[Python-apps-commits] r9587 - in packages/gtg/tags (5 files)

dktrkranz at users.alioth.debian.org dktrkranz at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun May 5 12:31:05 UTC 2013

    Date: Sunday, May 5, 2013 @ 12:31:03
  Author: dktrkranz
Revision: 9587

[svn-buildpackage] Tagging gtg 0.3-2

    (from rev 9586, packages/gtg/trunk/debian/changelog)
    (from rev 9585, packages/gtg/trunk/debian/control)

Deleted: packages/gtg/tags/0.3-2/debian/changelog
--- packages/gtg/trunk/debian/changelog	2013-05-04 19:06:54 UTC (rev 9584)
+++ packages/gtg/tags/0.3-2/debian/changelog	2013-05-05 12:31:03 UTC (rev 9587)
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-gtg (0.3-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * debian/install:
-    - Install bash-completion script.
-  * debian/links:
-    - gtcli link must point to gtcli, not gtg.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sat, 10 Nov 2012 16:02:22 +0100
-gtg (0.3-1) experimental; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release.
-    - Fix crash with liblarch module (Closes: #669872).
-  * Remove all Debian patches, applied upstream.
-  * debian/control:
-    - Depend on python-liblarch (>= 2.1.0).
-    - Drop python-liblarch-gtk dependency.
-    - Add yelp to Recommends field.
-    - Add plugin dependencies to Suggests field, also including
-      librsvg2-common for Tomboy/Gnote (Closes: #674613).
-    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4, no changes required.
-  * debian/copyright:
-    - Refresh copyright information.
-  * debian/links:
-    - Provide gtcli symlink.
-  * debian/rules:
-    - Set executable bit to script_pocketmod.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sat, 10 Nov 2012 10:44:36 +0100
-gtg (0.2.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release (Closes: #668096).
-    - Implement a search text box (Closes: #650279).
-    - Window title reflects active tasks (LP: #537096).
-    - Fix misbehaviours of the indicator applet (LP: #548836, #676353).
-    - Fix crash when selecting notification area plugin twice (LP: #550321).
-    - Fix sorting of tasks by date (LP: #556159).
-    - Fix excessive delays at startup (LP: #558600).
-    - Fix crash with dates having unknown values (LP: #561449).
-    - Fix crash issued when pressing delete key (LP: #583103).
-    - Keep notification plugin enabled after logoff (LP: #617257).
-    - Fix Hamster plugin to work with recent Hamster versions (LP: #620313).
-    - No longer use non-unicode strings (LP: #680632).
-    - New RTM sync mechanism (LP: #753327).
-    - Fix crashes while handling XML storage file (LP: #916474, #917634).
-  * debian/patches/*:
-    - Drop all patches, they have been merged upstream.
-  * debian/patches/shebang.patch:
-    - Fix shebang line.
-  * debian/patches/manpages.patch:
-    - Fix some groff warnings in gtg_new_task man page
-  * debian/compat:
-    - Bump compatibility level to 9.
-  * debian/control:
-    - Bump X-Python-Version to >= 2.6.
-    - Add python-liblarch and python-liblarch-gtk to Depends field.
-    - Add python-cheetah, python-geoclue, python-gnomekeyring,
-      python-launchpadlib and python-suds to Suggests field.
-    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3.
-  * debian/copyright:
-    - Refresh copyright information.
-    - Format now points to copyright-format site.
-  * debian/rules:
-    - Make gtcli_bash_completion script executable.
-  * debian/watch:
-    - Update watch file.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Tue, 10 Apr 2012 23:08:21 +0200
-gtg (0.2.4-6) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/patches/*.patch:
-    - Use DEP3 headers in patches.
-  * debian/patches/select_right_clicked_tasks.patch:
-    - Change selection when right-clicking on a different task,
-      patch cherry-picked by Jérôme Guelfucci (Closes: #624225).
-  * debian/control:
-    - Add python-simplejson to Recommends (Closes: #585629).
-    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:20:24 +0200
-gtg (0.2.4-5) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Switch to dh_python2.
-  * debian/patches/gnome2.patch:
-    - Drop obsolete python-gnome2 methods.
-  * debian/control:
-    - Depend on python-simplejson | python (>= 2.6).
-    - Drop python-gnome2 dependency (Closes: #611097).
-  * debian/copyright:
-    - Update copyright years.
-  * debian/rules:
-    - Delete unused .egg-info file.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sun, 06 Feb 2011 18:53:44 +0100
-gtg (0.2.4-4) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/patches/x_is_running.patch:
-    - Check if a display is available instead of relying on xset being
-      installed and functional (Closes: #595430).
-  * debian/patches/locale.patch:
-    - Use bindtextdomain to simplify locale handling (Closes: #595436, #595440).
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sun, 05 Sep 2010 15:03:35 +0200
-gtg (0.2.4-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/patches/xml_temp_file.patch:
-    - Use temp files to temporarily store GTG status, to avoid
-      generating empty XML files (Closes: #590043).
-  * debian/control:
-    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1, no changes required.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Wed, 11 Aug 2010 09:08:39 +0200
-gtg (0.2.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/patches/test_executable.patch:
-    - Do not launch program to see if it is available, check if it is
-      installed and has executable bit enabled instead.
-  * debian/patches/reaper_hang.patch:
-    - Do not hang on quit due to "completed tasks remover" plugin.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Thu, 24 Jun 2010 20:22:12 +0200
-gtg (0.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream bugfix release.
-    - Restore export_templates directory (Closes: #574454).
-    - Provide Serbian localization support (LP: #459610).
-    - Restore hello_world plugin glade file (LP: #530256).
-    - Export plugin doesn't hang if no templates are found (LP: #531909).
-    - Fix variable reference in taskbrowser (LP: #544233).
-    - Fix "Schedule for" feature (LP: #522470, #549539).
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sat, 10 Apr 2010 13:48:37 +0200
-gtg (0.2.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream bugfix release.
-  * debian/patches/py2.5_compat.patch:
-    - Removed, fixed upstream.
-  * debian/control:
-    - Add Bryce Harrington and Luca Invernizzi to Uploaders.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Tue, 02 Mar 2010 21:18:46 +0100
-gtg (0.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release.
-  * debian/patches/py2.5_compat.patch:
-    - Refresh with new compatibility fixes.
-  * debian/copyright:
-    - Add new copyright holders and adjust copyright years.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Mon, 01 Mar 2010 21:02:06 +0100
-gtg (0.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release.
-  * debian/patches/distutils_missing_files.patch:
-    - Removed, fixed upstream.
-  * debian/patches/py2.5_compat.patch:
-    - with is a reserved word in Python 2.6, import with_statement to
-      handle it correctly and avoid issues during byte-compilation.
-  * debian/control:
-    - Bump Standard-Version to 3.8.4, no changes needed.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Mon, 01 Feb 2010 20:21:38 +0100
-gtg (0.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/patches/distutils_missing_files.patch:
-    - Add missing files to setup.py.
-  * Switch to format 3.0 (quilt).
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Wed, 06 Jan 2010 15:20:15 +0100
-gtg (0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release.
-    - xdg module is no longer required at build time (Closes: #560566).
-  * Remove unneeded build-dependencies.
-  * Add python-dbus to Depends.
-  * Bump dependency on python-gtk2 to be at least 2.14 (Closes: #559498).
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sat, 12 Dec 2009 16:04:44 +0100
-gtg (0.1.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream beta release.
-    - Update translation templates (Closes: #542939).
-    - Make some GTK icons translatable (LP: #398904).
-    - Fix grammar error (LP: #403168).
-  * Update my e-mail address.
-  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no changes required.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Wed, 02 Dec 2009 23:52:41 +0100
-gtg (0.1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release.
-  * Install binary and module in a private directory.
-  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2, no changes required.
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at ubuntu.com>  Thu, 09 Jul 2009 00:20:03 +0200
-gtg (0.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Initial release (Closes: #520609).
- -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at ubuntu.com>  Fri, 03 Apr 2009 21:48:06 +0200

