAGE)/ && \
+ git archive --prefix=$(PACKAGE)-$(SRC_VERSION).orig/ \
+ --format=tar $(GIT_VERSION) | \
+ gzip --no-name --best > ../../$(TARBALL)
+ rm -rf get-orig-source
+ @echo "'$(TARBALL)' created."
+.PHONY: get-orig-source
Property changes on: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/rules
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/source/format
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/source/format (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/source/format 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (quilt)
Added: packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/templates
--- packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/templates (rev 0)
+++ packages/slapos.tool.format/trunk/debian/templates 2011-04-29 06:59:20 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Template: slapformat/master_url
+Type: string
+_Description: The HTTP or HTTPS URL where the master node can be reached:
+Template: slapformat/master_url_with_ssl_note
+Type: note
+_Description: Note about HTTPS master URL
+ As you entered an HTTPS URL for the master node, you *must* put the
+ corresponding key and certificate respectively in
+ /etc/slapos/ssl/slapos.key and /etc/slapos/ssl/slapos.crt.
+ .
+ Also, make sure that the key is only readable by root user!
+Template: slapformat/computer_id
+Type: string
+_Description: ID to uniquely identifies this computer on the master:
+Template: slapformat/partition_amount
+Type: string
+_Description: The number of partition available on this computer:
+ A Computer Partition (CP) is an instance of a Software Release
+ (SR). You can now define how many instances will be available on this
+ computer.
+ .
+ Note that the Software Releases will be stored in
+ /var/lib/slapos/software/, whereas the Computer Partition will be
+ stored in /var/lib/slapos/instance/.
+Template: slapformat/ipv4_local_network
+Type: string
+_Description: Local IPv4 network to be used for Computer Partitions:
+ Each Computer Partition (CP) must a local IPv4 took from the network
+ given here in CIDR notation.
+Template: slapformat/bridge_note
+Type: note
+_Description: Note about network configuration
+ Before actually using slapformat script, you *must* set up a bridge
+ that will be used by the Computer Partitions and IPv6 must be
+ enabled (in most cases, it is already enabled by default though).
+ .
+ You can find examples of setting it up in
+ /usr/share/doc/slapformat/README.Debian.
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