[Reportbug-maint] [Pkg-mailman-hackers] Bug#732934: mailman: On upgrade from Squeeze to Wheezy install fails because /var/lock/mailman does not exist.

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Fri Dec 27 13:43:09 UTC 2013

On Fri, 27 Dec 2013, Sandro Tosi wrote:

> left in the report, it's the first time I heard the "Dear Maintainer"
> line creates any confusion. That was added as a greeting to the
> maintainer.

Yes, I see it now too, but the first few times I saw that
template it confused the hell out of me too. (Now I just
use “mode advanced”.)

I suggest to remove that greeting… IMHO, all it adds is
just noise.

[16:04:33] bkix: "veni vidi violini"
[16:04:45] bkix: "ich kam, sah und vergeigte"...

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