Copied: packages/gtg/tags/0.3-2/debian/changelog (from rev 9586, packages/gtg/trunk/debian/changelog)
--- packages/gtg/tags/0.3-2/debian/changelog	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/gtg/tags/0.3-2/debian/changelog	2013-05-05 12:31:03 UTC (rev 9587)
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+gtg (0.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Upload to unstable.
+  * debian/control:
+    - Use canonical URIs for VCS fields
+  * debian/install:
+    - Install bash-completion script.
+  * debian/links:
+    - gtcli link must point to gtcli, not gtg.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sun, 05 May 2013 14:23:30 +0200
+gtg (0.3-1) experimental; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+    - Fix crash with liblarch module (Closes: #669872).
+  * Remove all Debian patches, applied upstream.
+  * debian/control:
+    - Depend on python-liblarch (>= 2.1.0).
+    - Drop python-liblarch-gtk dependency.
+    - Add yelp to Recommends field.
+    - Add plugin dependencies to Suggests field, also including
+      librsvg2-common for Tomboy/Gnote (Closes: #674613).
+    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4, no changes required.
+  * debian/copyright:
+    - Refresh copyright information.
+  * debian/links:
+    - Provide gtcli symlink.
+  * debian/rules:
+    - Set executable bit to script_pocketmod.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sat, 10 Nov 2012 10:44:36 +0100
+gtg (0.2.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release (Closes: #668096).
+    - Implement a search text box (Closes: #650279).
+    - Window title reflects active tasks (LP: #537096).
+    - Fix misbehaviours of the indicator applet (LP: #548836, #676353).
+    - Fix crash when selecting notification area plugin twice (LP: #550321).
+    - Fix sorting of tasks by date (LP: #556159).
+    - Fix excessive delays at startup (LP: #558600).
+    - Fix crash with dates having unknown values (LP: #561449).
+    - Fix crash issued when pressing delete key (LP: #583103).
+    - Keep notification plugin enabled after logoff (LP: #617257).
+    - Fix Hamster plugin to work with recent Hamster versions (LP: #620313).
+    - No longer use non-unicode strings (LP: #680632).
+    - New RTM sync mechanism (LP: #753327).
+    - Fix crashes while handling XML storage file (LP: #916474, #917634).
+  * debian/patches/*:
+    - Drop all patches, they have been merged upstream.
+  * debian/patches/shebang.patch:
+    - Fix shebang line.
+  * debian/patches/manpages.patch:
+    - Fix some groff warnings in gtg_new_task man page
+  * debian/compat:
+    - Bump compatibility level to 9.
+  * debian/control:
+    - Bump X-Python-Version to >= 2.6.
+    - Add python-liblarch and python-liblarch-gtk to Depends field.
+    - Add python-cheetah, python-geoclue, python-gnomekeyring,
+      python-launchpadlib and python-suds to Suggests field.
+    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3.
+  * debian/copyright:
+    - Refresh copyright information.
+    - Format now points to copyright-format site.
+  * debian/rules:
+    - Make gtcli_bash_completion script executable.
+  * debian/watch:
+    - Update watch file.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Tue, 10 Apr 2012 23:08:21 +0200
+gtg (0.2.4-6) unstable; urgency=low
+  * debian/patches/*.patch:
+    - Use DEP3 headers in patches.
+  * debian/patches/select_right_clicked_tasks.patch:
+    - Change selection when right-clicking on a different task,
+      patch cherry-picked by Jérôme Guelfucci (Closes: #624225).
+  * debian/control:
+    - Add python-simplejson to Recommends (Closes: #585629).
+    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:20:24 +0200
+gtg (0.2.4-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Switch to dh_python2.
+  * debian/patches/gnome2.patch:
+    - Drop obsolete python-gnome2 methods.
+  * debian/control:
+    - Depend on python-simplejson | python (>= 2.6).
+    - Drop python-gnome2 dependency (Closes: #611097).
+  * debian/copyright:
+    - Update copyright years.
+  * debian/rules:
+    - Delete unused .egg-info file.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sun, 06 Feb 2011 18:53:44 +0100
+gtg (0.2.4-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * debian/patches/x_is_running.patch:
+    - Check if a display is available instead of relying on xset being
+      installed and functional (Closes: #595430).
+  * debian/patches/locale.patch:
+    - Use bindtextdomain to simplify locale handling (Closes: #595436, #595440).
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sun, 05 Sep 2010 15:03:35 +0200
+gtg (0.2.4-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * debian/patches/xml_temp_file.patch:
+    - Use temp files to temporarily store GTG status, to avoid
+      generating empty XML files (Closes: #590043).
+  * debian/control:
+    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1, no changes required.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Wed, 11 Aug 2010 09:08:39 +0200
+gtg (0.2.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * debian/patches/test_executable.patch:
+    - Do not launch program to see if it is available, check if it is
+      installed and has executable bit enabled instead.
+  * debian/patches/reaper_hang.patch:
+    - Do not hang on quit due to "completed tasks remover" plugin.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Thu, 24 Jun 2010 20:22:12 +0200
+gtg (0.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream bugfix release.
+    - Restore export_templates directory (Closes: #574454).
+    - Provide Serbian localization support (LP: #459610).
+    - Restore hello_world plugin glade file (LP: #530256).
+    - Export plugin doesn't hang if no templates are found (LP: #531909).
+    - Fix variable reference in taskbrowser (LP: #544233).
+    - Fix "Schedule for" feature (LP: #522470, #549539).
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sat, 10 Apr 2010 13:48:37 +0200
+gtg (0.2.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream bugfix release.
+  * debian/patches/py2.5_compat.patch:
+    - Removed, fixed upstream.
+  * debian/control:
+    - Add Bryce Harrington and Luca Invernizzi to Uploaders.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Tue, 02 Mar 2010 21:18:46 +0100
+gtg (0.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * debian/patches/py2.5_compat.patch:
+    - Refresh with new compatibility fixes.
+  * debian/copyright:
+    - Add new copyright holders and adjust copyright years.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Mon, 01 Mar 2010 21:02:06 +0100
+gtg (0.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * debian/patches/distutils_missing_files.patch:
+    - Removed, fixed upstream.
+  * debian/patches/py2.5_compat.patch:
+    - with is a reserved word in Python 2.6, import with_statement to
+      handle it correctly and avoid issues during byte-compilation.
+  * debian/control:
+    - Bump Standard-Version to 3.8.4, no changes needed.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Mon, 01 Feb 2010 20:21:38 +0100
+gtg (0.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * debian/patches/distutils_missing_files.patch:
+    - Add missing files to setup.py.
+  * Switch to format 3.0 (quilt).
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Wed, 06 Jan 2010 15:20:15 +0100
+gtg (0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+    - xdg module is no longer required at build time (Closes: #560566).
+  * Remove unneeded build-dependencies.
+  * Add python-dbus to Depends.
+  * Bump dependency on python-gtk2 to be at least 2.14 (Closes: #559498).
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Sat, 12 Dec 2009 16:04:44 +0100
+gtg (0.1.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream beta release.
+    - Update translation templates (Closes: #542939).
+    - Make some GTK icons translatable (LP: #398904).
+    - Fix grammar error (LP: #403168).
+  * Update my e-mail address.
+  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no changes required.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>  Wed, 02 Dec 2009 23:52:41 +0100
+gtg (0.1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Install binary and module in a private directory.
+  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2, no changes required.
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at ubuntu.com>  Thu, 09 Jul 2009 00:20:03 +0200
+gtg (0.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Initial release (Closes: #520609).
+ -- Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at ubuntu.com>  Fri, 03 Apr 2009 21:48:06 +0200

