[Reportbug-commits] r570 - in branches/modules (11 files)

lawrencc at users.alioth.debian.org lawrencc at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Jul 8 19:27:23 UTC 2008

    Date: Tuesday, July 8, 2008 @ 19:27:22
  Author: lawrencc
Revision: 570

Move man pages into man dir (somehow skipped in patches); kill dupe test_hirematch.py


Added: branches/modules/man/querybts.1
--- branches/modules/man/querybts.1	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/modules/man/querybts.1	2008-07-08 19:27:22 UTC (rev 570)
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+.TH querybts 1
+querybts \- view outstanding bug reports on a debbugs server
+.B querybts
+.I "[options] <package | number [number2]...>"
+.B querybts
+is designed to provide a convenient and easy-to-use interface to the
+Debbugs bug tracking system, as used by Debian and several other
+projects.  You can specify a package name or one or more report
+The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
+options starting with two dashes (`\-\-').
+A summary of options are included below.
+.B \-h, \-\-help
+Show summary of options.
+.B \-v, \-\-version
+Show the version of
+.B querybts
+and exit.
+.B \-A, \-\-archive
+Browse archived bugs instead of current reports.  Debbugs servers
+clear out closed reports after 28 days and place them in a separate
+archive; this option allows those older, resolved reports to be viewed
+(at least for servers that maintain an archive).
+.B \-B SYSTEM, \-\-bts=SYSTEM
+Instead of the Debian bug server, use the server specified by
+You can specify
+.B help
+to get a list of supported servers.
+.B \-m, \-\-mbox
+Retrieve the given bug number as a mailbox file, instead of viewing
+it.  It will be dumped to standard output.
+.B \-\-proxy=PROXY, \-\-http_proxy=PROXY
+Specify the WWW proxy server to use to handle the query of the bug
+tracking system.  You should only need this parameter if you are
+behind a firewall.
+.B \-s, \-\-source
+Query on source packages, rather than binary packages.
+.B \-w, \-\-web
+Launch a web browser to view bug reports, instead of using the
+internal interface.  This will also allow you to see all of the
+discussion about a particular bug, instead of the initial report.
+(Only the first bug number on the command line will be opened.)
+.B querybts
+supports a simple run control file syntax.  Commands are read from
+.B /etc/reportbug.conf
+.B $HOME/.reportbugrc
+with commands in the latter overriding those in the former.  Commands
+are not case sensitive, and currently take 0 or 1 arguments; arguments
+containing whitespace must be enclosed in quotes.  Any line starting
+with # is taken to be a comment and will be ignored.
+Generally, options corresponding to the GNU long options for
+.B querybts
+are supported, without leading \-\- sequences.  See the default
+.B /etc/reportbug.conf
+for all acceptable options.  Options only supported by
+.B reportbug
+will be silently ignored.
+Colon-separated list of web browsers to try; they will be tried in
+order, until one succeeds.  You can use %s to substitute the URL to be
+used, and %% to insert a literal percent sign.  If no %s is specified,
+the URL will be supplied as a normal argument.
+.B http_proxy
+Provides the address of a proxy server to handle the BTS query.  This
+should be a valid
+.B http
+URL for a proxy server, including any required port number (simply
+specifying a hostname, or omitting a port other than 80, WILL NOT WORK).
+Python's getopt module is pickier than GNU getopt() about the order of
+command line arguments; all switches must be specified before the
+package name.
+You must have the python-newt package installed to run this program.
+reportbug(1), reportbug.conf(5)
+Chris Lawrence <lawrencc at debian.org>.

Added: branches/modules/man/reportbug.1
--- branches/modules/man/reportbug.1	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/modules/man/reportbug.1	2008-07-08 19:27:22 UTC (rev 570)
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+.TH reportbug 1
+reportbug \- reports a bug to a debbugs server
+.B reportbug
+.I "[options] <package | pseudo-package | absolute-pathname>"
+.B reportbug
+is primarily designed to report bugs in the Debian distribution; by
+default, it creates an email to the Debian bug tracking system at
+.I submit at bugs.debian.org
+with information about the bug you've found, and makes a carbon copy
+of the report for you as well.
+Using the
+.B \-\-bts
+option, you can also report bugs to other servers that use the Debian
+bug tracking system, \fBdebbugs\fP.
+You may specify either a package name or an absolute filename; if you
+use a filename, it must begin with a \fB/\fP to be recognized.  If you
+want \fBreportbug\fP to search the system for a filename, see the
+\fB\-\-file\fP option, below.
+You can also specify a \fBpseudo-package\fP; these are used in the
+Debian bug tracking system to track issues that are not related to one
+specific package.  Run \fBreportbug\fP without any arguments, then
+enter \fBother\fP at the package prompt, to see a list of the most
+commonly-used pseudo-packages.
+The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
+options starting with two dashes (`\-\-').
+A summary of options are included below.
+.B \-h, \-\-help
+Show summary of options.
+.B \-\-version
+Show the version of
+.B reportbug
+and exit.
+.B \-a, \-\-af
+Instead of spawning an editor to revise the bug report, use the
+.B af
+mail reader to edit and send it.
+.B \-A FILENAME, \-\-attach=FILENAME
+Attach a file to the bug report; both text and binary files are
+acceptable.  This routine will create a MIME attachment with the file
+included; in some cases (usually text files), it is probably better to
+use \-\-include.  (Please note that Debian's bug tracking system has
+limited support for MIME attachments.)
+.B \-b, \-\-no\-query\-bts
+Don't check the Debian bug tracking system to see if this problem has
+already been reported; useful for offline use or if you're
+.B really
+sure it's a bug.
+.B \-\-query\-bts
+Check the Debian bug tracking system to see if this problem has
+already been reported (default).
+.B \-B SYSTEM, \-\-bts=SYSTEM
+Instead of the Debian bug server (or the bug server specified in
+\fB/etc/reportbug.conf\fP, use the server specified by
+You can specify
+.B help
+to get a list of supported servers.
+.B \-\-body=BODY
+Use the specified BODY as the body of the message.  The body text will be
+wrapped at 70 columns, and the normal reportbug headers and footers
+will be added as appropriate.  The editor prompt and any "special"
+prompting will be bypassed.
+.B \-\-body-file=BODYFILE
+The contents of the (assumed to be) text file BODYFILE will be used as
+the message body.  This file is assumed to be properly formatted
+(i.e. reasonable line lengths, etc.).  The usual headers and footers
+will be added, and the editor step and "special" prompts will be
+skipped.  (BODYFILE may also be a named pipe; using a device special
+file may lead to unusual results.)
+.B \-c, \-\-no\-config\-files
+Omit configuration files from the bug report without asking.  By
+default, you are asked if you want to include them; in some cases,
+doing so may cause sensitive information to be sent via email.
+.B \-\-configure
+Rerun the
+.B reportbug
+first time configuration routine, and write a new .reportbugrc file.
+This will erase any pre-existing settings in the file; however, a
+backup will be written as .reportbugrc~.
+.B \-\-check\-available
+Check for newer releases of the package at packages.debian.org
+(default).  In \fBadvanced\fP and \fBexpert\fP mode, check
+\fBincoming.debian.org\fP and
+.B \-\-no\-check\-available
+Do not check for newer releases of the package at packages.debian.org.
+.B \-d, \-\-debug
+Don't send a real bug report to Debian; send it to yourself instead.
+This is primarily used for testing by the maintainer.
+.B \-e EDITOR, \-\-editor=EDITOR
+Specify the editor to use, overriding any EDITOR or VISUAL environment
+variable setting.
+.B \-\-email=ADDRESS
+Set the email address your report should appear to be sent from
+(i.e. the address that appears in the \fBFrom:\fP header).  This
+should be the actual Internet email address on its own (i.e. without a
+real name or comment part).  This setting will override the EMAIL and
+DEBEMAIL environment variables, but not REPORTBUGEMAIL.
+.B \-\-exit\-prompt
+Display a prompt before exiting; this is useful if reportbug is run in
+a transient terminal (i.e. from its Debian menu entry).
+.B \-f FILENAME, \-\-filename=FILENAME
+Report a bug in the package containing
+so you don't have to figure out what package the file belongs to.  The
+path will be searched for an exact path for FILENAME before attempting
+to broaden the search to all files.
+.B \-\-path
+If the \-f option is also specified, only search the path for the
+specified FILENAME.  Specifying an absolute path with the \-f option
+(i.e. one beginning with a /) overrides this behavior.
+.B \-g, \-\-gnupg, \-\-gpg
+Attach a digital signature to the bug report using
+.B GnuPG
+(the GNU Privacy Guard).  (This argument will be ignored if you are
+using an MUA to edit and send your report.)
+.B \-G, \-\-gnus
+Use the GNUS mail and news reader to send your report, rather than
+using the editor.
+.B \-H HEADER, \-\-header=HEADER
+Add a custom RFC 2822 header to your email; for example, to send a
+carbon copy of the report to
+.I debian-68k at lists.linux-m68k.org
+you could use
+.I \-H 'X\-Debbugs\-CC: debian\-68k at lists.linux\-m68k.org'
+.B \-i FILE, \-\-include=FILE
+Include the specified file as part of the body of the message to be
+edited.  Can be used multiple times to add multiple files; text-only
+please!  From a suggestion by Michael Alan Dorman in the
+.B bug
+mailing list.  (See also the \-\-attach option.)
+.B \-I, \-\-no\-check\-installed
+Do not check whether the package is installed before filing a report.
+This is generally only useful when filing a report on a package you
+know is not installed on your system.
+.B \-\-check\-installed
+Check if the specified package is installed when filing reports.  (This
+is the default behavior of reportbug.)
+.B \-j JUSTIFICATION, \-\-justification=JUSTIFICATION
+Bugs in Debian that have "serious", "grave", or "critical" severities
+must meet certain criteria to be classified as such.  This option
+allows you to specify the justification for a release-critical bug,
+instead of being prompted for it.
+.B \-k, \-\-kudos
+Send appreciative email to the recorded maintainer address, rather
+than filing a bug report.  (You can also send kudos to
+\fIpackagename\fP at packages.debian.org, for packages in the Debian
+archive; however, this option uses the Maintainer address from the
+control file, so it works with other package sources too.)
+.B \-K KEYID, \-\-keyid=KEYID
+Private key to use for PGP/GnuPG signatures.  If not specified, the
+first key in the secret keyring that matches your email address will
+be used.
+.B \-\-license
+Show \fBreportbug\fP's copyright and license information on standard
+.B \-\-list\-cc=ADDRESS
+Send a carbon copy of the report to the specified list after a report
+number is assigned; this is the equivalent to the option
+.I \-H 'X\-Debbugs\-CC: ADDRESS'.
+This option will only work as intended with debbugs systems.
+.B \-m, \-\-maintonly
+Only send the bug to the package maintainer; the bug tracking system
+will not send a copy to the bug report distribution lists.
+.B \-\-mode=MODE
+Set the operating mode for \fBreportbug\fP.
+.B reportbug
+currently has four operating modes: \fBnovice\fP (the
+default), \fBstandard\fP, \fBadvanced\fP, and \fBexpert\fP.
+.B novice
+mode is designed to minimize prompting about things that "ordinary
+users" would be unlikely to know or care about, shifting the triage
+burden onto the maintainer.  Checking for new versions is only done
+for the stable distribution in this mode.  It is currently the default
+.B standard
+mode is more-or-less equivalent to the prompting that was provided by
+reportbug 1.50 and earlier; it includes a relatively large number of
+prompts and tries to encourage users to not file frivolous or
+duplicate bug reports.
+.B advanced
+mode is like \fBstandard\fP mode, but may include shortcuts suitable
+for more advanced users of Debian, without being as close to the metal
+(and potential flamage) as \fBexpert\fP mode.  (Currently, the only
+differences from \fBstandard\fP mode are that it assumes familiarity
+with the "incoming" queue; it allows the reporting of bugs on
+"dependency" packages; and it does not prompt where to insert the
+report text in the editor.)
+.B expert
+mode is designed to minimize prompts that are designed to discourage
+frivolous or unnecessary bug reports, "severity inflation," and the
+like.  In expert mode,
+.B reportbug
+assumes the user is thoroughly familiar with Debian policies.  In
+practice, this means that reporters are no longer required to justify
+setting a high severity on a bug report, and certain automated
+cleanups of the message are bypassed.  Individuals who do not
+regularly contribute to the Debian project are \fIhighly\fP
+discouraged from using expert mode, as it can lead to flamage from
+maintainers when used improperly.
+.B \-M, \-\-mutt
+Instead of spawning an editor to revise the bug report, use the
+.B mutt
+mail reader to edit and send it.
