[Python-apps-commits] r9890 - in packages/s3ql/trunk/debian (changelog control)

nikratio-guest at users.alioth.debian.org nikratio-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Jul 19 04:41:55 UTC 2013

    Date: Friday, July 19, 2013 @ 04:41:49
  Author: nikratio-guest
Revision: 9890

Updated package description.


Modified: packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/changelog	2013-07-17 09:04:55 UTC (rev 9889)
+++ packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/changelog	2013-07-19 04:41:49 UTC (rev 9890)
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-s3ql (1.16-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+s3ql (1.16-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * Updated uploader email address.
   * Removed obsolete lintian override.
   * Extended clean target, re-build should now work.
+  * Updated package description.
- -- Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus at rath.org>  Fri, 12 Jul 2013 22:37:11 -0700
+ -- Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus at rath.org>  Thu, 18 Jul 2013 21:41:29 -0700
 s3ql (1.16-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/control	2013-07-17 09:04:55 UTC (rev 9889)
+++ packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/control	2013-07-19 04:41:49 UTC (rev 9890)
@@ -43,22 +43,26 @@
          python-lzma (>= 0.5.3),
 Description: Full-featured file system for online data storage
- S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online. It supports
- online storage services like Amazon S3 as well as arbitrary FTP or
- SFTP servers. It effectively provides you with a hard disk of
- infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with
- internet access.
+ S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online using storage
+ services like Google Storage, Amazon S3 or OpenStack. S3QL
+ effectively provides a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that
+ can be accessed from any computer with internet access.
- S3QL has been designed mainly for backup and archival purposes and
- many of its features are especially geared towards this. However,
- since S3QL is providing a standard UNIX file system, it can in
- principle be used for any other application as well.
+ S3QL is a standard conforming, full featured UNIX file system that is
+ conceptually indistinguishable from any local file
+ system. Furthermore, S3QL has additional features like compression,
+ encryption, data de-duplication, immutable trees and snapshotting
+ which make it especially suitable for online backup and archival.
+ In addition to accessing online storage services directoly, S3QL can
+ also store its data underneath a regular mount point. This enables
+ the use of S3QL with e.g. NFS, CIFS or sftp servers.
+ .
  S3QL is designed to favor simplicity and elegance over performance
- and feature-richness. Care has been taken to make the source code as
+ and feature-creep. Care has been taken to make the source code as
  readable and serviceable as possible. Solid error detection and error
  handling have been included from the very first line, and S3QL comes
- with extensive automated test cases for all its components.
+ with extensive automated test cases.
 Package: s3ql-dbg
 Architecture: any
@@ -74,22 +78,26 @@
 Description: Full-featured file system for online data storage (debugging symbols)
- S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online. It supports
- online storage services like Amazon S3 as well as arbitrary FTP or
- SFTP servers. It effectively provides you with a hard disk of
- infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with
- internet access.
+ S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online using storage
+ services like Google Storage, Amazon S3 or OpenStack. S3QL
+ effectively provides a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that
+ can be accessed from any computer with internet access.
- S3QL has been designed mainly for backup and archival purposes and
- many of its features are especially geared towards this. However,
- since S3QL is providing a standard UNIX file system, it can in
- principle be used for any other application as well.
+ S3QL is a standard conforming, full featured UNIX file system that is
+ conceptually indistinguishable from any local file
+ system. Furthermore, S3QL has additional features like compression,
+ encryption, data de-duplication, immutable trees and snapshotting
+ which make it especially suitable for online backup and archival.
+ In addition to accessing online storage services directoly, S3QL can
+ also store its data underneath a regular mount point. This enables
+ the use of S3QL with e.g. NFS, CIFS or sftp servers.
+ .
  S3QL is designed to favor simplicity and elegance over performance
- and feature-richness. Care has been taken to make the source code as
+ and feature-creep. Care has been taken to make the source code as
  readable and serviceable as possible. Solid error detection and error
  handling have been included from the very first line, and S3QL comes
- with extensive automated test cases for all its components.
+ with extensive automated test cases.
  This package contains the debugging symbols as well as the extension
  built for the Python 2 debug interpreter.

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