Deleted: packages/gtg/tags/0.3-2/debian/control
--- packages/gtg/trunk/debian/control	2013-05-04 19:06:54 UTC (rev 9584)
+++ packages/gtg/tags/0.3-2/debian/control	2013-05-05 12:31:03 UTC (rev 9587)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Source: gtg
-Section: gnome
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>
-Uploaders: Python Applications Packaging Team <python-apps-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9~)
-Build-Depends-Indep: python (>= 2.6.6-3~)
-Standards-Version: 3.9.4
-X-Python-Version: >= 2.6
-Homepage: http://gtg.fritalk.com/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/python-apps/packages/gtg/trunk/
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/python-apps/packages/gtg/trunk/
-Package: gtg
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${python:Depends},
- ${misc:Depends},
- python-gtk2 (>= 2.14),
- python-glade2,
- python-dbus,
- python-xdg,
- python-configobj,
- python-liblarch (>= 2.1.0)
-Recommends: python-simplejson,
- yelp
-Suggests: bugz,
- python-appindicator,
- python-cairo,
- python-cheetah,
- python-dateutil,
- python-evolution,
- python-geoclue,
- python-gnomekeyring,
- python-launchpadlib,
- python-suds
-Description: organizer for the GNOME desktop environment
- Getting Things GNOME! is an organizer for the GNOME desktop environment.
- GTG focuses on usability and ease of use. Its main objective is to
- provide a simple and yet flexible organization tool for life and work.

