[Reportbug-maint] Bug#508812: Reusing python-btsutils for bts-link

Bastian Venthur venthur at debian.org
Wed Dec 17 12:22:28 UTC 2008


just a quick question. Are the debianbts-python bindings supposed to go
into an extra package, will we reuse python-debianbts or is it supposed
to go into python-debian? Depending on the answer we can open or use the
appropriate mailinglist.

Anyways to make a start the discussion, here's what debianbts uses as
datastructure for a single bugreport. It fits the needs of reportbug-ng
so far, but maybe not others. Feel free to discuss:

class Bugreport(object):
    """Represents a bugreport from Debian's Bug Tracking System."""

    def __init__(self, nr):
        self.nr = unicode(nr)
        self.summary = None
        self.submitter = None
        self.status = None
        self.severity = None
        self.fulltext = None
        self.package = None
        self.firstaction = None
        self.lastaction = None
        self.tags = None

    def __str__(self):
        s  = "Bug: %s\n" % self.nr
        s += "Package: %s\n" % self.package
        s += "Summary: %s\n" % self.summary
        s += "Submitter: %s\n" % self.submitter
        s += "Status: %s\n" % self.status
        s += "Severity: %s\n" % self.severity
        s += "Tags: %s\n" % self.tags
        s += "Firstaction: %s\n" % self.firstaction
        s += "Lastaction: %s\n" % self.lastaction
        s += "Fulltext: %s\n" % self.fulltext
        return s

    def value(self):
        """Returns an 'urgency value', the higher the number, the more
        the bug is. Open bugs generally have higher urgencies than
closed ones.
        return STATUS_VALUE.get(self.status.lower(), 200) +
SEVERITY_VALUE.get(self.severity.lower(), 20)

nr:	 is the bugnumber
summary: is the subject line of the bugreport
submitter: is the submitter of the bugreport
status:	 is the bugstatus
severity: ...
fulltext: should hold the full bugreport but rng just displays the html
	  of our bts instead
package:  is the package
first and lastaction: are dates
tags:     ...

the "value" method helps to numerically sort bugreports, where open
bugreports have a higher value as closed ones and packages with a higher
severity have a higher number than bugreports with a lower one. One
could improve that by introducing a __comp__ method.



Bastian Venthur                                      http://venthur.de
Debian Developer                                 venthur at debian org

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