[Reportbug-maint] Bug#578296: closed by Sandro Tosi <morph at debian.org> (Re: Bug#577986: reportbug: Crash after current bugs list)

Joey Hess joeyh at debian.org
Mon Apr 19 19:38:43 UTC 2010

A few facts:

1. Closing a bug "because it is a bug in another package" is always a
   misuse  of the Debian BTS, which allows reassigning bugs to the package
   that is really at fault. It pisses users off, and prevents them from
   filing bug reports in the future. Getting users to file bug reports
   is hard enough without annoying the few who do.

2. Users will latch onto any bug report that looks vaguely like a
   problem they are seeing, and send unrelated info to it. They can be
   forgiven, in hopes that they will learn better and become one of the
   rare users who takes the time to send in good bug reports.

Since you're the maintainer of reportbug, and thus presumably know a
thing or two about bug reports, I'll assume you're having a bad day,
and generally know that stuff.

Now to the bug..

>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/reportbug/utils.py", line 644, in get_changed_config_files
>     for (filename, md5sum) in conffiles:
> ValueError: too many values to unpack

644:    for (filename, md5sum) in conffiles:

While not a python programmer, seems like something has gotten into
the conffiles list that is not a (filename, md5sum) tuple, and so
python crashes. (Clearly, GTK is unrelated to this bug.)

FWIW, I can't reproduce my bug with reportbug git-core now, OTOH, I have
purged and reinstalled git-core in the meantime.

see shy jo
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