[Reportbug-maint] Bug#521162: Bug#521162: Several glitches with the reportbug GTK2 UI

Luca Bruno lethalman88 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 11:42:26 UTC 2009

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:15:52PM +0100, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> 1. No .desktop file
> It would be nice to ship a reportbug.desktop file for the freedesktop-compatible menus.
> I am attaching one; it needs to be processed with intltool for translation, and the icon
> should probably be changed (I’ve put the bug-buddy one since it’s the only one I could
> think of).

I've thought about that, but think you have to install in order to use it
(and maybe python-vte if some patches go in) before you're
able to use it. What if the user goes to open it and it doesn't start?

> 2. Focus issues
> In each page of the assistant, the default action is not set. I’m not completely familiar
> with the GtkAssistant API, but from what I understand you need to call set_page_complete()
> so that the status is updated and pressing <Enter> will go to the next page.

Noticed that. set_page_complete is called though.

> 3. Choosing default interface
> The configuration assistant lets you choose the default interface between text and gtk2.
> I think this is pretty awkward. If you run it in the terminal, you probably expect the text
> interface, and if you run it from the menu, you expect the GTK+ interface.

Sounds easily fixable the reportbug side. If the -u option is being
specified the UI configuration can be skipped.

> 4. Almost empty pages
> It would be nice to put, when it is possible, several objects on one GtkAssistant page. For
> example, the name and email could be asked together.

This is a reportbug internal issue as it imposes a determinate input flow.

> 5. Default name and email
> The default name and email proposed by the interface appear in brackets, but you can’t
> click "Next" and use these defaults. Instead of doing that, I suggest to put them as the
> default content of the text input field.
> A related issue is that the SMTP user configuration item cannot be empty.

Sounds easily fixable the reportbug side.

> 6. Impossible to go back
> Once you have chosen a bug report to provide additional information, going back doesn’t
> work. All pages of the assistant appear insensitive.

That's again the reportbug internal issue described above.
I've chosen to make them insensitive right for this reason. Talking with
Sandro reportbug will see a bunch of refactorings in next releases.

> 7. Using the SMTP
> There is no need to configure the SMTP when in GUI mode, while it has already been
> configured in the user’s mailer. Even worse, if you are using a complicated setup (like
> SMTP with authentication over SSL, or Evolution on MS Exchange), it is possible that it 
> won’t be supported at all.
> Let me suggest an alternative approach that re-uses the email client configuration
> instead. You just need to call something like this:
>   import urllib, subprocess
>   subject = urllib.quote (subject)
>   body = urllib.quote (prefilled_report)
>   version = urllib.quote (reportbug_version)
>   uri = 'mailto:%s?subject=%s&body=%s&X-Reportbug-Version=%s'%(email_address,subject,body,version)
>   subprocess.Popen (["xdg-email", uri])

Definitely, but just skip the SMTP configuration.

> This will work with most desktop email clients, and it can easily be made to work even if
> the client is mutt in a terminal.

For what concerns mutt, there's a separate option for that (--mutt) and
integrates well in vte instead of spawning a process out of the GUI using
xdg-email. Of course the user can choose between the two.

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