+.B \-\-mta='<MTA>'
+Specify an alternate MTA, instead of
+.B /usr/sbin/sendmail
+(the default).  Any 
+.B smtphost
+setting will override this one.
+.B \-\-mua='<MUA> <option>'
+Instead of spawning an editor to revise the bug report, use the
+specified MUA (mail user agent) to edit and send it.  The
+.B option
+should be used to tell your mail reader to interpret the report as a
+draft message.  For examples of how this works, see how the
+.B --mutt, --nmh
+.B --af
+options are processed.
+.B \-n, \-\-nmh, \-\-mh
+Instead of spawning an editor to revise the bug report, use the
+.B comp
+command (part of the
+.B nmh
+.B mh
+mail systems) to edit and send it.
+.B \-o FILE, \-\-output=FILE
+Instead of sending an email, redirect it to the specified filename.
+.B \-O, \-\-offline
+Disable all external queries.  Currently has the same effect as
+\fB\-\-no\-check\-available \-\-no\-query\-bts\fP.
+.B \-p, \-\-print
+Instead of sending an email, print the bug report to standard output,
+so you can redirect it to a file or pipe it to another program.
+This option only outputs a template for a bug report; you will need to
+fill in the long description.
+.B \-\-paranoid
+Show the contents of the message before it is sent, including all
+headers.  Automatically disabled if in template mode.
+.B \-\-no\-paranoid
+Don't show the full contents of the message before it is sent (default).
+.B \-\-pgp
+Attach a digital signature to the bug report using
+(Pretty Good Privacy).  Please note, however, that the Debian project
+is phasing out the use of PGP in favor of GnuPG.  (This argument will
+be ignored if using an MUA to edit and send your report.)
+.B \-\-proxy=PROXY, \-\-http_proxy=PROXY
+Specify the WWW proxy server to use to handle the query of the bug
+tracking system.  You should only need this parameter if you are
+behind a firewall.  The PROXY argument should be formatted as a valid
+HTTP URL, including (if necessary) a port number; for example,
+.B \-P PSEUDO-HEADER, \-\-pseudo\-header=PSEUDO-HEADER
+Add a custom pseudo-header to your email; for example, to add the
+.I mytag
+usertag for the user
+.I humberto at example.com
+to the bug, you could use
+.I \-P 'User: humberto at example.com' \-P 'Usertags: mytag'
+.B \-q, \-\-quiet
+Suppress diagnostic messages to standard error.
+.B \-Q, \-\-query\-only
+Do not submit a bug report; just query the BTS.  Option ignored if you
+specify \-\-no\-bts\-query.
+.B \-\-query\-source
+Query on all binary packages built by the same source, not just the
+binary package specified.  (Default behavior as of reportbug 2.0)
+.B \-\-no\-query\-source
+Only query on the binary package specified on the command line.
+.B \-\-realname=NAME
+Set the real name (human-readable name) to use for your report.
+.B \-\-report\-quiet
+Register the bug in the bug tracking system, but don't send a report
+to the package maintainer or anyone else.  Don't do this unless you're
+the maintainer of the package in question, or you really know what you
+are doing.
+.B \-\-reply-to=ADDRESS, \-\-replyto=ADDRESS
+Set the
+.B Reply-To
+address header in your report.
+.B \-s SUBJECT, \-\-subject=SUBJECT
+Set the subject of the bug report (i.e. a brief explanation of the
+problem, less than 60 characters).  If you do not specify this switch,
+you will be prompted for a subject.
+.B \-S SEVERITY, \-\-severity=SEVERITY
+Specify a severity level, from critical, grave, serious, important,
+normal, minor, and wishlist.
+.B \-\-smtphost=HOST[:PORT]
+Use the mail transport agent (MTA) at
+to send your report, instead of your local
+.B /usr/sbin/sendmail
+program.  This should generally be your ISP's outgoing mail server;
+you can also use 'localhost' if you have a working mail server running
+on your machine.  If the
+is omitted, the standard port for SMTP, port 25, is used.
+.B \-\-tls
+If using SMTP, use Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption to secure
+the connection to the mail server.  Some SMTP servers may require this
+.B \-\-smtpuser=USERNAME
+If using SMTP, use the specified
+for authentication.
+.B \-\-smtppasswd=PASSWORD
+If using SMTP, use the specified
+for authentication.  If the password isn't specified on the command
+line or in the configuration file, a prompt will be displayed asking
+for it.
+Use of this option is insecure on multiuser systems.  Instead, you
+should set this option in .reportbugrc and ensure it is only readable
+by your user (e.g. with chmod 600 $HOME/.reportbugrc).
+.B \-t TYPE, \-\-type=TYPE
+Specify the type of report to be submitted; currently accepts either
+gnats or debbugs.
+.B \-T TAG, \-\-tag=TAG
+Specify a tag to be filed on this report, for example \fB\-\-tag=patch\fP.
+Multiple tags can be specified using multiple \-T or \-\-tag
+Alternatively, you can specify the 'tag'
+.B none
+to bypass the tags prompt without specifying any tags; this will also
+ignore any tags specified on the command line.
+.B \-\-template
+Output a template report to standard output.
+.B \-v, \-\-verify
+Verify the integrity of the package (if installed) using debsums
+before reporting.
+.B \-V VERSION, \-\-package\-version=VERSION
+Specify the version of the package the problem was found in.  This is
+probably most useful if you are reporting a bug in a package that is
+not installable or installed on a different system.
+.B \-x, \-\-no\-cc
+Don't send a blind carbon copy (BCC) of the bug report to the
+submitter (i.e. yourself).
+.B \-z, \-\-no\-compress
+Don't compress configuration files by removing comments and blank
+.B reportbug lynx-ssl
+Report a bug in the lynx-ssl package.
+.B reportbug \-\-path \-\-file=ls
+Report a bug in the installed package that includes a program in your
+path called \fBls\fP.
+From version 0.22 on,
+.B reportbug
+has supported a simple run control file syntax.  Commands are read from
+.B /etc/reportbug.conf
+.B $HOME/.reportbugrc
+with commands in the latter overriding those in the former.  Commands
+are not case sensitive, and currently take 0 or 1 arguments; arguments
+containing whitespace must be enclosed in quotes.  Any line starting
+with # is taken to be a comment and will be ignored.
+Generally, options corresponding to the GNU long options for
+.B reportbug
+are supported, without leading \-\- sequences.  See 
+.B reportbug.conf(5)
+for all acceptable options.
+Editor to use for editing your bug report.
+Editor to use for editing the bug report (overridden by VISUAL).
+Email address to use as your from address (in this order). If no
+environment variable exists, the default is taken from your user name
+and /etc/mailname.
+Real name to use; default is taken from /etc/passwd.
+Address for Reply-To header in outgoing mail.
+Use the specified CC address on your email.  Note you can also use the
+.B -H
+option for this (and for Bcc's too).
+Use the specified BCC address, instead of your email address.  (CC and
+BCC based on suggestions from Herbert Thielen in the
+.B bug
+.B http_proxy
+Provides the address of a proxy server to handle the BTS query.  This
+should be a valid
+.B http
+URL for a proxy server, including any required port number (simply
+specifying a hostname, or omitting a port other than 80, WILL NOT WORK).
+Python's getopt module is pickier than GNU getopt() about the order of
+command line arguments; all switches must be specified before the
+package name.
+.B reportbug
+should probably be compatible with other bug tracking systems, like
+.B bugzilla
+(used by the GNOME and Mozilla projects) and
+.B jitterbug
+(used by Samba, AbiSource and FreeCiv) but it isn't.
+.I http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#tags
+for available tags, querybts(1)
+Chris Lawrence <lawrencc at debian.org>.
+\"  LocalWords:  reportbug debbugs pathname Debian bts fBdebbugs fP filename fB
+\"  LocalWords:  af Debian's BODYFILE config reportbugrc pre DEBEMAIL gnupg gpg
+\"  LocalWords:  REPORTBUGEMAIL GnuPG MUA debian Dorman severities KEYID keyid
+\"  LocalWords:  PGP maintonly mta MTA smtphost mua nmh mh pgp http realname
+\"  LocalWords:  replyto wishlist ISP's localhost SMTP tls smtpuser USERNAME
+\"  LocalWords:  smtppasswd multiuser chmod debsums uninstallable BCC ssl Bcc's
+\"  LocalWords:  whitespace DEBFULLNAME DEBNAME MAILCC MAILBCC Thielen hostname
+\"  LocalWords:  getopt bugzilla Mozilla AbiSource FreeCiv querybts

Added: branches/modules/man/reportbug.conf.5
--- branches/modules/man/reportbug.conf.5	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/modules/man/reportbug.conf.5	2008-07-08 19:27:22 UTC (rev 570)
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+.\" reportbug.conf manual page Written by Y Giridhar Appaji Nag 
+.\" Copyright (c) 2007 Y Giridhar Appaji Nag <giridhar at appaji.net>
+.\" This manual page is distributable under the following license:
+.\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+.\" documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+.\" provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that
+.\" both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+.\" supporting documentation.
+.\" $Id: reportbug.conf.5,v 2008-04-18 05:38:28 lawrencc Exp $
+.TH REPORTBUG.CONF 5 "Dec 2007" "reportbug 3.39"
+.B reportbug.conf
+- The configuration file for reportbug
+.B /etc/reportbug.conf
+- The configuration file for reportbug, a program designed to report bugs in the
+Debian distribution
+.hw config
+This manual page describes the layout of the
+.B reportbug(1)
+configuration file and the available configuration options.  The default
+location of the file is
+.B /etc/reportbug.conf
+and the options may be overriding in
+.B $HOME/.reportbugrc
+-- which follows the same format as
+.B reportbug.conf
+Configuration options can be specified in the form
+\fIoption-name\fP \fIoption-value\fP
+True/false (boolean) options can be specified as
+Usually, \fIno-option\fP will disable
+\fIoption\fP if \fIoption\fP is boolean.
+Options can be specified in any order.
+The summary of possible options (in alphabetical order) is as follows:
+.B af
+Use the
+.B af
+.B bts
+The bug tracking system to use, see
+.B reportbug --bts help
+for a list of currently supported BTSes
+.B cc (\fIboolean\fP)
+Whether the reporter should be Cc:ed on the bug report
+.B check-available (\fIboolean\fP)
+Whether \fBpackages.debian.org\fP should be queried for newer releases
+of the package.  In \fBadvanced\fP and \fBexpert\fP mode,
+\fBincoming.debian.org\fP and
+\fBhttp://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html\fP are also checked.
+.B compress (\fIboolean\fP)
+Whether modified configuration files included in the bug report should
+be stripped down
+.B config-files (\fIboolean\fP)
+Whether modified configuration files should be included with the bug
+.B editor
+The editor to use to edit the bug report
+\fIeditor "emacs \-nw"\fP
+.B email
+Default "From:" address of the bug email (override with environment
+variables, see
+.B reportbug(1))
+\fIemail "humberto at example.com"\fP
+.B header
+Additional headers to add to the bug email.  Like:
+\fIheader "X-Debbugs-CC: debian-qa at lists.debian.org"\fP
+\fIheader "X-Silly-Header: I haven't edited my /etc/reportbug.conf"\fP
+\fIheader "X-Debbugs-No-Ack: please" # to suppress acknowledgments\fP
+.B http_proxy
+Default HTTP proxy used to query the BTS (override with environment
+variables, see
+.B reportbug(1))
+\fIhttp_proxy http://proxy.example.com:3128/\fP
+.B maintonly
+See the
+.B --maintonly
+entry in
+.B reportbug(1)
+.B mh
+Use the
+.B mh
+.B mode [\fInovice\fP|\fIstandard\fP|\fIadvanced\fP|\fIexpert\fP]
+The default operating mode for
+.B reportbug(1)
+.B mta
+The path to the MTA used.  Any any SMTP server on Debian should be OK
+with the default
+\fImta /usr/sbin/sendmail\fP
+.B mua
+The mailer to use (the default is empty, to use an internal mailer).
