[Reportbug-maint] Bug#863513: Bug#863513: reportbug: No GUI; only '--ui=text'

Diego A. Casas Toro dacasas at uninorte.edu.co
Sun May 28 02:09:14 UTC 2017

On Saturday, May 27, 2017 7:33:56 PM -05 you wrote:
> On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 5:00 PM, Diego A. Casas Toro
> <dacasas at uninorte.edu.co> wrote:
> > I tried to start reportbug for the first time in KDE Plasma 5, but it did
> > not start.
> did you install the additional dependencies as specified by the
> documentation?
> ```
> How to Use New GTK+ User Interface
> ==================================
> If you tried to set the new GTK+ UI (named in reportbug as gtk2 ui)
> and it fails to start (falling back to text mode, hopefully), chances
> are that you are missing some of the packages listed as Suggests, in
> particular:
> - python3-gi
> - python3-gi-cairo
> - gir1.2-gtk-3.0
> - gir1.2-vte-2.91
> - python3-gtkspellcheck
> If after installing both of them still GTK+ UI doesn't show up, please
> file a report (in text ui :) ).
> ```
> from /usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.Users.gz

I did not install the suggests of reportbug. After 2 years using GTK-based 
desktop environments (GNOME, Mate, Xfce), I thought the GTK UI was the 
“default” UI; I never had to install “additional dependencies” in those DEs.

I just installed python3-gi-cairo, gir1.2-vte-2.91 and python3-gtkspellcheck, 
and it works. Now the default UI is GTK.

So the bug is actually different: why does the reportbug package create a menu 
entry for the gtk2 UI if it's not the default UI?

This is the command of the '.desktop' file:

reportbug --exit-prompt --ui gtk2

It means the gtk2 UI is supposed to be the default, and it doesn't make sense 
to create a menu entry for program that doesn’t start how it is supposed to.

To conclude, GTK UI should be default for people using a DE in order to be 
user-friendly (maybe include it in the task-* packages). Or if the gtk2 UI is 
not supposed to be the default, the menu entry should not be created during 

Diego A. Casas Toro
Est. de ingeniería civil
C. e.: dacasas at uninorte.edu.co

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