[Python-apps-commits] r14098 - in packages/spambayes/trunk/debian (5 files)

hle at users.alioth.debian.org hle at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Jun 10 11:05:19 UTC 2017

    Date: Saturday, June 10, 2017 @ 11:05:17
  Author: hle
Revision: 14098

* Fix things broken by the pybuild port:
  - fix script names ending with .py again (Closes: #863677).
  - stop installing broken sb_notesfilter
* Remove debian/NEWS.Debian, debian/spambayes.postinst and spambayes.prerm:
  - Stop providing .py symlinks in /usr/bin (this was a transition measure
    since 1.0.4-6).


Deleted: packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/NEWS.Debian
--- packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/NEWS.Debian	2017-06-05 19:24:56 UTC (rev 14097)
+++ packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/NEWS.Debian	2017-06-10 11:05:17 UTC (rev 14098)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-spambayes (1.0.4-6) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Important change in the script names
-    Until 1.0.4-6, the spambayes package provided scripts installed in
-    /usr/bin and porting the ".py" extension. This has been strongly
-    discouraged for some time in Debian, and I'm about to change
-    this. This version of the package renames the scripts (by removing the
-    .py extension) and will install backward compatibility symbolic links
-    in /usr/bin with the old names. You are strongly encouraged to update
-    your scripts (procmail...) to use the proper names, as the old names
-    will stop working in the future.
- -- Alexandre Fayolle <afayolle at debian.org>  Sun, 31 Oct 2010 16:54:41 +0100

Modified: packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/changelog	2017-06-05 19:24:56 UTC (rev 14097)
+++ packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/changelog	2017-06-10 11:05:17 UTC (rev 14098)
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+spambayes (1.1b1-3) experimental; urgency=medium
+  * Fix things broken by the pybuild port:
+    - fix script names ending with .py again (Closes: #863677).
+    - stop installing broken sb_notesfilter
+  * Remove debian/NEWS.Debian, debian/spambayes.postinst and spambayes.prerm:
+    - Stop providing .py symlinks in /usr/bin (this was a transition measure
+      since 1.0.4-6).
+ -- Hugo Lefeuvre <hle at debian.org>  Sat, 10 Jun 2017 12:02:12 +0200
 spambayes (1.1b1-2) experimental; urgency=low
   * Acknowledge NMU (Closes: #857531). Thanks Marcio !

Modified: packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/rules
--- packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/rules	2017-06-05 19:24:56 UTC (rev 14097)
+++ packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/rules	2017-06-10 11:05:17 UTC (rev 14098)
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
 export PYBUILD_NAME=spamassassin
 	dh $@ --with python2 --buildsystem=pybuild
+	dh_auto_install
+	prename "s/.py//" $(SB)/usr/bin/*.py
+	rm -f $(SB)/usr/bin/sb_pop3dnd 
+	rm -f $(SB)/usr/bin/sb_notesfilter

Deleted: packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/spambayes.postinst
--- packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/spambayes.postinst	2017-06-05 19:24:56 UTC (rev 14097)
+++ packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/spambayes.postinst	2017-06-10 11:05:17 UTC (rev 14098)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-# transitional bw compatibility links (1.0.4-6)
-SCRIPTS="sb_xmlrpcserver sb_server sb_bnfilter sb_mailsort \
-        sb_unheader sb_client sb_filter sb_mboxtrain sb_bnserver \
-        sb_chkopts sb_upload sb_dbexpimp sb_imapfilter \
-        sb_evoscore"
-if [ "$1" = configure ] ; then
-    for f in ${SCRIPTS}
-    do
-        ln -fs /usr/bin/${f} /usr/bin/${f}.py
-    done

Deleted: packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/spambayes.prerm
--- packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/spambayes.prerm	2017-06-05 19:24:56 UTC (rev 14097)
+++ packages/spambayes/trunk/debian/spambayes.prerm	2017-06-10 11:05:17 UTC (rev 14098)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-# transitional bw compatibility links (1.0.4-6)
-SCRIPTS="sb_xmlrpcserver sb_server sb_bnfilter sb_mailsort \
-        sb_unheader sb_client sb_filter sb_mboxtrain sb_bnserver \
-        sb_chkopts sb_upload sb_dbexpimp sb_imapfilter \
-        sb_notesfilter sb_evoscore"
-for f in ${SCRIPTS}
-    rm -f /usr/bin/${f}.py

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