+Takes an argument like that to
+.B --mua
+.B reportbug(1)
+\fImua 'mutt \-H'\fP
+.B mutt
+Use the
+.B mutt
+.B nmh
+Use the
+.B nmh
+.B no-check-uid (\fIboolean\fP)
+Disables checking whether the UIDs are outside admin range (\fIroot\fP
+is still checked)
+.B no-debconf (\fIboolean\fP)
+Disables adding the
+.B debconf-show
+output to the bug report
+.B no-query-source (\fIboolean\fP)
+Disables querying the source packages for bugs
+.B offline
+Disables all external queries
+.B query-bts (\fIboolean\fP)
+Whether the BTS should be queried for existing bug reports
+.B quiet
+See the
+.B --report-quiet
+entry in
+.B reportbug(1)
+.B realname
+The default real-name in the "From:" address of the bug email
+(override with environment variables.  See
+.B reportbug(1))
+\fIrealname "Humberto Flores III"\fP
+.B replyto
+The default "Reply-To:" in the bug email (override with environment
+variables.  See
+.B reportbug(1))
+\fIreplyto "Humberto Flores <humflores at example.org>"\fP
+.B severity [\fIcritical\fP|\fIgrave\fP|\fIserious\fP|\fIimportant\fP|\fIdoes-not-build\fP|\fInormal\fP|\fIminor\fP|\fIwishlist\fP]
+The default severity level of the bug reported.  Setting this in the
+configuration file will disable prompting while running
+.B reportbug
+.B sign [\fIgpg\fP|\fIpgp\fP]
+Program used to digitally sign bug reports automatically
+.B smtphost
+Use an MTA different from /usr/sbin/sendmail.  A port number other than
+25 can also be specified
+\fIsmtphost mail.example.com:2525\fP
+Use \fIsmtphost localhost\fP to enable the internal MTA
+.B smtppasswd
+The password to use for SMTP
+\fIsmtppasswd f10r35\fP
+.B smtpuser
+The username to use for SMTP
+\fIsmtpuser hflores\fP
+.B smtptls
+Enables TLS encryption
+.B submit
+Use \fIsubmit\fP as the bug submission address
+.B template
+Use the template mode, bypasses all prompts and the output it sent to
+.B ui [\fItext\fP|\fInewt\fP]
+The user interface that
+.B querybts(1)
+.B reportbug(1)
+should use
+.B verify
+Enables automatic verification of package installation before reporting
+using debsums, if available
+reportbug(1), querybts(1)
+reportbug was written by Chris Lawrence <lawrencc at debian.org>
+This manual page was written by Y Giridhar Appaji Nag
+<giridhar at appaji.net> for the Debian project, but may be used by others.
+Last modified: 2007-12-20 by Y Giridhar Appaji Nag

Added: branches/modules/man/reportbug.ja.1
--- branches/modules/man/reportbug.ja.1	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/modules/man/reportbug.ja.1	2008-07-08 19:27:22 UTC (rev 570)
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+.TH reportbug 1
+.SH ̾Á°
+reportbug \- debbugs ¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤Ë¥Ð¥°¤òÊó¹ð
+.SH ½ñ¼°
+.B reportbug
+.I "[¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó] <¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸Ì¾ | ÀäÂХѥ¹>"
+.B reportbug
+¤Ï¡¢¼ç¤È¤·¤Æ Debian ¥Ç¥£¥¹¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¤Î¥Ð¥°¤òÊó¹ð¤¹¤ë¤¿¤á¤ËÀß·×
+¤µ¤ì¤¿¡£¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Ç¤Ï¡¢Debian ¥Ð¥°ÄÉÀ×¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à
+.I submit at bugs.debian.org
+.B \-\-bts
+¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤ò»È¤¨¤Ð¡¢Debian ¥Ð¥°ÄÉÀ×¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤Ç¤¢¤ë \fBdebbugs\fP ¤ò»È¤¦
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+\fBreportbug\fP ¤Ë¥·¥¹¥Æ¥àÆâ¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾¤ò¸¡º÷¤µ¤»¤¿¤¤¾ì¹ç¤Ï¡¢
+¸å½Ò¤Î \fB\-\-file\fP ¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤ò»²¾È¤Î¤³¤È¡£
+.SH ¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó
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+¤Ï 2 ¸Ä¤Î¥À¥Ã¥·¥å (`\-\-') ¤Ç»Ï¤Þ¤ë¡£
+.B \-h, \-\-help
+.B \-v, \-\-version
+.B reportbug
+.B \-a, \-\-af
+.B af
+.B \-A ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾, \-\-attach=¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾
+¤Ç¤­¤ë¡£Ëܥ롼¥Á¥ó¤Ï¡¢´Þ¤á¤¿¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÉդΠMIME źÉÕ¤òºîÀ®¤¹¤ë¡£¤¤¤¯¤Ä¤«¤Î
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+.B \-b, \-\-no\-query\-bts
+ÌäÂ꤬¤¹¤Ç¤ËÊó¹ðºÑ¤«¤É¤¦¤«¡¢Debian ¥Ð¥°ÄÉÀ×¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤òÄ´¤Ù¤Ê¤¤¡£¥ª¥Õ¥é
+.B \-\-query\-bts
+ÌäÂ꤬¤¹¤Ç¤ËÊó¹ðºÑ¤«¤É¤¦¤«¡¢Debian ¥Ð¥°ÄÉÀ×¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤òÄ´¤Ù¤ë (¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È)¡£
+.B \-B ¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à, \-\-bts=¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à
+Debian ¥Ð¥°¥µ¡¼¥Ð (¤¢¤ë¤¤¤Ï \fB/etc/reportbug.conf\fP Æâ¤Ç»ØÄꤷ¤Æ¤¤¤ë
+¥Ð¥°¥µ¡¼¥Ð) ¤ÎÂå¤ï¤ê¤Ë¡¢
+.B ¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à
+.B help
+.B \-\-body=ËÜʸ
+¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸ËÜʸ¤È¤·¤Æ»ØÄꤷ¤¿ËÜʸ¤ò»È¤¦¡£ËÜʸ¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤ÏȾ³Ñ 70 ʸ»ú¤Ç
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+.B \-\-body-file=ËÜʸ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾
+¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸ËÜʸ¤È¤·¤Æ»ØÄꤷ¤¿ËÜʸ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾¤Î¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (¤È¤ß¤Ê¤µ
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+.B \-c, \-\-no\-config\-files
+.B \-\-configure
+.B reportbug
+¤Î½é²ó¼Â¹Ô»þ¤ÎÀßÄê¥ë¡¼¥Á¥ó¤òºÆ¼Â¹Ô¤·¡¢¿·µ¬¤Î .reportbugrc ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò½ñ¤­
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+.B \-\-check\-available
+packages.debian.org ¤ËÂФ·¤Æ¡¢¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤Î¿·µ¬¥ê¥ê¡¼¥¹Í­Ìµ¤òÄ´¤Ù¤ë (¥Ç
+.B \-\-no\-check\-available
+packages.debian.org ¤ËÂФ·¤Æ¡¢¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤Î¿·µ¬¥ê¥ê¡¼¥¹Í­Ìµ¤òÄ´¤Ù¤Ê¤¤¡£
+.B \-d, \-\-debug
+Debian ¤Ë¼ÂºÝ¤Î¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤òÁ÷¿®¤·¤Ê¤¤¡£Âå¤ï¤ê¤Ë¡¢Êó¹ð¼Ô¼«¿È¤ËÁ÷¿®¤¹¤ë¡£
+.B \-e ¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿, \-\-editor=¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿
+»È¤¦¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿¤ò»ØÄꤷ¡¢´Ä¶­ÊÑ¿ô EDITOR ¤ä VISUAL ¤ÎÀßÄê¤ò¾å½ñ¤­¤¹¤ë¡£
+.B \-\-email=¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹
+Á÷¿®¼Ô¤È¤·¤ÆÊó¹ðÆâ¤Ë¸½¤ï¤ì¤ë (¤Ä¤Þ¤ê \fBFrom:\fP ¥Ø¥Ã¥À¤Ëɽ¼¨¤µ¤ì¤ë) ÅÅ
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+´Ä¶­ÊÑ¿ô EMAIL ¤ä DEBEMAIL ¤ò¾å½ñ¤­¤¹¤ë¤¬¡¢REPORTBUGEMAIL ¤Ï¾å½ñ¤­¤·¤Ê¤¤¡£
+.B \-\-exit\-prompt
+½ªÎ»»þ¤Ë³Îǧ¤òɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë¡£°ì»þŪ¤ÊüËö¤Ç (¤Ä¤Þ¤ê Debian ¥á¥Ë¥å¡¼¥¨¥ó¥È¥ê¤«
+¤é) reportbug ¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë¾ì¹ç¤ËÌòΩ¤Ä¡£
+.B \-f ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾, \-\-filename=¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾
+.I ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾
+.B \-\-path
+\-f ¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤â»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤Ê¤é¡¢»ØÄꤷ¤¿¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾¤Î¥Ñ¥¹¤Î¤ß¤ò¸¡º÷
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+.B \-g, \-\-gnupg, \-\-gpg
+.B GnuPG
+(GNU Privacy Gurard) ¤ò»È¤Ã¤Æ¡¢¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤Ë¥Ç¥¸¥¿¥ë½ð̾¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤¦ (Êó¹ð¤Î
+ÊÔ½¸¤ÈÁ÷¿®¤Ë MUA ¤ò»È¤Ã¤Æ¤¤¤ì¤Ð¡¢¤³¤Î°ú¿ô¤Ï̵»ë¤µ¤ì¤ë)¡£
+.B \-G, \-\-gnus
+Êó¹ð¤ÎÁ÷¿®¤Ë¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿¤Ç¤Ï¤Ê¤¯¡¢GNUS ¥á¡¼¥ë¡¦¥Ë¥å¡¼¥º¥ê¡¼¥À¤ò»È¤¦¡£
+.B \-H ¥Ø¥Ã¥À, \-\-header=¥Ø¥Ã¥À
+ÅŻҥ᡼¥ë¤ËÆÃÊÌ¤Ê RFC 2822 ¥Ø¥Ã¥À¤òÄɲ乤롣¤¿¤È¤¨¤Ð¡¢
+.I debian-68k at lists.linux-m68k.org
+.I \-H 'X\-Debbugs\-CC: debian\-68k at lists.linux\-m68k.org'
+.B \-i ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë, \-\-include=¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë
+¤Ë¤¹¤ë¤³¤È!  ¤³¤ì¤Ï
+.B bug
+¤Î¥Ð¥°°ìÍ÷Æâ¤Ë¤¢¤ë Michael Alan Dorman ¤ÎÄó°Æ¤Ë¤è¤ë (\-\-attach ¥ª¥×
+.B \-I, \-\-no\-check\-installed
+.B \-\-check\-installed
+Êó¹ð¤ÎÁ÷¿®»þ¤Ë¡¢»ØÄꤷ¤¿¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤¬¥¤¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼¥ëºÑ¤«¤É¤¦¤«¤òÄ´¤Ù¤ë (¤³¤ì
+¤Ï reportbug ¤Î¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤ÎÆ°ºî¤Ç¤¢¤ë)¡£
+.B \-j ÂÅÅöÀ­, \-\-justification=ÂÅÅöÀ­
+Debian ¤Ç¤Ï¡¢¥Ð¥°¤Î½ÅÍ×ÅÙ¤¬ "¿¼¹ï (serious)" ¤ä "½ÅÂç (grave)", "Ã×̿Ū
+(critical)" ¤Ê¤É¤Ë¤Ê¤ë¤¿¤á¤Ë¤Ï¡¢¤½¤Î¤è¤¦¤ËʬÎव¤ì¤ë¤¿¤á¤Î°ìÄê¤Î´ð½à¤ò
+.B \-k, \-\-kudos
