[Reportbug-commits] [reportbug] annotated tag 7.1.7 created (now a5b74ea)

Sandro Tosi morph at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon May 29 20:14:10 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

morph pushed a change to annotated tag 7.1.7
in repository reportbug.

        at  a5b74ea   (tag)
   tagging  e198636a4f0f2c3590c16a9059a1d623bfa81b17 (commit)
  replaces  7.1.6
 tagged by  Sandro Tosi
        on  Mon May 29 16:00:35 2017 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
tagging package reportbug version 7.1.7


Gaetano Guerriero (1):
      --draft= with missing directory was failing badly

Nis Martensen (7):
      utils.get_package_status(): properly capture package description
      Use apt instead of dpkg for availability information
      utils.py: Do not use localized package description
      utils.py: Avoid unwanted newlines
      Finish open_url return type conversion
      utils.get_dependency_info: ignore arch qualifiers
      utils.py: Fix IndexError: list index out of range

Sandro Tosi (19):
      fix description regex to match only textual description (and not the MD5); patch by Nis Martensen; Closes: #863322
      get_command_output() doesnt strip a trailing new-line, so deal with that behavior when running lsb_release and dpkg --print-architecture; patch by Nis Martensen; Closes: #861153
      update suites names: fade out squeeze (wheezy is now oldoldstable) and introduce buster (testing), bullseye (next-testing); Closes: #862801
      add manpages.debian.org to pseudo-packages list; Closes: #861859
      update emacs dependencies to emacs24 (default) and emacs25 (alternative)
      remove double imports
      add Danish translation to desktop file; patch by scootergrisen; Closes: #855973
      add LANGUAGE env var to locales bugreport section; Closes: #840898
      url_open() now returns a string, no need to read() it anymore; also replace URLError exception handling with NoNetwork; Closes: #859274
      Finish open_url return type conversion: url_open() now returns a string and no longer an HTTPRespons object; patch by Nis Martensen; extends the fix for #859274
      fix error formatting when printing the error for draft directory non-existing; patch by Gaetano Guerriero; Closes: #816375
      in search_path_for, split PATH directories using ':'; patch by Kamaraju Kusumanchi; Closes: #827088
      strip arch-qualifier when looking up dependencies information; patch by Nis Martensen; Closes: #749884
      fix a crash when parsing the config files lines in the package information; patch by Nis Martensen; Closes: #857013, #846053, #826534
      update README.source to the current source layout; Closes: #827002
      remove Chris Lawrence from Uploaders, thanks for all you've done for reportbug!!
      switch Vcs-* URLs to HTTPS
      switch the Format field to the URL in the packaging-manuals
      releasing package reportbug version 7.1.7


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reportbug/reportbug.git

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