[Python-apps-commits] r13138 - in packages/sabnzbdplus/trunk/debian (2 files)

jcfp-guest at users.alioth.debian.org jcfp-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Apr 27 18:15:49 UTC 2016

    Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 @ 18:15:47
  Author: jcfp-guest
Revision: 13138

Expand patch 08 to also deal with config and scheduler


Modified: packages/sabnzbdplus/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/sabnzbdplus/trunk/debian/changelog	2016-04-27 16:59:43 UTC (rev 13137)
+++ packages/sabnzbdplus/trunk/debian/changelog	2016-04-27 18:15:47 UTC (rev 13138)
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
 sabnzbdplus (1.0.1+dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release. (Closes: #819896)
-  * Refresh all patches.
+  * Patches:
+    + refresh all.
+    + make patch 08 also remove the version check option from the
+      scheduler and the configuration interface.
+    + rename and expand patch 09 to deal with more potential privacy
+      breaches.
   * Add new Glitter theme binary package.
   * Control:
     + bump required Python version to >= 2.6 (from >= 2.5).

Modified: packages/sabnzbdplus/trunk/debian/patches/08_disable_new_version_check.diff
--- packages/sabnzbdplus/trunk/debian/patches/08_disable_new_version_check.diff	2016-04-27 16:59:43 UTC (rev 13137)
+++ packages/sabnzbdplus/trunk/debian/patches/08_disable_new_version_check.diff	2016-04-27 18:15:47 UTC (rev 13138)
@@ -10,3 +10,40 @@
      if not cfg.version_check():
+--- a/interfaces/Config/templates/config_switches.tmpl
++++ b/interfaces/Config/templates/config_switches.tmpl
+@@ -16,15 +16,6 @@
+                         <input type="checkbox" name="auto_browser" id="auto_browser" value="1" <!--#if int($auto_browser) > 0 then 'checked="checked"' else ""#--> />
+                         <span class="desc">$T('explain-auto_browser')</span>
+                     </div>
+-                    <div class="field-pair">
+-                        <label class="config" for="check_new_rel">$T('opt-check_new_rel')</label>
+-                        <select name="check_new_rel" id="check_new_rel">
+-                            <option value="0" <!--#if $check_new_rel == 0 then 'selected="selected"' else ""#--> >$T('off')</option>
+-                            <option value="1" <!--#if $check_new_rel == 1 then 'selected="selected"' else ""#--> >$T('on')</option>
+-                            <option value="2" <!--#if $check_new_rel == 2 then 'selected="selected"' else ""#--> >$T('also-test')</option>
+-                        </select>
+-                        <span class="desc">$T('explain-check_new_rel')</span>
+-                    </div>
+                     <div class="field-pair <!--#if not $have_ampm then "disabled" else "" #-->">
+                         <label class="config" for="ampm">$T('opt-ampm')</label>
+                         <input type="checkbox" name="ampm" id="ampm" value="1" <!--#if int($ampm) > 0 then 'checked="checked"' else ""#--> <!--#if not $have_ampm then 'readonly="readonly" disabled="disabled"' else "" #--> />
+--- a/sabnzbd/scheduler.py
++++ b/sabnzbd/scheduler.py
+@@ -171,16 +171,6 @@
+                                       kronos.method.sequential, None, None)
+         __SCHED.add_single_task(rss.run_method, 'RSS', 15, kronos.method.sequential, None, None)
+-    if cfg.version_check():
+-        # Check for new release, once per week on random time
+-        m = random.randint(0, 59)
+-        h = random.randint(0, 23)
+-        d = (random.randint(1, 7), )
+-        logging.debug("Scheduling VersionCheck on day %s at %s:%s", d[0], h, m)
+-        __SCHED.add_daytime_task(sabnzbd.misc.check_latest_version, 'VerCheck', d, None, (h, m),
+-                                 kronos.method.sequential, [], None)
+     action, hour, minute = sabnzbd.bpsmeter.BPSMeter.do.get_quota()
+     if action:
+         logging.info('Setting schedule for quota check daily at %s:%s', hour, minute)

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