+ÅŻҥ᡼¥ë¤òÁ÷¿®¤¹¤ë (Debian ¥¢¡¼¥«¥¤¥ÖÆâ¤Î¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤ËÂФ·¤Æ¡¢
+\fIpackagename\fP at packages.debian.org °¸¤Ë¼Õ°Õ¤Î¥á¡¼¥ë¤òÁ÷¿®¤¹¤ë¤³¤È¤â
+¤Ç¤­¤ë¡£¤·¤«¤·¤Ê¤¬¤éËÜ¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤Ï control ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÆâ¤Î¥á¥ó¥Æ¥Ê¥¢¥É¥ì
+.B \-K ¸°ID, \-\-keyid=¸°ID
+PGP/GnuPG ½ð̾¤Ë¥×¥é¥¤¥Ù¡¼¥È¸°¤ò»È¤¦¡£²¿¤â»ØÄꤷ¤Ê¤±¤ì¤Ð¡¢Êó¹ð¼Ô¤Î
+.B \-\-license
+ɸ½à½ÐÎÏ¤Ë \fBreportbug\fP ¤ÎÃøºî¸¢¤ª¤è¤Ó¥é¥¤¥ó¥»¥ó¥¹¾ðÊó¤òɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë¡£
+.B \-\-list\-cc=¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹
+.I \-H 'X\-Debbugs\-CC: ¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹'
+.B \-m, \-\-maintonly
+.B \-\-mode=¥â¡¼¥É
+\fBreportbug\fP ¤ÎÆ°ºî¥â¡¼¥É¤òÀßÄꤹ¤ë¡£
+.B reportbug
+¤Ï¡¢¸½ºß¤Î¤È¤³¤í 4 ¼ïÎà¤ÎÆ°ºî¥â¡¼¥É \- \fBnovice\fP (¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È),
+\fBstandard\fP, \fBadvanced\fP, \fBexpert\fP \- ¤òÈ÷¤¨¤Æ¤¤¤ë¡£
+.B novice
+(½éµé) ¥â¡¼¥É¤Ï¡¢"Ä̾ï¤Î¥æ¡¼¥¶" ¤¬ÃΤꤿ¤¬¤é¤Ê¤«¤Ã¤¿¤êµ¤¤ò»È¤¤¤¿¤¯¤Ê¤¤
+.B standard
+(ɸ½à) ¥â¡¼¥É¤Ï¡¢³Îǧ¤Ë´Ø¤·¤Æ¤Ï reportbug 1.50 °ÊÁ°¤È¿¤«¤ì¾¯¤Ê¤«¤ìƱ¤¸
+.B advanced
+(¾åµé) ¥â¡¼¥É¤Ï \fBstandard\fP ¤Ë»÷¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤¬¡¢Debian ¤Î¾åµé¥æ¡¼¥¶¤ËŬ¤·
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+.B expert
+(ºÇ¾åµé) ¥â¡¼¥É¤Ï¡¢Ìµ°ÕÌ£¤¢¤ë¤¤¤ÏÉÔÍפʥХ°Êó¹ð¤ä¡¢"½ÅÍ×Å٤Υ¤¥ó¥Õ¥ì"
+.B reportbug
+¤Ï¥æ¡¼¥¶¤¬ Debian ¥Ý¥ê¥·¤ò½ÏÃΤ·¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤â¤Î¤È¤ß¤Ê¤¹¡£¼ÂºÝ¤³¤Î¤³¤È¤Ï¡¢¤â
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+.B \-M, \-\-mutt
+.B mutt
+.B \-\-mta='<MTA>'
+.B /usr/sbin/sendmail
+(¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È) ¤ÎÂå¤ï¤ê¤È¤Ê¤ëÂåÂØ MTA ¤ò»ØÄꤹ¤ë¡£¤³¤ì¤Ë¤è¤Ã¤Æ¡¢¤¢¤é¤æ¤ë
+.B smtphost
+.B \-\-mua='<MUA> <¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó>'
+¤¿ MUA (¥á¡¼¥ë¥æ¡¼¥¶¥¨¡¼¥¸¥§¥ó¥È) ¤ò»È¤¦¡£¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤ò¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸Áð¹Æ¤È¤·
+.B ¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó
+.B --mutt, --nmh
+.B --af
+.B \-n, \-\-nmh, \-\-mh
+¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤Î¹»ÄûÍѤ˥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿¤òµ¯Æ°¤¹¤ëÂå¤ï¤ê¤Ë¡¢ÊÔ½¸¤ª¤è¤ÓÁ÷¿®ÍÑ¤Ë (
+.B mnh
+.B mh
+.B comp
+.B \-o ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾, \-\-output=¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾
+.B \-O, \-\-offline
+\fB\-\-no\-check\-available \-\-no\-query\-bts\fP
+.B \-p, \-\-print
+.B \-\-paranoid
+.B \-\-no\-paranoid
+Á÷¿®Á°¤Ë¡¢¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸¤ÎÁ´ÆâÍƤòɽ¼¨¤·¤Ê¤¤ (¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È)¡£
+.B \-\-pgp
+(Pretty Good Privacy) ¤ò»È¤Ã¤Æ¡¢¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤Ë¥Ç¥¸¥¿¥ë½ð̾¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤¦¡£¤·¤«¤·
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+.B \-q, \-\-quiet
+.B \-Q, \-\-query\-only
+¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤òÁ÷¿®¤»¤º¡¢BTS ¤Ø¤ÎÌ䤤¹ç¤»¤Î¤ß¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤¦¡£\-\-no\-bts\-query ¤ò
+.B \-\-query\-source
+¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤ËÌ䤤¹ç¤»¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤¦ (reportbug 2.0 °Ê¹ß¤Î¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥ÈÆ°ºî)¡£
+.B \-\-no\-query\-source
+.B \-\-realname=̾Á°
+¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤Ë»È¤¦¼Â̾ (¿Í¤ËÆɤá¤ë̾Á°) ¤òÀßÄꤹ¤ë¡£
+.B \-\-report\-quiet
+.B \-\-reply-to=¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹, \-\-replyto=¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹
+.B Reply-To
+.B \-s Âê̾, \-\-subject=Âê̾
+¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤ÎÂê̾ (ÌäÂê¤Î´Ê·é¤ÊÀâÌÀ¤Ç¡¢È¾³Ñ 60 ʸ»ú°Ê²¼) ¤òÀßÄꤹ¤ë¡£
+.B \-S ½ÅÍ×ÅÙ, \-\-severity=½ÅÍ×ÅÙ
+Ã×̿Ū (critical), ½ÅÂç (grave), ¿¼¹ï (serious), ½ÅÍ× (important),
+Ä̾ï (normal), ·ÚÅÙ (minor), Í×˾ (wishlist) ¤ÎÃ椫¤é¡¢½ÅÍ×ÅÙ¤ò»ØÄê
+.B \-\-smtphost=¥Û¥¹¥È[:¥Ý¡¼¥È]
+.B /usr/sbin/sendmail
+.B ¥Û¥¹¥È
+¤Ë¤¢¤ë¥á¡¼¥ëžÁ÷¥¨¡¼¥¸¥§¥ó¥È (MTA) ¤ò»È¤¦¡£°ìÈ̤ˤϡ¢ISP ¤ÎÁ÷¿®¥á¡¼¥ë
+¤Ê¤é¡¢'localhost' ¤ò»È¤¦¤³¤È¤â¤Ç¤­¤ë¡£
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+.B \-\-tls
+SMTP ¤Î»ÈÍÑ»þ¤Ë¡¢¥á¡¼¥ë¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤Ø°ÂÁ´¤ËÀܳ¤¹¤ë¤¿¤á¤Ë Transport Layer
+ Security (TLS) °Å¹æ²½¤ò»È¤¦¡£¤¤¤¯¤Ä¤«¤Î SMP ¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤Ç¤Ï¡¢ËÜ¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó
+.B \-\-smtpuser=¥æ¡¼¥¶Ì¾
+SMTP ¤Î»ÈÍÑ»þ¤Ë¡¢Ç§¾ÚÍѤȤ·¤Æ»ØÄꤷ¤¿
+.B ¥æ¡¼¥¶Ì¾
+.B \-\-smtppasswd=¥Ñ¥¹¥ï¡¼¥É
+SMTP ¤Î»ÈÍÑ»þ¤Ë¡¢Ç§¾ÚÍѤȤ·¤Æ»ØÄꤷ¤¿
+.B ¥Ñ¥¹¥ï¡¼¥É
+¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤ò .reportbugrc Æâ¤ÇÀßÄꤷ¡¢¤½¤ì¤ò¥æ¡¼¥¶¤À¤±¤¬Æɤá¤ë¤è¤¦¤Ë¤·¤Æ
+¤ª¤¯¤Ù¤Ç¤­¤Ç¤¢¤ë (chmod 600 $HOME/.reportbugrc ¤È¼Â¹Ô¤¹¤ë¤Ê¤É)¡£
+.B \-t ¼ïÎà, \-\-type=¼ïÎà
+Á÷¿®¤µ¤ì¤ë¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤Î¼ïÎà¤ò»ØÄꤹ¤ë¡£¸½ºß¤Î¤È¤³¤í¡¢gnats ¤« debbugs ¤Î
+.B \-T ¥¿¥°, \-\-tag=¥¿¥°
+¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤ËÁÞÆþ¤µ¤ì¤ë¥¿¥°¤ò»ØÄꤹ¤ë¡£Ê£¿ô¤Î \-T ¤ä \-\-tag °ú¿ô¤ò»È¤¦¤³
+.B none
+¤È¤¤¤¦ '¥¿¥°' ¤ò»ØÄꤷ¤Æ¡¢¥¿¥°¤ò»ØÄꤷ¤Ê¤«¤Ã¤¿ºÝ¤Î¥¿¥°³Îǧ¤òÈô¤Ð¤¹¤³¤È
+.B \-\-template
+.B \-v, \-\-verify
+¥Ð¥°Êó¹ðÁ°¤Ë¡¢(¥¤¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼¥ëºÑ¤Ç¤¢¤ì¤Ð) debsums ¤ò»È¤Ã¤Æ¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤Î
+.B \-V ¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó, \-\-package\-version=¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó
+.B \-x, \-\-no\-cc
+Êó¹ð¼Ô (¤¢¤Ê¤¿¼«¿È) ¤Ë¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤Î¥Ö¥é¥¤¥ó¥É¥«¡¼¥Ü¥ó¥³¥Ô¡¼ (Bcc) ¤òÁ÷¿®
+.B \-z, \-\-no\-compress
+.SH Îã
+.B reportbug lynx-ssl
+lynx-ssl ¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤Î¥Ð¥°¤òÊó¹ð¤¹¤ë¡£
+.B reportbug \-\-path \-\-file=ls
+\fBls\fP ¤È¤¤¤¦¥Ñ¥¹Æâ¤Î¥×¥í¥°¥é¥à¤¬´Þ¤Þ¤ì¤ë¥¤¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼¥ëºÑ¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤Î
+.SH ÀßÄê¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë
+¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó 0.22 °Ê¹ß¡¢
+.B reportbug
+.B /etc/reportbug.conf
+.B $HOME/.reportbugrc
+ʸ»ú¾®Ê¸»ú¤Î¶èÊ̤Ϥʤ¯¡¢¸½ºß¤Î¤È¤³¤í 0 ¤Ê¤¤¤· 1 ¸Ä¤Î°ú¿ô¤ò»ý¤Ä¡£¶õÇò¤ò
+´Þ¤à°ú¿ô¤Ï¥¯¥©¡¼¥È¤Ç°Ï¤Þ¤Ê¤±¤ì¤Ð¤Ê¤é¤Ê¤¤¡£# ¤Ç»Ï¤Þ¤ë¤¢¤é¤æ¤ë¹Ô¤Ï¥³¥á¥ó
+.B reportbug
+ÍѤΥª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤Ç GNU ¤Î¥í¥ó¥°¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤ËÁêÅö¤¹¤ë¤â¤Î¤Ë¤Ï¡¢\-\- ʸ
+.B /etc/reportbug.conf
+.SH ´Ä¶­ÊÑ¿ô
+¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤ÎÊÔ½¸¤Ë»È¤¦¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿ (VISUAL ¤Ë¾å½ñ¤­¤µ¤ì¤ë)¡£
+Êó¹ð¼Ô¤Î from ¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤È¤·¤Æ»È¤ï¤ì¤ëÅŻҥ᡼¥ë¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¡£¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Ç¤Ï¡¢
+Êó¹ð¼Ô¤Î¥æ¡¼¥¶Ì¾¤È /etc/mailname ¤«¤é¼èÆÀ¤µ¤ì¤ë¡£
+»È¤ï¤ì¤ë¼Â̾¡£¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Ç¤Ï /etc/passwd ¤«¤é¼èÆÀ¤µ¤ì¤ë¡£
+Á÷¿®¥á¡¼¥ëÆâ¤Î Reply-To ¥Ø¥Ã¥ÀÍÑ¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¡£
+ÅŻҥ᡼¥ë¾å¤Ç»ØÄꤷ¤¿ CC ¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤ò»È¤¦¡£Æ±¤¸ÌÜŪ¤Î¤¿¤á¤Ë
+.B -H
+¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤â»È¤¨¤ë¤³¤È¤ËÃí°Õ (Bcc ¤âƱÍÍ)¡£
+Êó¹ð¼Ô¤ÎÅŻҥ᡼¥ë¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤ÎÂå¤ï¤ê¤Ë¡¢»ØÄꤷ¤¿ Bcc ¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤ò»È¤¦ (
+.B bug
+¤Î wishlist Æâ¤Î Herbert Thielen ¤Ë¤è¤ëÄó°Æ¤ò¸µ¤Ë¤·¤¿ Cc ¤È Bcc)¡£
+.B http_proxy
+BTS Ì䤤¹ç¤»¤ò½èÍý¤¹¤ë¥×¥í¥­¥·¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤Î¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤ò»ØÄꤹ¤ë¡£É¬Íפʤ¢¤é¤æ¤ë
+URL ¤Ç¤Ê¤±¤ì¤Ð¤Ê¤é¤Ê¤¤ (¥Û¥¹¥È̾¤À¤±¤ò»ØÄꤷ¤¿¤ê¡¢80 Èְʳ°¤Î¥Ý¡¼¥È¤ò
+.SH Ãí°Õ
+¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¥é¥¤¥ó°ú¿ô¤Î½ç½ø¤Ë´Ø¤·¤Æ¡¢Python ¤Î getopt ¥â¥¸¥å¡¼¥ë¤Ï
+GNU getopt() ¤è¤ê¤â¿À·Ð¼Á¤Ç¤¢¤ë¡£¤¹¤Ù¤Æ¤Î¥¹¥¤¥Ã¥Á¤Ï¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸Ì¾¤Î
+.B reportbug
+.B bugzilla
+(GNOME ¤ª¤è¤Ó Mozilla ¥×¥í¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤Ç»È¤ï¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë) ¤ä
+.B jitterbug
+(Samba, AbiSource, FreeCiv ¤Ç»È¤ï¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë) ¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ê¾¤Î¥Ð¥°ÄÉÀ×¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à
+.SH ´ØÏ¢¹àÌÜ
+.SH Ãø¼Ô
+Chris Lawrence <lawrencc at debian.org>.
