[Reportbug-maint] Bug#779200: reportbug: did not show #777125, proably due to encoding issues

Sandro Tosi morph at debian.org
Thu Mar 26 10:44:58 UTC 2015

control: tags -1 + moreinfo unreproducible

Hello Hermann,

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 12:02 PM, Hermann Lauer
<Hermann.Lauer at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
> while trying to report a systemd related bug on sysvinit-utils, when
> selecting #777125 for viewing the screen empties and nothing is shown.

does `$ reportbug -N 777125` work for you or you see the same problem?
this is just a shortcut instead of checking all the bugs for
'sysvinit-utils' (which is the package against 777125 has been
reported) and find that bug in the list (and FTR even doing that, it
works here).

Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi

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