[Reportbug-maint] how to add GTK interface

Ben Finney ben+debian at benfinney.id.au
Thu Jul 3 00:21:27 UTC 2008

"Sandro Tosi" <matrixhasu at gmail.com> writes:

> What I personally think is: why don't merge reportbug-ng into
> reportbug?

This would be a good result, if it can be achieved. The issues are
likely social, more than technical.

> I don't know what rb-ng has more that rb except for a "nicer" gui
> than urwid: both are python, both aim to report a bug against a
> package.

The 'reportbug-ng' project was started for a reason. I don't know that
reason; we should endeavour to find out what it is before beginning
any work on negating it.

> I intentionally not included Bastian (rb-ng maintainer) because I'd
> like to hear from you about it.

There seems to be much to gain from involving the creator and current
maintainer, especially to understand the reasons for its inception and
whether those reasons are still relevant.

I don't think we should do anything until we discuss this in depth
with Bastian.

 \     “For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, |
  `\                               neat, and wrong.” —Henry L. Mencken |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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