+Åļ °ìÊ¿ <ippei1 at bb.mbn.or.jp>

Deleted: branches/modules/querybts
--- branches/modules/querybts	2008-07-08 19:13:40 UTC (rev 569)
+++ branches/modules/querybts	2008-07-08 19:27:22 UTC (rev 570)
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# -*- python -*-
-# querybts - Examine the state of a debbugs server
-#   Written by Chris Lawrence <lawrencc at debian.org>
-#   (C) 1999-2006 Chris Lawrence
-# This program is freely distributable per the following license:
-##  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-##  documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-##  provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that
-##  both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
-##  supporting documentation.
-# Version ##VERSION##; see changelog for revision history
-# $Id: querybts,v 2008-04-18 05:38:27 lawrencc Exp $
-import sys, os
-sys.path = ['/usr/share/reportbug'] + sys.path
-import getopt
-import re
-from reportbuglib import reportbug
-from reportbuglib.reportbug_exceptions import (
-    UINotImportable,
-    NoPackage, NoBugs, NoReport, NoNetwork,
-    )
-from reportbuglib import debianbts
-from reportbuglib import urlutils
-    from reportbuglib import reportbug_ui_newt as ui
-    ui_mode = 'newt'
-    from reportbuglib import reportbug_ui_text as ui
-    ui_mode = 'text'
-VERSION = "querybts ##VERSION##"
-USAGE = ("querybts - Examine the state of a debbugs server.\n\n"
-         "Usage: querybts [options] {<package> | <report number> [report2] ...}\n"
-         "Supported options (see man page for long forms):\n"
-         "  -A: Browse archived bugs.\n"
-         "  -B: Specify an alternate debbugs BTS. *\n"
-         "  -h: Display this help message.\n"
-         "  -s: Query for source packages rather than binary packages.\n"
-         "  -v: Show the version number of this program.\n"
-         "  -w: Use a web browser instead of the internal interface.\n"
-         "\nOptions marked * take the word 'help' to list allowed options."
-         )
-def main():
-    system = 'debian'
-    archived = False
-    http_proxy = interface = ''
-    use_browser = source = False
-    mirrors = None
-    mbox = False
-    args = reportbug.parse_config_files()
-    for option, arg in args.items():
-        if option == 'system':
-            system = arg
-        elif option == 'mirrors':
-            mirrors = arg
-        elif option == 'interface':
-            interface = arg
-        elif option == 'http_proxy':
-            http_proxy = arg
-    try:
-        (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(
-            sys.argv[1:], 'AB:hlmsuvw', ['help', 'version',
-                                        'bts=', 'web', 'mbox',
-                                        'archive', 'source',
-                                        'http_proxy=', 'proxy=',
-                                        'ui=', 'interface='])
-    except getopt.error, msg:
-        print msg
-        sys.exit(1)
-    for option, arg in opts:
-        if option in ('-h', '--help'):
-            print USAGE
-            return
-        elif option in ('-v', '--version'):
-            print VERSION
-            return
-        elif option in ('--proxy', '--http_proxy'):
-            http_proxy = arg
-        elif option in ('-m', '--mbox'):
-            mbox = True
-        elif option in ('--archive', '-A'):
-            archived = True
-        elif option in ('-s', '--source'):
-            source = True
-        elif option in ('-u', '--ui', '--interface'):
-            if arg in reportbug.AVAILABLE_UIS:
-                interface = arg
-            elif arg == 'help':
-                print 'Permitted arguments to --ui:\n'\
-                      ' text: line-oriented text mode\n'\
-                      ' newt: screen-oriented text mode'
-                sys.exit(0)
-            else:
-                print "Ignoring unknown user interface %s\n" % arg
-        elif option in ('-w', '--web'):
-            use_browser = True
-        elif option in ('-B', '--bts'):
-            if arg in debianbts.SYSTEMS.keys():
-                if debianbts.SYSTEMS[arg].get('btsroot'):
-                    system = arg
-                else:
-                    print "Queries not supported for %s BTS." % arg
-                    return
-            elif arg == 'help':
-                print 'Permitted arguments to --bts:'
-                names = debianbts.SYSTEMS.keys()
-                names.sort()
-                for bsys in names:
-                    if debianbts.SYSTEMS[bsys].get('btsroot'):
-                        print ' %-11.11s %s' % \
-                              (bsys, debianbts.SYSTEMS[bsys]['name'])
-                return
-            else:
-                print "Ignoring unknown BTS server %s." % arg
-    sysinfo = debianbts.SYSTEMS[system]
-    if len(args) == 0:
-        print "Please specify a package or one or more bug numbers."
-        print "Note: most shells consider # a comment character; however, a"
-        print "leading # is not needed to specify a bug by number."
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if use_browser:
-        package = args[0]
-        m = re.match('^#?(\d+)$', package)
-        if m:
-            num = int(m.group(1))
-            url = debianbts.get_report_url(system, num, mirrors, archived)
-        else:
-            url = debianbts.get_package_url(system, package, mirrors, source, archived)
-        urlutils.launch_browser(url)
-        return
-    if mbox:
-        m = re.match('^#?(\d+)$', args[0])
-        if not m:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "You must specify a bug number when using the --mbox option."
-            sys.exit(1)
-        num = int(m.group(1))
-        url = debianbts.get_report_url(system, num, archived, mbox=True)
-        try:
-            report = urlutils.open_url(url)
-            sys.stdout.write(report.read())
-        except urlutils.urllib2.URLError, ex:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Error while accessing mbox report (%s)." % ex
-            sys.exit(1)
-	return
-    if interface:
-        global ui, ui_mode
-        iface = 'reportbug_ui_%(interface)s' % vars()
-        try:
-            lib_package = __import__('reportbuglib', fromlist=[iface])
-            ui = getattr(lib_package, iface)
-            ui_mode = interface
-        except UINotImportable, msg:
-            ui.long_message('*** Unable to import %s interface: %s '
-                            'Falling back to %s interface.\n',
-                            interface, msg, ui_mode)
-            ewrite('\n')
-    reportre = re.compile(r'^#?(\d+)$')
-    try:
-        if len(args) > 1:
-            bugs = []
-            for report in args:
-                match = reportre.match(report)
-                if match:
-                    bugs.append(int(match.group(1)))
-            package = bugs
-            if not bugs:
-                raise ui.NoBugs
-        else:
-            package = args[0]
-            match = reportre.match(package)
-            if match:
-                report = int(match.group(1))
-                return ui.show_report(report, system, mirrors,
-                                      http_proxy, queryonly=True,
-                                      title=VERSION,
-                                      archived=archived)
-        ui.handle_bts_query(package, system, mirrors, http_proxy,
-                            queryonly=True, title=VERSION, archived=archived,
-                            source=source)
-    except NoPackage:
-        ui.long_message('Package appears not to exist in the BTS.\n')
-    except NoBugs:
-        ui.long_message('No bug reports found.\n')
-    except NoReport:
-        ui.long_message('Nothing new to report; exiting.\n')
-    except NoNetwork:
-        ui.long_message('Cannot connect to network.\n')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    try:
-        main()
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        if ui_mode == 'newt':
-            print chr(27)+'c'
-            os.system('stty sane; clear')
-        print "querybts: exiting due to user interrupt."
-    except debianbts.Error, x:
-        if ui_mode == 'newt':
-            print chr(27)+'c'
-            os.system('stty sane; clear')
-        print 'error accessing BTS: '+str(x)
-    except SystemExit:
-        pass
-    except:
-        if ui_mode == 'newt':
-            print chr(27)+'c'
-            os.system('stty sane; clear')
-        raise

Deleted: branches/modules/querybts.1
--- branches/modules/querybts.1	2008-07-08 19:13:40 UTC (rev 569)
+++ branches/modules/querybts.1	2008-07-08 19:27:22 UTC (rev 570)
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-.TH querybts 1
-querybts \- view outstanding bug reports on a debbugs server
-.B querybts
-.I "[options] <package | number [number2]...>"
-.B querybts
-is designed to provide a convenient and easy-to-use interface to the
-Debbugs bug tracking system, as used by Debian and several other
-projects.  You can specify a package name or one or more report
-The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
-options starting with two dashes (`\-\-').
-A summary of options are included below.
-.B \-h, \-\-help
-Show summary of options.
-.B \-v, \-\-version
-Show the version of
-.B querybts
-and exit.
-.B \-A, \-\-archive
-Browse archived bugs instead of current reports.  Debbugs servers
-clear out closed reports after 28 days and place them in a separate
-archive; this option allows those older, resolved reports to be viewed
-(at least for servers that maintain an archive).
-.B \-B SYSTEM, \-\-bts=SYSTEM
-Instead of the Debian bug server, use the server specified by
-You can specify
-.B help
-to get a list of supported servers.
-.B \-m, \-\-mbox
-Retrieve the given bug number as a mailbox file, instead of viewing
-it.  It will be dumped to standard output.
-.B \-\-proxy=PROXY, \-\-http_proxy=PROXY
-Specify the WWW proxy server to use to handle the query of the bug
-tracking system.  You should only need this parameter if you are
-behind a firewall.
-.B \-s, \-\-source
-Query on source packages, rather than binary packages.
-.B \-w, \-\-web
-Launch a web browser to view bug reports, instead of using the
-internal interface.  This will also allow you to see all of the
-discussion about a particular bug, instead of the initial report.
-(Only the first bug number on the command line will be opened.)
-.B querybts
-supports a simple run control file syntax.  Commands are read from
-.B /etc/reportbug.conf
-.B $HOME/.reportbugrc
-with commands in the latter overriding those in the former.  Commands
-are not case sensitive, and currently take 0 or 1 arguments; arguments
-containing whitespace must be enclosed in quotes.  Any line starting
-with # is taken to be a comment and will be ignored.
-Generally, options corresponding to the GNU long options for
-.B querybts
-are supported, without leading \-\- sequences.  See the default
-.B /etc/reportbug.conf
-for all acceptable options.  Options only supported by
-.B reportbug
-will be silently ignored.
-Colon-separated list of web browsers to try; they will be tried in
-order, until one succeeds.  You can use %s to substitute the URL to be
-used, and %% to insert a literal percent sign.  If no %s is specified,
-the URL will be supplied as a normal argument.
-.B http_proxy
-Provides the address of a proxy server to handle the BTS query.  This
-should be a valid
-.B http
-URL for a proxy server, including any required port number (simply
-specifying a hostname, or omitting a port other than 80, WILL NOT WORK).
-Python's getopt module is pickier than GNU getopt() about the order of
-command line arguments; all switches must be specified before the
-package name.
-You must have the python-newt package installed to run this program.
-reportbug(1), reportbug.conf(5)
-Chris Lawrence <lawrencc at debian.org>.

Deleted: branches/modules/reportbug.1
--- branches/modules/reportbug.1	2008-07-08 19:13:40 UTC (rev 569)
+++ branches/modules/reportbug.1	2008-07-08 19:27:22 UTC (rev 570)
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-.TH reportbug 1
-reportbug \- reports a bug to a debbugs server
-.B reportbug
-.I "[options] <package | pseudo-package | absolute-pathname>"
-.B reportbug
-is primarily designed to report bugs in the Debian distribution; by
-default, it creates an email to the Debian bug tracking system at
-.I submit at bugs.debian.org
-with information about the bug you've found, and makes a carbon copy
-of the report for you as well.
-Using the
-.B \-\-bts
-option, you can also report bugs to other servers that use the Debian
-bug tracking system, \fBdebbugs\fP.
-You may specify either a package name or an absolute filename; if you
-use a filename, it must begin with a \fB/\fP to be recognized.  If you
-want \fBreportbug\fP to search the system for a filename, see the
-\fB\-\-file\fP option, below.
