[Reportbug-maint] Bug#531803: gtk-ui skips editing of bugreport

Luca Bruno lethalman88 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 13:23:51 UTC 2009

tag 531803 confirmed

On Sat, Jun 06, 2009 at 01:35:26PM +0200, Sebastian Dalfuß wrote:
> > I can't reproduce it
> I can reproduce it also on my second computer, with the same version of 
> reportbug. Therefore i don't think it has something to do with a broken 
> installation or a missing file etc.
> The strange thing: The bug only appears, if i start reportbug from xfce- or 
> gnome-menu, invoking it from shell works fine.
> Another observations:
> If i invoke it from menu, there is no file created in /tmp, the text which 
> normally should land in this file lands in ~/.xsession-errors . If i hit the 
> button on the "Thanks for your report"-page that points to the previous page, 
> i get a page like in the attached image sometimes (if not, i get back to the 
> tags-page).
> > Why you say opening two reportbug instances?
> I don't know either ;) I tested it again, and it didn't matter if there is 
> another instance running or not. Maybe i confused an instance invoked by shell 
> and one by menu while testing this before, what led me to the miss-
> assumption that it requires two instances to fail. Never mind, sorry.

Now it's clear. Let's say:
1. Specify a non-existing package name
2. Let reportbug find the given package as it was a filename
   among all the packages
3. Now you get a list of matching packages, choose one.
4. After selecting tags the bug report has been submitted without being edited.

It works if you specify that Reportbug is a shell application, so that when
you run it from the menu it opens a shell too. It might be related to isatty
stuff, bugscripts and such.

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