[Reportbug-maint] Bug#488297: Bug#488297: wnpp RFP 5's for software that hasn't yet been written

Sandro Tosi matrixhasu at gmail.com
Fri Jun 27 17:41:53 UTC 2008

(resent since it seems there was a problem with the previous sent)

> To
> $ reportbug wnpp
> 5 RFP  This is a `Request For Package'. You have found an interesting piece of software and would like someone
>       else to maintain it for Debian. Please submit a package description along with copyright and URL in
>       such a report.
> Add something like
> 6 RFS This is a `Request For Somebody to Write Software'. You have
>      thought up an idea for an interesting piece of software and
>      would like someone to write it, and then add it to Debian....
>      You would have chose 5 RFP, however the software does not exist
>      in the first place yet. However your brilliant idea for a new
>      piece of software is still worthily of registering with the BTS,
>      even though it is not an exact "5 RFP".
> Else many ideas will never be known, as there is no category here for
> them.

I think that RFS is already a well-known acronym for
Request-For-Sponsor, maybe a RFT (Request For Tool)? or something not
already used.

Anyway, if you think this tag needs to be added to WNPP reportbug
template, I think WNPP maintainers (added in CC) need to be involved
in the discussion and let them decide about its inclusion as
"official" wnpp tag.

> Or say "For items that don't fit 1-5, go post to xyz mailing list. Sorry."

Mh, well, but what ML would be good for such request? maybe debian-devel at l.d.o ?

Personally, I think this is interesting.


Sandro Tosi (aka morph, Morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi

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