-You can also specify a \fBpseudo-package\fP; these are used in the
-Debian bug tracking system to track issues that are not related to one
-specific package.  Run \fBreportbug\fP without any arguments, then
-enter \fBother\fP at the package prompt, to see a list of the most
-commonly-used pseudo-packages.
-The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
-options starting with two dashes (`\-\-').
-A summary of options are included below.
-.B \-h, \-\-help
-Show summary of options.
-.B \-\-version
-Show the version of
-.B reportbug
-and exit.
-.B \-a, \-\-af
-Instead of spawning an editor to revise the bug report, use the
-.B af
-mail reader to edit and send it.
-.B \-A FILENAME, \-\-attach=FILENAME
-Attach a file to the bug report; both text and binary files are
-acceptable.  This routine will create a MIME attachment with the file
-included; in some cases (usually text files), it is probably better to
-use \-\-include.  (Please note that Debian's bug tracking system has
-limited support for MIME attachments.)
-.B \-b, \-\-no\-query\-bts
-Don't check the Debian bug tracking system to see if this problem has
-already been reported; useful for offline use or if you're
-.B really
-sure it's a bug.
-.B \-\-query\-bts
-Check the Debian bug tracking system to see if this problem has
-already been reported (default).
-.B \-B SYSTEM, \-\-bts=SYSTEM
-Instead of the Debian bug server (or the bug server specified in
-\fB/etc/reportbug.conf\fP, use the server specified by
-You can specify
-.B help
-to get a list of supported servers.
-.B \-\-body=BODY
-Use the specified BODY as the body of the message.  The body text will be
-wrapped at 70 columns, and the normal reportbug headers and footers
-will be added as appropriate.  The editor prompt and any "special"
-prompting will be bypassed.
-.B \-\-body-file=BODYFILE
-The contents of the (assumed to be) text file BODYFILE will be used as
-the message body.  This file is assumed to be properly formatted
-(i.e. reasonable line lengths, etc.).  The usual headers and footers
-will be added, and the editor step and "special" prompts will be
-skipped.  (BODYFILE may also be a named pipe; using a device special
-file may lead to unusual results.)
-.B \-c, \-\-no\-config\-files
-Omit configuration files from the bug report without asking.  By
-default, you are asked if you want to include them; in some cases,
-doing so may cause sensitive information to be sent via email.
-.B \-\-configure
-Rerun the
-.B reportbug
-first time configuration routine, and write a new .reportbugrc file.
-This will erase any pre-existing settings in the file; however, a
-backup will be written as .reportbugrc~.
-.B \-\-check\-available
-Check for newer releases of the package at packages.debian.org
-(default).  In \fBadvanced\fP and \fBexpert\fP mode, check
-\fBincoming.debian.org\fP and
-.B \-\-no\-check\-available
-Do not check for newer releases of the package at packages.debian.org.
-.B \-d, \-\-debug
-Don't send a real bug report to Debian; send it to yourself instead.
-This is primarily used for testing by the maintainer.
-.B \-e EDITOR, \-\-editor=EDITOR
-Specify the editor to use, overriding any EDITOR or VISUAL environment
-variable setting.
-.B \-\-email=ADDRESS
-Set the email address your report should appear to be sent from
-(i.e. the address that appears in the \fBFrom:\fP header).  This
-should be the actual Internet email address on its own (i.e. without a
-real name or comment part).  This setting will override the EMAIL and
-DEBEMAIL environment variables, but not REPORTBUGEMAIL.
-.B \-\-exit\-prompt
-Display a prompt before exiting; this is useful if reportbug is run in
-a transient terminal (i.e. from its Debian menu entry).
-.B \-f FILENAME, \-\-filename=FILENAME
-Report a bug in the package containing
-so you don't have to figure out what package the file belongs to.  The
-path will be searched for an exact path for FILENAME before attempting
-to broaden the search to all files.
-.B \-\-path
-If the \-f option is also specified, only search the path for the
-specified FILENAME.  Specifying an absolute path with the \-f option
-(i.e. one beginning with a /) overrides this behavior.
-.B \-g, \-\-gnupg, \-\-gpg
-Attach a digital signature to the bug report using
-.B GnuPG
-(the GNU Privacy Guard).  (This argument will be ignored if you are
-using an MUA to edit and send your report.)
-.B \-G, \-\-gnus
-Use the GNUS mail and news reader to send your report, rather than
-using the editor.
-.B \-H HEADER, \-\-header=HEADER
-Add a custom RFC 2822 header to your email; for example, to send a
-carbon copy of the report to
-.I debian-68k at lists.linux-m68k.org
-you could use
-.I \-H 'X\-Debbugs\-CC: debian\-68k at lists.linux\-m68k.org'
-.B \-i FILE, \-\-include=FILE
-Include the specified file as part of the body of the message to be
-edited.  Can be used multiple times to add multiple files; text-only
-please!  From a suggestion by Michael Alan Dorman in the
-.B bug
-mailing list.  (See also the \-\-attach option.)
-.B \-I, \-\-no\-check\-installed
-Do not check whether the package is installed before filing a report.
-This is generally only useful when filing a report on a package you
-know is not installed on your system.
-.B \-\-check\-installed
-Check if the specified package is installed when filing reports.  (This
-is the default behavior of reportbug.)
-.B \-j JUSTIFICATION, \-\-justification=JUSTIFICATION
-Bugs in Debian that have "serious", "grave", or "critical" severities
-must meet certain criteria to be classified as such.  This option
-allows you to specify the justification for a release-critical bug,
-instead of being prompted for it.
-.B \-k, \-\-kudos
-Send appreciative email to the recorded maintainer address, rather
-than filing a bug report.  (You can also send kudos to
-\fIpackagename\fP at packages.debian.org, for packages in the Debian
-archive; however, this option uses the Maintainer address from the
-control file, so it works with other package sources too.)
-.B \-K KEYID, \-\-keyid=KEYID
-Private key to use for PGP/GnuPG signatures.  If not specified, the
-first key in the secret keyring that matches your email address will
-be used.
-.B \-\-license
-Show \fBreportbug\fP's copyright and license information on standard
-.B \-\-list\-cc=ADDRESS
-Send a carbon copy of the report to the specified list after a report
-number is assigned; this is the equivalent to the option
-.I \-H 'X\-Debbugs\-CC: ADDRESS'.
-This option will only work as intended with debbugs systems.
-.B \-m, \-\-maintonly
-Only send the bug to the package maintainer; the bug tracking system
-will not send a copy to the bug report distribution lists.
-.B \-\-mode=MODE
-Set the operating mode for \fBreportbug\fP.
-.B reportbug
-currently has four operating modes: \fBnovice\fP (the
-default), \fBstandard\fP, \fBadvanced\fP, and \fBexpert\fP.
-.B novice
-mode is designed to minimize prompting about things that "ordinary
-users" would be unlikely to know or care about, shifting the triage
-burden onto the maintainer.  Checking for new versions is only done
-for the stable distribution in this mode.  It is currently the default
-.B standard
-mode is more-or-less equivalent to the prompting that was provided by
-reportbug 1.50 and earlier; it includes a relatively large number of
-prompts and tries to encourage users to not file frivolous or
-duplicate bug reports.
-.B advanced
-mode is like \fBstandard\fP mode, but may include shortcuts suitable
-for more advanced users of Debian, without being as close to the metal
-(and potential flamage) as \fBexpert\fP mode.  (Currently, the only
-differences from \fBstandard\fP mode are that it assumes familiarity
-with the "incoming" queue; it allows the reporting of bugs on
-"dependency" packages; and it does not prompt where to insert the
-report text in the editor.)
-.B expert
-mode is designed to minimize prompts that are designed to discourage
-frivolous or unnecessary bug reports, "severity inflation," and the
-like.  In expert mode,
-.B reportbug
-assumes the user is thoroughly familiar with Debian policies.  In
-practice, this means that reporters are no longer required to justify
-setting a high severity on a bug report, and certain automated
-cleanups of the message are bypassed.  Individuals who do not
-regularly contribute to the Debian project are \fIhighly\fP
-discouraged from using expert mode, as it can lead to flamage from
-maintainers when used improperly.
-.B \-M, \-\-mutt
-Instead of spawning an editor to revise the bug report, use the
-.B mutt
-mail reader to edit and send it.
-.B \-\-mta='<MTA>'
-Specify an alternate MTA, instead of
-.B /usr/sbin/sendmail
-(the default).  Any 
-.B smtphost
-setting will override this one.
-.B \-\-mua='<MUA> <option>'
-Instead of spawning an editor to revise the bug report, use the
-specified MUA (mail user agent) to edit and send it.  The
-.B option
-should be used to tell your mail reader to interpret the report as a
-draft message.  For examples of how this works, see how the
-.B --mutt, --nmh
-.B --af
-options are processed.
-.B \-n, \-\-nmh, \-\-mh
-Instead of spawning an editor to revise the bug report, use the
-.B comp
-command (part of the
-.B nmh
-.B mh
-mail systems) to edit and send it.
-.B \-o FILE, \-\-output=FILE
-Instead of sending an email, redirect it to the specified filename.
-.B \-O, \-\-offline
-Disable all external queries.  Currently has the same effect as
-\fB\-\-no\-check\-available \-\-no\-query\-bts\fP.
-.B \-p, \-\-print
-Instead of sending an email, print the bug report to standard output,
-so you can redirect it to a file or pipe it to another program.
-This option only outputs a template for a bug report; you will need to
-fill in the long description.
-.B \-\-paranoid
-Show the contents of the message before it is sent, including all
-headers.  Automatically disabled if in template mode.
-.B \-\-no\-paranoid
-Don't show the full contents of the message before it is sent (default).
-.B \-\-pgp
-Attach a digital signature to the bug report using
-(Pretty Good Privacy).  Please note, however, that the Debian project
-is phasing out the use of PGP in favor of GnuPG.  (This argument will
-be ignored if using an MUA to edit and send your report.)
-.B \-\-proxy=PROXY, \-\-http_proxy=PROXY
-Specify the WWW proxy server to use to handle the query of the bug
-tracking system.  You should only need this parameter if you are
-behind a firewall.  The PROXY argument should be formatted as a valid
-HTTP URL, including (if necessary) a port number; for example,
-.B \-P PSEUDO-HEADER, \-\-pseudo\-header=PSEUDO-HEADER
-Add a custom pseudo-header to your email; for example, to add the
-.I mytag
-usertag for the user
-.I humberto at example.com
-to the bug, you could use
-.I \-P 'User: humberto at example.com' \-P 'Usertags: mytag'
-.B \-q, \-\-quiet
-Suppress diagnostic messages to standard error.
-.B \-Q, \-\-query\-only
-Do not submit a bug report; just query the BTS.  Option ignored if you
-specify \-\-no\-bts\-query.
-.B \-\-query\-source
-Query on all binary packages built by the same source, not just the
-binary package specified.  (Default behavior as of reportbug 2.0)
-.B \-\-no\-query\-source
-Only query on the binary package specified on the command line.
-.B \-\-realname=NAME
-Set the real name (human-readable name) to use for your report.
-.B \-\-report\-quiet
-Register the bug in the bug tracking system, but don't send a report
-to the package maintainer or anyone else.  Don't do this unless you're
-the maintainer of the package in question, or you really know what you
-are doing.
-.B \-\-reply-to=ADDRESS, \-\-replyto=ADDRESS
-Set the
-.B Reply-To
-address header in your report.
-.B \-s SUBJECT, \-\-subject=SUBJECT
-Set the subject of the bug report (i.e. a brief explanation of the
-problem, less than 60 characters).  If you do not specify this switch,
-you will be prompted for a subject.
-.B \-S SEVERITY, \-\-severity=SEVERITY
-Specify a severity level, from critical, grave, serious, important,
-normal, minor, and wishlist.
-.B \-\-smtphost=HOST[:PORT]
-Use the mail transport agent (MTA) at
-to send your report, instead of your local
-.B /usr/sbin/sendmail
-program.  This should generally be your ISP's outgoing mail server;
-you can also use 'localhost' if you have a working mail server running
-on your machine.  If the
-is omitted, the standard port for SMTP, port 25, is used.
-.B \-\-tls
-If using SMTP, use Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption to secure
-the connection to the mail server.  Some SMTP servers may require this
-.B \-\-smtpuser=USERNAME
-If using SMTP, use the specified
-for authentication.
-.B \-\-smtppasswd=PASSWORD
-If using SMTP, use the specified
-for authentication.  If the password isn't specified on the command
-line or in the configuration file, a prompt will be displayed asking
-for it.
-Use of this option is insecure on multiuser systems.  Instead, you
-should set this option in .reportbugrc and ensure it is only readable
-by your user (e.g. with chmod 600 $HOME/.reportbugrc).
