[Reportbug-commits] [SCM] Reportbug - reports bugs in the Debian distribution branch, master, updated. 4.6-17-gcdad7ce
Sandro Tosi
morph at debian.org
Wed Sep 2 21:12:47 UTC 2009
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 03ba0b3a6a01ab296c878bc6561fb970ba338d76
Author: Pierre Habouzit <madcoder at debian.org>
Date: Sun Aug 30 19:13:51 2009 +0200
Add support for release.debian.org pseudo-package.
Signed-off-by: Pierre Habouzit <madcoder at debian.org>
diff --git a/bin/reportbug b/bin/reportbug
index 68f18d0..e9b7515 100755
--- a/bin/reportbug
+++ b/bin/reportbug
@@ -448,11 +448,11 @@ def get_package_name(bts='debian', mode=MODE_EXPERT):
return get_package_name(bts, mode)
- if package == 'ftp.debian.org':
+ if package == 'ftp.debian.org' or package == 'release.debian.org':
if not ui.yes_no(
- 'Are you sure you want to file a bug on ftp.debian.org?',
+ 'Are you sure you want to file a bug on %s?' % (package),
'Yes, I am a developer or know what I\'m doing.',
- 'No, I am not a developer and I don\'t know what ftp.debian.org is.',
+ 'No, I am not a developer and I don\'t know what %s is.' % (package),
return get_package_name(bts, mode)
@@ -1766,7 +1766,8 @@ For more details, please see: http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/''')
HOMEDIR = os.environ.get('HOME', '/')
if (rtype == 'debbugs' and not self.options.tags and
- not (notatty or self.options.kudos or exinfo) and package not in ('wnpp','ftp.debian.org') and
+ not (notatty or self.options.kudos or exinfo) and
+ package not in ('wnpp','ftp.debian.org','release.debian.org') and
mode > MODE_NOVICE):
# Multiple-choice checkbox
if severity in ('grave', 'critical', 'serious'):
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 2a6bbcf..d895047 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
reportbug (4.7) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ [ Sandro Tosi ]
* reportbug/__init__.py
- bump reportbug version
* debian/control
@@ -17,6 +18,9 @@ reportbug (4.7) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
LDAP support is gone since years; thanks to martin f krafft for the
report; Closes: #271057
+ [ Pierre Habouzit ]
+ * Add support for the release.debian.org pseudo-package.
-- Sandro Tosi <morph at debian.org> Tue, 18 Aug 2009 09:39:44 +0200
reportbug (4.6) unstable; urgency=low
diff --git a/reportbug/debianbts.py b/reportbug/debianbts.py
index 212a7ee..25de917 100644
--- a/reportbug/debianbts.py
+++ b/reportbug/debianbts.py
@@ -317,6 +317,120 @@ def handle_debian_ftp(package, bts, ui, fromaddr, online=True, http_proxy=None):
return (subject, severity, headers, pseudos, body, query)
+def handle_debian_release(package, bts, ui, fromaddr, online=True, http_proxy=None):
+ body = ''
+ headers = []
+ pseudos = []
+ query = True
+ archs = None
+ version = None
+ tag = ui.menu('What sort of request is this? (If none of these '
+ 'things mean anything to you, or you are trying to report '
+ 'a bug in an existing package, please press Enter to '
+ 'exit reportbug.)', {
+ 'binnmu': "binNMU requests",
+ 'transition': "transition tracking",
+ 'unblock': "unblock requests",
+ 'freeze-exception': "Freeze exceptions",
+ 'opu': "oldstable proposed updates requests",
+ 'pu': "stable proposed updates requests",
+ 'rm': "Stable/Testing removal requests",
+ 'other' : "None of the above",
+ }, 'Choose the request type: ', empty_ok=True)
+ if not tag:
+ ui.long_message('To report a bug in a package, use the name of the package, not release.debian.org.\n')
+ raise SystemExit
