[Python-apps-commits] r8097 - in packages/picard/trunk/debian (changelog)

cjsmo-guest at users.alioth.debian.org cjsmo-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Jan 19 13:53:51 UTC 2012

    Date: Thursday, January 19, 2012 @ 13:53:50
  Author: cjsmo-guest
Revision: 8097

update changelog


Modified: packages/picard/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/picard/trunk/debian/changelog	2012-01-19 13:42:21 UTC (rev 8096)
+++ packages/picard/trunk/debian/changelog	2012-01-19 13:53:50 UTC (rev 8097)
@@ -3,22 +3,8 @@
   * Really add source format 3.0 (quilt) this time.
   * Added --install-lib=/usr/share/picard to debian/rules.
   * Corrected debian/copyright headers.
-  * Added source.lintian-overrides.  Lintian is complaining of a syntax error
-    in debian/copyright after the tag "license: .\n".  After checking the file
-    with grep and config-edit, no syntax error where noted.  I suspect this is
-    a false positive on lintians part.
-  * Additional bugs closed by the new upstream release:
-    - Picard no longer segfaults when fingerprinting files, fixed upstream.
-      Closes: #537083, #609316
-    - CD lookup feature works as expected, fixed upstream. Closes: #459504
-    - PUID lookup works as expected, fixed upstream. Closes: #619156
-    - Password information is no longer stored in 
-      /.config/MusicBrainz/Picard.conf, fixed upstream. Closes: #566747
-    - Saving files no longer segfaults, fixed upstream.  Closes: #557132
-    - Picard now uses an updated version mutagen which is used to write ID3
-      tags. Closes: #584420
- -- Charlie Smotherman <cjsmo at cableone.net>  Wed, 14 Dec 2011 02:47:57 -0500
+ -- Charlie Smotherman <cjsmo at cableone.net>  Thu, 19 Jan 2012 07:52:27 -0500
 picard (0.16-1) unstable; urgency=low

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