[Reproducible-commits] [discount] branch pu/reproducible_builds created (now ef83c34)

Jérémy Bobbio lunar at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Sep 23 20:56:11 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lunar pushed a change to branch pu/reproducible_builds
in repository discount.

        at  ef83c34   Document 2.1.7-1.0reproducible1

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  57c981d   Imported Upstream version 2.0.4
       new  1ab1674   Initial Debianization
       new  7177723   decomment Vcs-* tags
       new  9b39964   fix manpages errors patch
       new  1e93484   change section to 'text'
       new  800fa35   use same binary version of libmarkdown2 for discount
       new  2f731d3   rename libmarkdown-dev to libmarkdown2-dev
       new  06e41f9   Merge commit 'upstream/2.0.5'
       new  06fa855   Imported Upstream version 2.0.5
       new  4476df2   update changelog
       new  faa4de3   Imported Upstream version 2.0.6
       new  1ffd0c3   Merge commit 'upstream/2.0.6'
       new  d44e0ab   new upstream release
       new  d75327d   update symbols file for libmarkdown2
       new  2811e78   set Forwarded field for fix-manpages-errors patch
       new  087e181   release to unstable
       new  dcf2a3b   Imported Upstream version 2.0.8
       new  ae53f80   Merge commit 'upstream/2.0.8'
       new  f033800   drop fix-manpages-errors patch (merged upstream)
       new  afdf6a2   update symbols file for libmarkdown2
       new  1b28dff   add fix-spelling-error patch
       new  da13c6d   update debian/changelog
       new  37ae792   set fix-spelling-error as forwarded
       new  258a7b6   enable all stable optional features
       new  284eaab   finalize changelog
       new  cf87eb6   Imported Upstream version 2.0.9
       new  0b532f2   Merge commit 'upstream/2.0.9'
       new  fc02551   bump changelog
       new  264c076   Drop fix-spelling-error patch (merged upstream)
       new  1b64b4d   Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes needed)
       new  79c93eb   finalize debian/changelog
       new  53750f4   Imported Upstream version 2.1.0
       new  6aa40a2   Merge commit 'upstream/2.1.0'
       new  6b82483   prepare new upload
       new  e7bf9a8   Trim leading './' from files path
       new  8a74d0c   Add file pgm_options.c to copyright
       new  3467797   finalize changelog
       new  38e6fbd   Imported Upstream version
       new  9c0c897   Merge commit 'upstream/'
       new  4dccfee   New upstream release
       new  03fb443   Update *.symbols file
       new  b3cd513   Add mktags and blocktags to debian/clean
       new  1c67681   Explicitly list manpages to install
       new  6462726   Finalize changelog
       new  8d8efc1   Imported Upstream version 2.1.2
       new  e0da307   Merge commit 'upstream/2.1.2'
       new  fd213cc   New upstream release
       new  d090064   Bump debhlper compat level to 8
       new  e6fb176   Add librarian.sh to debian/clean
       new  59c140c   Manually enable additional features: id anchor, github tags, fenced code
       new  92df88d   Do not build custom memory allocation functions (for debug only)
       new  5a40e04   Finalize changelog
       new  a73caa3   Install correct header file mkdio.h in -dev package
       new  0657ff5   Finalize changelog
       new  1df5b72   Use GitHub URL in debian/watch
       new  1e6ceef   Merge commit 'upstream/2.1.3'
       new  24edcbb   Imported Upstream version 2.1.3
       new  21ea5e4   New upstream release
       new  e6b59dc   Finalize changelog
       new  a7e30ff   Update debian/copyright format as in Debian Policy 3.9.3
       new  6a5bd44   Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3
       new  b366891   Bump debhelper compat level to 9
       new  a8ce9fc   Update changelog
       new  d74d02d   Bump debhelper versioned build depends too
       new  8887d07   Honour the CPPFLAGS variable too during build
       new  0fcfe28   Re-update changelog
       new  c40df39   Email change: Alessandro Ghedini -> ghedo at debian.org
       new  99795e2   Update changelog
       new  3fbdd14   Add Multi-Arch headers
       new  72c9b1f   Fix debhelper versioned build-depends
       new  b3077d9   Make *.install files executable to generate multi-arch path
       new  e35192a   Add libmarkdown2-dbg package
       new  ed3f7a6   Update changelog
       new  6a499c7   Do not use GitHub URL in debian/watch
       new  67a19e1   More multi-arch headers
       new  70aa405   The -dbg package is only for libmarkdown2
       new  7a14868   Add 01_honour-build-flags.patch
       new  2818511   Finalize changelog
       new  5fee88d   Install mkdio.h in a Multi-Arch path
       new  332b105   Finalize changelog
       new  a891dc0   Imported Upstream version 2.1.5
       new  c5788f6   Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.5'
       new  4976e01   New upstream release
       new  4313d1a   Refresh 01_honour-build-flags.patch
       new  7a73dec   Update symbols file
       new  f783993   Finalize changelog
       new  288eee8   Imported Upstream version 2.1.5a
       new  64d994f   Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.5a'
       new  6312a17   New upstream release
       new  df21854   Refresh 01_honour-build-flags.patch
       new  8a6b264   Finalize changelog
       new  5474a43   Lower-case first letter in short description
       new  d7475fe   Update changelog
       new  10e345e   Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (no changes needed)
       new  85dd7d4   Update changelog
       new  38cf3a4   Minor improvements to the short and long descriptions
       new  1e52b9d   Imported Upstream version 2.1.6
       new  2f95bc1   Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.6'
       new  b0ac3dc   New upstream release
       new  b8abe44   Change upstream license from BSD 4-clause to BSD 3-clause
       new  ab0b2cc   Fix discount long description
       new  d6ec82e   Finalize changelog
       new  92bfad0   Remove newline for d/watch
       new  903f34c   Enable both Discount and Extra definition lists
       new  74e0bad   Finalize changelog
       new  cc94c16   Fix license name in d/copyright
       new  0974d21   Fix copyright for toc.c
       new  d8e1b89   Fix lintian vcs-field-not-canonical
       new  190cba9   Update changelog
       new  4068908   Shorten Vcs-Browser URL
       new  e75e371   Use GitHub URL in watch file for now
       new  03d27c8   Imported Upstream version 2.1.7
       new  0b87b3e   Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.7'
       new  c61ce21   New upstream release
       new  a3d9dbb   Update changelog
       new  2815116   Refresh patch
       new  4fe581b   Fix license text in d/copyright
       new  01b7196   Finalize changelog
       new  3a43467   Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes needed)
       new  d6b2f6b   Add a patch to provide a stable output for email addresses
       new  ef83c34   Document 2.1.7-1.0reproducible1

The 121 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/discount.git

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