-.B \-t TYPE, \-\-type=TYPE
-Specify the type of report to be submitted; currently accepts either
-gnats or debbugs.
-.B \-T TAG, \-\-tag=TAG
-Specify a tag to be filed on this report, for example \fB\-\-tag=patch\fP.
-Multiple tags can be specified using multiple \-T or \-\-tag
-Alternatively, you can specify the 'tag'
-.B none
-to bypass the tags prompt without specifying any tags; this will also
-ignore any tags specified on the command line.
-.B \-\-template
-Output a template report to standard output.
-.B \-v, \-\-verify
-Verify the integrity of the package (if installed) using debsums
-before reporting.
-.B \-V VERSION, \-\-package\-version=VERSION
-Specify the version of the package the problem was found in.  This is
-probably most useful if you are reporting a bug in a package that is
-not installable or installed on a different system.
-.B \-x, \-\-no\-cc
-Don't send a blind carbon copy (BCC) of the bug report to the
-submitter (i.e. yourself).
-.B \-z, \-\-no\-compress
-Don't compress configuration files by removing comments and blank
-.B reportbug lynx-ssl
-Report a bug in the lynx-ssl package.
-.B reportbug \-\-path \-\-file=ls
-Report a bug in the installed package that includes a program in your
-path called \fBls\fP.
-From version 0.22 on,
-.B reportbug
-has supported a simple run control file syntax.  Commands are read from
-.B /etc/reportbug.conf
-.B $HOME/.reportbugrc
-with commands in the latter overriding those in the former.  Commands
-are not case sensitive, and currently take 0 or 1 arguments; arguments
-containing whitespace must be enclosed in quotes.  Any line starting
-with # is taken to be a comment and will be ignored.
-Generally, options corresponding to the GNU long options for
-.B reportbug
-are supported, without leading \-\- sequences.  See 
-.B reportbug.conf(5)
-for all acceptable options.
-Editor to use for editing your bug report.
-Editor to use for editing the bug report (overridden by VISUAL).
-Email address to use as your from address (in this order). If no
-environment variable exists, the default is taken from your user name
-and /etc/mailname.
-Real name to use; default is taken from /etc/passwd.
-Address for Reply-To header in outgoing mail.
-Use the specified CC address on your email.  Note you can also use the
-.B -H
-option for this (and for Bcc's too).
-Use the specified BCC address, instead of your email address.  (CC and
-BCC based on suggestions from Herbert Thielen in the
-.B bug
-.B http_proxy
-Provides the address of a proxy server to handle the BTS query.  This
-should be a valid
-.B http
-URL for a proxy server, including any required port number (simply
-specifying a hostname, or omitting a port other than 80, WILL NOT WORK).
-Python's getopt module is pickier than GNU getopt() about the order of
-command line arguments; all switches must be specified before the
-package name.
-.B reportbug
-should probably be compatible with other bug tracking systems, like
-.B bugzilla
-(used by the GNOME and Mozilla projects) and
-.B jitterbug
-(used by Samba, AbiSource and FreeCiv) but it isn't.
-.I http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#tags
-for available tags, querybts(1)
-Chris Lawrence <lawrencc at debian.org>.
-\"  LocalWords:  reportbug debbugs pathname Debian bts fBdebbugs fP filename fB
-\"  LocalWords:  af Debian's BODYFILE config reportbugrc pre DEBEMAIL gnupg gpg
-\"  LocalWords:  REPORTBUGEMAIL GnuPG MUA debian Dorman severities KEYID keyid
-\"  LocalWords:  PGP maintonly mta MTA smtphost mua nmh mh pgp http realname
-\"  LocalWords:  replyto wishlist ISP's localhost SMTP tls smtpuser USERNAME
-\"  LocalWords:  smtppasswd multiuser chmod debsums uninstallable BCC ssl Bcc's
-\"  LocalWords:  whitespace DEBFULLNAME DEBNAME MAILCC MAILBCC Thielen hostname
-\"  LocalWords:  getopt bugzilla Mozilla AbiSource FreeCiv querybts

Deleted: branches/modules/reportbug.conf.5
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@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-.\" reportbug.conf manual page Written by Y Giridhar Appaji Nag 
-.\" Copyright (c) 2007 Y Giridhar Appaji Nag <giridhar at appaji.net>
-.\" This manual page is distributable under the following license:
-.\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-.\" documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-.\" provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that
-.\" both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
-.\" supporting documentation.
-.\" $Id: reportbug.conf.5,v 2008-04-18 05:38:28 lawrencc Exp $
-.TH REPORTBUG.CONF 5 "Dec 2007" "reportbug 3.39"
-.B reportbug.conf
-- The configuration file for reportbug
-.B /etc/reportbug.conf
-- The configuration file for reportbug, a program designed to report bugs in the
-Debian distribution
-.hw config
-This manual page describes the layout of the
-.B reportbug(1)
-configuration file and the available configuration options.  The default
-location of the file is
-.B /etc/reportbug.conf
-and the options may be overriding in
-.B $HOME/.reportbugrc
--- which follows the same format as
-.B reportbug.conf
-Configuration options can be specified in the form
-\fIoption-name\fP \fIoption-value\fP
-True/false (boolean) options can be specified as
-Usually, \fIno-option\fP will disable
-\fIoption\fP if \fIoption\fP is boolean.
-Options can be specified in any order.
-The summary of possible options (in alphabetical order) is as follows:
-.B af
-Use the
-.B af
-.B bts
-The bug tracking system to use, see
-.B reportbug --bts help
-for a list of currently supported BTSes
-.B cc (\fIboolean\fP)
-Whether the reporter should be Cc:ed on the bug report
-.B check-available (\fIboolean\fP)
-Whether \fBpackages.debian.org\fP should be queried for newer releases
-of the package.  In \fBadvanced\fP and \fBexpert\fP mode,
-\fBincoming.debian.org\fP and
-\fBhttp://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html\fP are also checked.
-.B compress (\fIboolean\fP)
-Whether modified configuration files included in the bug report should
-be stripped down
-.B config-files (\fIboolean\fP)
-Whether modified configuration files should be included with the bug
-.B editor
-The editor to use to edit the bug report
-\fIeditor "emacs \-nw"\fP
-.B email
-Default "From:" address of the bug email (override with environment
-variables, see
-.B reportbug(1))
-\fIemail "humberto at example.com"\fP
-.B header
-Additional headers to add to the bug email.  Like:
-\fIheader "X-Debbugs-CC: debian-qa at lists.debian.org"\fP
-\fIheader "X-Silly-Header: I haven't edited my /etc/reportbug.conf"\fP
-\fIheader "X-Debbugs-No-Ack: please" # to suppress acknowledgments\fP
-.B http_proxy
-Default HTTP proxy used to query the BTS (override with environment
-variables, see
-.B reportbug(1))
-\fIhttp_proxy http://proxy.example.com:3128/\fP
-.B maintonly
-See the
-.B --maintonly
-entry in
-.B reportbug(1)
-.B mh
-Use the
-.B mh
-.B mode [\fInovice\fP|\fIstandard\fP|\fIadvanced\fP|\fIexpert\fP]
-The default operating mode for
-.B reportbug(1)
-.B mta
-The path to the MTA used.  Any any SMTP server on Debian should be OK
-with the default
-\fImta /usr/sbin/sendmail\fP
-.B mua
-The mailer to use (the default is empty, to use an internal mailer).
-Takes an argument like that to
-.B --mua
-.B reportbug(1)
-\fImua 'mutt \-H'\fP
-.B mutt
-Use the
-.B mutt
-.B nmh
-Use the
-.B nmh
-.B no-check-uid (\fIboolean\fP)
-Disables checking whether the UIDs are outside admin range (\fIroot\fP
-is still checked)
-.B no-debconf (\fIboolean\fP)
-Disables adding the
-.B debconf-show
-output to the bug report
-.B no-query-source (\fIboolean\fP)
-Disables querying the source packages for bugs
-.B offline
-Disables all external queries
-.B query-bts (\fIboolean\fP)
-Whether the BTS should be queried for existing bug reports
-.B quiet
-See the
-.B --report-quiet
-entry in
-.B reportbug(1)
-.B realname
-The default real-name in the "From:" address of the bug email
-(override with environment variables.  See
-.B reportbug(1))
-\fIrealname "Humberto Flores III"\fP
-.B replyto
-The default "Reply-To:" in the bug email (override with environment
-variables.  See
-.B reportbug(1))
-\fIreplyto "Humberto Flores <humflores at example.org>"\fP
-.B severity [\fIcritical\fP|\fIgrave\fP|\fIserious\fP|\fIimportant\fP|\fIdoes-not-build\fP|\fInormal\fP|\fIminor\fP|\fIwishlist\fP]
-The default severity level of the bug reported.  Setting this in the
-configuration file will disable prompting while running
-.B reportbug
-.B sign [\fIgpg\fP|\fIpgp\fP]
-Program used to digitally sign bug reports automatically
-.B smtphost
-Use an MTA different from /usr/sbin/sendmail.  A port number other than
-25 can also be specified
-\fIsmtphost mail.example.com:2525\fP
-Use \fIsmtphost localhost\fP to enable the internal MTA
-.B smtppasswd
-The password to use for SMTP
-\fIsmtppasswd f10r35\fP
-.B smtpuser
-The username to use for SMTP
-\fIsmtpuser hflores\fP
-.B smtptls
-Enables TLS encryption
-.B submit
-Use \fIsubmit\fP as the bug submission address
-.B template
-Use the template mode, bypasses all prompts and the output it sent to
-.B ui [\fItext\fP|\fInewt\fP]
-The user interface that
-.B querybts(1)
-.B reportbug(1)
-should use
-.B verify
-Enables automatic verification of package installation before reporting
-using debsums, if available
-reportbug(1), querybts(1)
-reportbug was written by Chris Lawrence <lawrencc at debian.org>
-This manual page was written by Y Giridhar Appaji Nag
-<giridhar at appaji.net> for the Debian project, but may be used by others.
