[Python-apps-commits] r8542 - in packages/ttb/trunk/debian (ttb.1)

schot-guest at users.alioth.debian.org schot-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Apr 25 13:04:53 UTC 2012

    Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 @ 13:04:51
  Author: schot-guest
Revision: 8542

Man page corrections.


Modified: packages/ttb/trunk/debian/ttb.1
--- packages/ttb/trunk/debian/ttb.1	2012-04-25 12:57:13 UTC (rev 8541)
+++ packages/ttb/trunk/debian/ttb.1	2012-04-25 13:04:51 UTC (rev 8542)
@@ -7,17 +7,13 @@
 .if \n(.g .mso www.tmac
 .TH ttb 1 2005-12-16 "" ""
-ttb \- Browse Teletekst in gnome
+ttb \- Teletekst browser for Linux/Unix
-ttb graphical interface for GNOME.
-Teletekst browser
-Teletekst browser is an application to browse Teletekst pages via the
-internet. www.omroep.nl offers a service like this on there website but
-the package they offer can only be used on Windows and MacOS.
-Teletekst browser is written by Dirk-Jan Binnema with help of some other people around
-Bugs can requests can be emailed to djcb at djcbsoftware.nl
+Teletekst browser (ttb) is an desktop application to browse Teletekst pages via
+the internet.  The official website teletekst.nos.nl offers a service like
+this, but the packages they offer can only be used on Windows and MacOS.
+Teletekst browser is written by Dirk-Jan Binnema with help of some other people
+around him.  Bug reports and requests can be emailed to djcb at djcbsoftware.nl.
 This manual page was written by Johnny Mast
 <\*(T<rave at rosiello.org\*(T>> for the

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