+ severity = 'normal'
+ if tag == 'other':
+ return
+ prompt = 'Please enter the name of the package: '
+ package = ui.get_string(prompt)
+ if not package:
+ ui.log_message('You seem to want to report a generic bug, not request a removal\n')
+ return
+ ui.log_message('Checking status database...\n')
+ info = utils.get_package_status(package)
+ available = info[1]
+ query = False
+ if not available:
+ info = utils.get_source_package(package)
+ if info:
+ info = utils.get_package_status(info[0][0])
+ if not info:
+ cont = ui.select_options(
+ "This package doesn't appear to exist; continue?",
+ 'yN', {'y': 'Ignore this problem and continue.',
+ 'n': 'Exit without filing a report.' })
+ if cont == 'n':
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ package = info[12] or package
+ if tag in ('binnmu', 'unblock', 'freeze-exceptions', 'opu', 'pu', 'rm'):
+ # FIXME: opu/pu/rm should lookup the version elsewhere
+ version = info and info[0]
+ if version:
+ cont = ui.select_options(
+ "Latest version seems to be %s, is this the proper one ?" % (version),
+ "Yn", {'y': "This is the correct version",
+ 'n': "Enter the proper vesion"})
+ if cont == 'n':
+ version = None
+ if not version:
+ version = ui.get_string('Please enter the version of the package: ')
+ if not version:
+ ui.log_message("A version is required for action %s, not sending bug\n" % (tag))
+ return
+ if tag in ('binnmu'):
+ partial = ui.select_options(
+ "Is this request for specific architectures?",
+ 'yN', {'y': 'This is a partial (specific architectures) removal.',
+ 'n': 'This removal is for all architectures.' })
+ if partial == 'y':
+ prompt = 'Please enter the arch list separated by a space: '
+ archs = ui.get_string(prompt)
+ if not archs:
+ ui.long_message('Partial removal requests must have a list of architectures.\n')
+ raise SystemExit
+ pseudos.append("User: debian-release at lists.debian.org")
+ pseudos.append("Usertags: %s" % (tag))
+ if tag == 'binnmu':
+ reason = ui.get_string("binNMU changelog entry: ")
+ subject = "nmu: %s/%s" % (package, version)
+ body = "nmu %s/%s . %s . -m \"%s\"\n" % (package, version, archs, reason)
+ elif tag == 'transition':
+ subject = 'transition: %s' % (package)
+ body = '(please explain about the transition: impacted packages, reason, ...)\n'
+ elif tag == 'unblock' or tag == 'freeze-exception':
+ subject = 'unblock: %s/%s' % (package, version)
+ body = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
+ Please unblock package %s
+ (explain the reason for the unblock here)
+ unblock %s/%s
+ """ % (package, package, version))
+ elif tag == 'pu' or tag == 'opu':
+ subject = '%s: package %s/%s' % (tag, package, version)
+ body = '(please explain the reason for this update here)\n'
+ elif tag == 'rm':
+ if archs:
+ subject = 'RM: %s/%s [%s]' % (package, version, archs)
+ else:
+ subject = 'RM: %s/%s' % (package, version)
+ body = ''
+ return (subject, severity, headers, pseudos, body, query)
itp_template = textwrap.dedent(u"""\
* Package name : %(package)s
Version : x.y.z
@@ -478,7 +592,8 @@ SYSTEMS = { 'debian' :
'nonvirtual' : ['linux-image', 'kernel-image'],
'specials' :
{ 'wnpp': handle_wnpp,
- 'ftp.debian.org': handle_debian_ftp },
+ 'ftp.debian.org': handle_debian_ftp,
+ 'release.debian.org': handle_debian_release },
# Dependency packages
'deppkgs' : ('gcc', 'g++', 'cpp', 'gcj', 'gpc', 'gobjc',
'chill', 'gij', 'g77', 'python', 'python-base',
Reportbug - reports bugs in the Debian distribution
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