[Reportbug-maint] Bug#591625: You are asking novice user for SMTP server - is this a joke

Jiri Kanicky jirik at ganomi.com
Wed Aug 4 10:11:40 UTC 2010

Package: reportbug
Version: 4.12.4

First, reporting bugs for Debian is a joke. It is hard, unclear, and 
This page is just a joke: http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting

Is anybody from you a human?

You come to site, where is simple form which a user submits. That's it.
Normal user does not want to read 300 pages and trying to figure out how 
to submit a bug using email.

Second, reportbug software in debian. You are asking a novice user for 
SMTP server. Did you ever think about what you are asking? This is 
novice user. They don't know what is SMTP server!

This is perfect example why ordinary people do not want to use Linux.



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