-Last modified: 2007-12-20 by Y Giridhar Appaji Nag

Deleted: branches/modules/reportbug.ja.1
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@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-.TH reportbug 1
-.SH ̾Á°
-reportbug \- debbugs ¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤Ë¥Ð¥°¤òÊó¹ð
-.SH ½ñ¼°
-.B reportbug
-.I "[¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó] <¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸Ì¾ | ÀäÂХѥ¹>"
-.B reportbug
-¤Ï¡¢¼ç¤È¤·¤Æ Debian ¥Ç¥£¥¹¥È¥ê¥Ó¥å¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¤Î¥Ð¥°¤òÊó¹ð¤¹¤ë¤¿¤á¤ËÀß·×
-¤µ¤ì¤¿¡£¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Ç¤Ï¡¢Debian ¥Ð¥°ÄÉÀ×¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à
-.I submit at bugs.debian.org
-.B \-\-bts
-¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤ò»È¤¨¤Ð¡¢Debian ¥Ð¥°ÄÉÀ×¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤Ç¤¢¤ë \fBdebbugs\fP ¤ò»È¤¦
-¹ç¤Ï¡¢¤½¤ì¤òǧ¼±¤µ¤»¤ë¤¿¤á¤Ë \fB/\fP ¤«¤é»Ï¤á¤Ê¤±¤ì¤Ð¤Ê¤é¤Ê¤¤¡£
-\fBreportbug\fP ¤Ë¥·¥¹¥Æ¥àÆâ¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾¤ò¸¡º÷¤µ¤»¤¿¤¤¾ì¹ç¤Ï¡¢
-¸å½Ò¤Î \fB\-\-file\fP ¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤ò»²¾È¤Î¤³¤È¡£
-.SH ¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó
-ËÜ¥×¥í¥°¥é¥à¤ÏÄ̾ï¤Î GNU ¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¥é¥¤¥ó¹½Ê¸¤Ë½à¤¸¤Æ¤ª¤ê¡¢Ä¹¤¤¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó
-¤Ï 2 ¸Ä¤Î¥À¥Ã¥·¥å (`\-\-') ¤Ç»Ï¤Þ¤ë¡£
-.B \-h, \-\-help
-.B \-v, \-\-version
-.B reportbug
-.B \-a, \-\-af
-.B af
-.B \-A ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾, \-\-attach=¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾
-¤Ç¤­¤ë¡£Ëܥ롼¥Á¥ó¤Ï¡¢´Þ¤á¤¿¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÉդΠMIME źÉÕ¤òºîÀ®¤¹¤ë¡£¤¤¤¯¤Ä¤«¤Î
-¥±¡¼¥¹ (Ä̾ï¤Ï¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Î¾ì¹ç) ¤Ç¤Ï¡¢\-\-include ¤ò»È¤¦Êý¤¬Îɤ¤¤«
-¤â¤·¤ì¤Ê¤¤ (Debian ¤Î¥Ð¥°ÄÉÀ×¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤Ï¡¢MIME źÉÕÂбþ¤ËÀ©¸Â¤¬¤¢¤ë¤³¤È¤Ë
-.B \-b, \-\-no\-query\-bts
-ÌäÂ꤬¤¹¤Ç¤ËÊó¹ðºÑ¤«¤É¤¦¤«¡¢Debian ¥Ð¥°ÄÉÀ×¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤òÄ´¤Ù¤Ê¤¤¡£¥ª¥Õ¥é
-.B \-\-query\-bts
-ÌäÂ꤬¤¹¤Ç¤ËÊó¹ðºÑ¤«¤É¤¦¤«¡¢Debian ¥Ð¥°ÄÉÀ×¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤òÄ´¤Ù¤ë (¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È)¡£
-.B \-B ¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à, \-\-bts=¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à
-Debian ¥Ð¥°¥µ¡¼¥Ð (¤¢¤ë¤¤¤Ï \fB/etc/reportbug.conf\fP Æâ¤Ç»ØÄꤷ¤Æ¤¤¤ë
-¥Ð¥°¥µ¡¼¥Ð) ¤ÎÂå¤ï¤ê¤Ë¡¢
-.B ¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à
-.B help
-.B \-\-body=ËÜʸ
-¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸ËÜʸ¤È¤·¤Æ»ØÄꤷ¤¿ËÜʸ¤ò»È¤¦¡£ËÜʸ¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤ÏȾ³Ñ 70 ʸ»ú¤Ç
-À°·Á¤µ¤ì¡¢Ä̾ï¤Î reportbug ÍѥإåÀ¤È¥Õ¥Ã¥¿¤¬Å¬ÀÚ¤ËÄɲ䵤ì¤ë¡£¥¨¥Ç¥£
-¥¿¤Î³Îǧ¤ä¡¢¤¢¤é¤æ¤ë "ÆÃÊ̤Ê" ³Îǧ¤Ï¹Ô¤Ê¤ï¤ì¤Ê¤¯¤Ê¤ë¡£
-.B \-\-body-file=ËÜʸ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾
-¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸ËÜʸ¤È¤·¤Æ»ØÄꤷ¤¿ËÜʸ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾¤Î¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (¤È¤ß¤Ê¤µ
-¤ì¤ë) ¤ÎÆâÍƤò»È¤¦¡£¤³¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ï¡¢Å¬ÀÚ¤ËÀ°·Á¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë (1 ¹Ô¤ÎŤµ¤¬
-Àµ¤·¤¤¤Ê¤É) ¤â¤Î¤È¤ß¤Ê¤µ¤ì¤ë¡£Ä̾ï¤Î¥Ø¥Ã¥À¤È¥Õ¥Ã¥¿¤¬Äɲ䵤졢¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿
-¥¹¥Æ¥Ã¥×¤È "ÆÃÊ̤Ê" ³Îǧ¥¹¥Æ¥Ã¥×¤ÏÈô¤Ð¤µ¤ì¤ë (ËÜʸ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾¤Ï¡¢Ì¾Á°ÉÕ
-.B \-c, \-\-no\-config\-files
-.B \-\-configure
-.B reportbug
-¤Î½é²ó¼Â¹Ô»þ¤ÎÀßÄê¥ë¡¼¥Á¥ó¤òºÆ¼Â¹Ô¤·¡¢¿·µ¬¤Î .reportbugrc ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò½ñ¤­
-½Ð¤¹¡£¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÆâ¤Î´û¸¤ÎÀßÄê¤Ï¾Ãµî¤µ¤ì¤ë¤¬¡¢¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×¤È¤·¤Æ .reportbugrc~
-.B \-\-check\-available
-packages.debian.org ¤ËÂФ·¤Æ¡¢¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤Î¿·µ¬¥ê¥ê¡¼¥¹Í­Ìµ¤òÄ´¤Ù¤ë (¥Ç
-.B \-\-no\-check\-available
-packages.debian.org ¤ËÂФ·¤Æ¡¢¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤Î¿·µ¬¥ê¥ê¡¼¥¹Í­Ìµ¤òÄ´¤Ù¤Ê¤¤¡£
-.B \-d, \-\-debug
-Debian ¤Ë¼ÂºÝ¤Î¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤òÁ÷¿®¤·¤Ê¤¤¡£Âå¤ï¤ê¤Ë¡¢Êó¹ð¼Ô¼«¿È¤ËÁ÷¿®¤¹¤ë¡£
-.B \-e ¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿, \-\-editor=¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿
-»È¤¦¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿¤ò»ØÄꤷ¡¢´Ä¶­ÊÑ¿ô EDITOR ¤ä VISUAL ¤ÎÀßÄê¤ò¾å½ñ¤­¤¹¤ë¡£
-.B \-\-email=¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹
-Á÷¿®¼Ô¤È¤·¤ÆÊó¹ðÆâ¤Ë¸½¤ï¤ì¤ë (¤Ä¤Þ¤ê \fBFrom:\fP ¥Ø¥Ã¥À¤Ëɽ¼¨¤µ¤ì¤ë) ÅÅ
-¤Ê¤±¤ì¤Ð¤Ê¤é¤Ê¤¤ (¤Ä¤Þ¤ê¼Â̾¤ä¥³¥á¥ó¥ÈÉôʬ¤òÉÕ¤±¤Æ¤Ï¤Ê¤é¤Ê¤¤)¡£ËÜÀßÄê¤Ï
-´Ä¶­ÊÑ¿ô EMAIL ¤ä DEBEMAIL ¤ò¾å½ñ¤­¤¹¤ë¤¬¡¢REPORTBUGEMAIL ¤Ï¾å½ñ¤­¤·¤Ê¤¤¡£
-.B \-\-exit\-prompt
-½ªÎ»»þ¤Ë³Îǧ¤òɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë¡£°ì»þŪ¤ÊüËö¤Ç (¤Ä¤Þ¤ê Debian ¥á¥Ë¥å¡¼¥¨¥ó¥È¥ê¤«
-¤é) reportbug ¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë¾ì¹ç¤ËÌòΩ¤Ä¡£
-.B \-f ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾, \-\-filename=¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾
-.I ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾
-.B \-\-path
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-.B \-o ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾, \-\-output=¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë̾
-.B \-O, \-\-offline
-\fB\-\-no\-check\-available \-\-no\-query\-bts\fP
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-¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤ËÌ䤤¹ç¤»¤ò¹Ô¤Ê¤¦ (reportbug 2.0 °Ê¹ß¤Î¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥ÈÆ°ºî)¡£
-.B \-\-no\-query\-source
-.B \-\-realname=̾Á°
-¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤Ë»È¤¦¼Â̾ (¿Í¤ËÆɤá¤ë̾Á°) ¤òÀßÄꤹ¤ë¡£
-.B \-\-report\-quiet
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-.B Reply-To
-.B \-s Âê̾, \-\-subject=Âê̾
-¥Ð¥°Êó¹ð¤ÎÂê̾ (ÌäÂê¤Î´Ê·é¤ÊÀâÌÀ¤Ç¡¢È¾³Ñ 60 ʸ»ú°Ê²¼) ¤òÀßÄꤹ¤ë¡£
-.B \-S ½ÅÍ×ÅÙ, \-\-severity=½ÅÍ×ÅÙ
-Ã×̿Ū (critical), ½ÅÂç (grave), ¿¼¹ï (serious), ½ÅÍ× (important),
-Ä̾ï (normal), ·ÚÅÙ (minor), Í×˾ (wishlist) ¤ÎÃ椫¤é¡¢½ÅÍ×ÅÙ¤ò»ØÄê
-.B \-\-smtphost=¥Û¥¹¥È[:¥Ý¡¼¥È]
-.B /usr/sbin/sendmail
-.B ¥Û¥¹¥È
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- Security (TLS) °Å¹æ²½¤ò»È¤¦¡£¤¤¤¯¤Ä¤«¤Î SMP ¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤Ç¤Ï¡¢ËÜ¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó
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-SMTP ¤Î»ÈÍÑ»þ¤Ë¡¢Ç§¾ÚÍѤȤ·¤Æ»ØÄꤷ¤¿
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-¤ª¤¯¤Ù¤Ç¤­¤Ç¤¢¤ë (chmod 600 $HOME/.reportbugrc ¤È¼Â¹Ô¤¹¤ë¤Ê¤É)¡£
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-.SH Îã
-.B reportbug lynx-ssl
-lynx-ssl ¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸¤Î¥Ð¥°¤òÊó¹ð¤¹¤ë¡£
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-Á÷¿®¥á¡¼¥ëÆâ¤Î Reply-To ¥Ø¥Ã¥ÀÍÑ¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¡£
-ÅŻҥ᡼¥ë¾å¤Ç»ØÄꤷ¤¿ CC ¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤ò»È¤¦¡£Æ±¤¸ÌÜŪ¤Î¤¿¤á¤Ë
-.B -H
-¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó¤â»È¤¨¤ë¤³¤È¤ËÃí°Õ (Bcc ¤âƱÍÍ)¡£
-Êó¹ð¼Ô¤ÎÅŻҥ᡼¥ë¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤ÎÂå¤ï¤ê¤Ë¡¢»ØÄꤷ¤¿ Bcc ¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤ò»È¤¦ (
-.B bug
-¤Î wishlist Æâ¤Î Herbert Thielen ¤Ë¤è¤ëÄó°Æ¤ò¸µ¤Ë¤·¤¿ Cc ¤È Bcc)¡£
-.B http_proxy
-BTS Ì䤤¹ç¤»¤ò½èÍý¤¹¤ë¥×¥í¥­¥·¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤Î¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤ò»ØÄꤹ¤ë¡£É¬Íפʤ¢¤é¤æ¤ë
-URL ¤Ç¤Ê¤±¤ì¤Ð¤Ê¤é¤Ê¤¤ (¥Û¥¹¥È̾¤À¤±¤ò»ØÄꤷ¤¿¤ê¡¢80 Èְʳ°¤Î¥Ý¡¼¥È¤ò
-.SH Ãí°Õ
-¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¥é¥¤¥ó°ú¿ô¤Î½ç½ø¤Ë´Ø¤·¤Æ¡¢Python ¤Î getopt ¥â¥¸¥å¡¼¥ë¤Ï
-GNU getopt() ¤è¤ê¤â¿À·Ð¼Á¤Ç¤¢¤ë¡£¤¹¤Ù¤Æ¤Î¥¹¥¤¥Ã¥Á¤Ï¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸Ì¾¤Î
-.B reportbug
-.B bugzilla
-(GNOME ¤ª¤è¤Ó Mozilla ¥×¥í¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤Ç»È¤ï¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë) ¤ä
-.B jitterbug
-(Samba, AbiSource, FreeCiv ¤Ç»È¤ï¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë) ¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ê¾¤Î¥Ð¥°ÄÉÀ×¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à
-.SH ´ØÏ¢¹àÌÜ
-.SH Ãø¼Ô
-Chris Lawrence <lawrencc at debian.org>.
-Åļ °ìÊ¿ <ippei1 at bb.mbn.or.jp>

Deleted: branches/modules/test_hiermatch.py
--- branches/modules/test_hiermatch.py	2008-07-08 19:13:40 UTC (rev 569)
+++ branches/modules/test_hiermatch.py	2008-07-08 19:27:22 UTC (rev 570)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: test_hiermatch.py,v 2004-02-05 04:29:08 lawrencc Exp $
-from reportbuglib import hiermatch as hier
-def test_list():
-    import sys
-    a = file(sys.argv[0]).readlines()
-    b = hier.grep_list(a, '\[.*\]')
-    for i in b:
-        print a[i].rstrip()
-    print '*'*40
-    c = hier.grep_list(a, 'print', b)
-    for i in c:
-        print a[i].rstrip()
-def test_hier():
-    import sys
-    a = file(sys.argv[0]).readlines()
-    b = [(1, a)]
-    c = hier.egrep_hierarchy(b, 'print', )
-    print c
-    for i in range(len(c)):
-        for k in c[i]:
-            print b[i][1][k].rstrip()
-    d = hier.egrep_hierarchy(b, '\[.*\]', c)
-    print d
-    for i in range(len(d)):
-        for k in d[i]:
-            print b[i][1][k].rstrip()
-def test_mhier():
-    import sys
-    a = file(sys.argv[0]).readlines()
-    b = [(1, a)]
-    c = hier.matched_hierarchy(b, 'print', )
-    print c
-    d = [len(i[1]) for i in c]
-    print reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, d)
-# vim:ts=8:sw=4:expandtab:

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