[Reportbug-maint] Bug#526110: Template scripts should be able to add attachements

Michael Stapelberg stapelberg at debian.org
Sun Dec 8 16:11:59 UTC 2013

control: tags -1 + patch

Hi Michael, Joachim, Sandro,

Michael Biebl <biebl at debian.org> writes:
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 12:01:39PM +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:
>> I’m considering to add a /usr/share/bug/$package/script file to one of
>> my package that would attach (possibly after getting permission from the
>> user) a configuration file. Currently, I’m only able to include it in
>> the mail body, which I find unpleasant. In my case, it might even be
>> problematic, as spaces and tabs are important, and the editor might
>> break that.
>> Therefore, I’d like to be able to tell reportbug to attach a specific
>> file. This would avoid such issues and also make the bug reports much
>> easier to read.
> I'm in a similar situation. I want to attach larger amounts of data to a
> bug report. Doing that in the mail body makes the bug report almost
> unreadable. So I would very much welcome also if reportbug offered the
> ability to add information to bug reports as attachments via a
> bug-script.
I wrote a patch which adds support for this (see attachment).

Sandro, you seem to be the current reportbug maintainer. Is there any
chance we can get a relatively quick upload of a new version of
reportbug (6.4.5) with this patch applied? Is there anything I can do to
help? We’d really like to change our bugscript to use this mechanism
ASAP — the reports are really inconvenient to handle because of the mail
body length, but at the same time, the information itself is really

Best regards,
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Name: 0001-implement-support-for-attachments-in-bugscripts.patch
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URL: <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/reportbug-maint/attachments/20131208/d6c42b2b/attachment.patch>

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