[Reportbug-maint] Short term plan for Reportbug versions

Sandro Tosi matrixhasu at gmail.com
Sat Aug 16 23:53:08 UTC 2008

> 1. copy trunk to a branch, let's call it lenny, to support Lenny
> release in case of grave bugs

Done: code lies in svn://svn.debian.org/svn/reportbug/branches/lenny/

> 2. merge Chris' branch onto trunk and upload it in experimental

on going: I had a really hard time to get this working, since modules/
branch was created from a git-svn repo, so all the history would be
lost if I had merged onto trunk (and tech issues prevent this, like
reportbug file->dir change).

So what I did was:

1. copy trunk to branches/manual_merge
2. apply merge.sh (attached) from within manual_merge
3. manual picking files from branches/modules and copying to
manual_merge (Notes: I didn't merge README.developers, but take a note
on TODO to update "source layout" section; reapplied fixes in 3.45 to
reportbug/ui/urwid.py and reportbug/debianbts.py)

Chris, please give it (it=branches/manual_merge) a look, if all your
changes are there. If for you it's ok, I'll

1. svn mv trunk branches/trunk_premodules
2. svn mv branches/manual_merge trunk

(commands abbreviated) so to have a backup copy of trunk, and the
manual_merge branch as new trunk, aimed to deploy development packages
in experimental

> 3. work on trunk for enhancements, minor bugfixes or so, keep
> uploading in experimental

well... this is still to come, but pretty near :)


Sandro Tosi (aka morph, Morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
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