Copied: packages/gtg/tags/0.3-2/debian/control (from rev 9585, packages/gtg/trunk/debian/control)
--- packages/gtg/tags/0.3-2/debian/control	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/gtg/tags/0.3-2/debian/control	2013-05-05 12:31:03 UTC (rev 9587)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Source: gtg
+Section: gnome
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>
+Uploaders: Python Applications Packaging Team <python-apps-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9~)
+Build-Depends-Indep: python (>= 2.6.6-3~)
+Standards-Version: 3.9.4
+X-Python-Version: >= 2.6
+Homepage: http://gtg.fritalk.com/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/python-apps/packages/gtg/trunk/
+Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewsvn/python-apps/packages/gtg/trunk/
+Package: gtg
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${python:Depends},
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ python-gtk2 (>= 2.14),
+ python-glade2,
+ python-dbus,
+ python-xdg,
+ python-configobj,
+ python-liblarch (>= 2.1.0)
+Recommends: python-simplejson,
+ yelp
+Suggests: bugz,
+ python-appindicator,
+ python-cairo,
+ python-cheetah,
+ python-dateutil,
+ python-evolution,
+ python-geoclue,
+ python-gnomekeyring,
+ python-launchpadlib,
+ python-suds
+Description: organizer for the GNOME desktop environment
+ Getting Things GNOME! is an organizer for the GNOME desktop environment.
+ GTG focuses on usability and ease of use. Its main objective is to
+ provide a simple and yet flexible organization tool for life and work.

More information about the Python-apps-commits mailing list