[Python-apps-commits] r7265 - in packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian (4 files)

dktrkranz at users.alioth.debian.org dktrkranz at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Jul 2 08:31:40 UTC 2011

    Date: Saturday, July 2, 2011 @ 08:31:39
  Author: dktrkranz
Revision: 7265

Handle manpages


Modified: packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/bleachbit.1
--- packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/bleachbit.1	2011-07-02 08:17:39 UTC (rev 7264)
+++ packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/bleachbit.1	2011-07-02 08:31:39 UTC (rev 7265)
@@ -1,18 +1,37 @@
-.TH bleachbit 1 2011-01-27 "bleachbit"
+.TH bleachbit 1 2011-07-02 "bleachbit"
 bleachbit \- Delete unnecessary files from the system
-.B bleachbit
+.B bleachbit\fR
+.B bleachbit\fR [\fIoptions\fR] cleaner.option1 [cleaner.option2 ...]
 BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space,
 maintain privacy, and remove junk. Rid your system of old clutter
 including cache, temporary files, cookies, and broken shortcuts.
 It wipes clean Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Flash, Java, KDE,
 OpenOffice.org, Opera, RealPlayer, rpmbuild, VIM, XChat, and more.
+This is the command line interface for BleachBit.
+.B -l, --list-cleaners\fR\t list cleaners
+.B -p, --preview\fR\t\t preview files to be deleted and other changes
+.B -d, --delete\fR\t\t delete files and make other permanent changes
+.B -o, --overwrite\fR\t overwrite files to hide contents
+.B --preset\fR\t use options set in the graphical interface
+.B --sysinfo\fR\t show system information
+.B -h, --help\fR\t\t show this help message and exit
+.B -v, --version\fR\t\t output version information and exit
 This manual page is Copyright © 2009-2011 Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>.
 Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
 under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or any later
 version published by the Free Software Foundation.

Deleted: packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/bleachbit_cli.1
--- packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/bleachbit_cli.1	2011-07-02 08:17:39 UTC (rev 7264)
+++ packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/bleachbit_cli.1	2011-07-02 08:31:39 UTC (rev 7265)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-.TH bleachbit_cli 1 2011-01-27 "bleachbit_cli"
-bleachbit_cli \- Delete unnecessary files from the system (CLI)
-.B bleachbit_cli\fR [\fIoptions\fR] cleaner.option1 [cleaner.option2]
-BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space,
-maintain privacy, and remove junk. Rid your system of old clutter
-including cache, temporary files, cookies, and broken shortcuts.
-It wipes clean Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Flash, Java, KDE,
-OpenOffice.org, Opera, RealPlayer, rpmbuild, VIM, XChat, and more.
-This is the command line interface for BleachBit.
-.B -l, --list-cleaners\fR\t list cleaners
-.B -p, --preview\fR\t\t preview files to be deleted and other changes
-.B -d, --delete\fR\t\t delete files and make other permanent changes
-.B -o, --overwrite\fR\t overwrite files to hide contents
-.B --preset\fR\t use options set in the graphical interface
-.B --sysinfo\fR\t show system information
-.B -h, --help\fR\t\t show this help message and exit
-.B -v, --version\fR\t\t output version information and exit
-This manual page is Copyright © 2009-2011 Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>.
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or any later
-version published by the Free Software Foundation.

Modified: packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/changelog	2011-07-02 08:17:39 UTC (rev 7264)
+++ packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/changelog	2011-07-02 08:31:39 UTC (rev 7265)
@@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
 bleachbit (0.8.8-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * debian/install:
-    - Install bleachbit.py loader (LP: #797328).
-  * debian/links:
-    - Adjust bleachbit link to the new loader.
-    - No longer provide link to CLI interface, use new loader instead.
-  * debian/rules:
-    - Adjust permissions of the new loader.
+  * Install new loader (LP: #797328).
+    + debian/bleachbit.1:
+      - Reworked to include CLI parameters.
+    + debian/bleachbit_cli.1:
+      - Removed, no longer needed.
+    + debian/install:
+      - Install bleachbit.py file.
+    + debian/links:
+      - Adjust bleachbit link to the new loader.
+      - No longer provide link to CLI interface.
+    + debian/manpages:
+      - No longer install bleachbit_cli.1, removed.
+    + debian/rules:
+      - Adjust permissions of bleachbit.py.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sat, 02 Jul 2011 10:14:33 +0200
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sat, 02 Jul 2011 10:27:33 +0200
 bleachbit (0.8.8-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/manpages
--- packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/manpages	2011-07-02 08:17:39 UTC (rev 7264)
+++ packages/bleachbit/trunk/debian/manpages	2011-07-02 08:31:39 UTC (rev 7265)
@@ -1,2 +1 @@

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